Butterfly forbearance shook his head, "I always feel that you are leaving me."

Xia Feng looked at Butterfly Ninja curiously.

Isn't he here well? How could he leave the butterfly and look at him with a smile, "Actually, your appearance really seems to be to kill Kiwu Tsuji no miserable, now that your mission has been completed, you should also leave this place."

Xia Feng hugged Butterfly Forbearance, "What did you say, why do I feel that I only appeared to be your man"

Butterfly Ninja's expression was very happy, "It's fine no matter what, as long as you are here...the best."

Xia Feng nodded and hugged Butterfly Ninja even tighter.

[Please prepare the host for the shuttle, and enter the next world in three days, the world coordinates are unknown...] Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, and he never thought that such a situation would happen now, and was really told by Butterfly Endure. He is going to leave this world.

But he didn't want to leave at all.

Now all the ghosts have been eliminated, this is a peaceful and prosperous world, he can enjoy the most beautiful things in this world.

Including love!! Family!! "Can I take someone with me"

Xiafeng inquiry system.

[Please rest assured, host, you can return to this world when you go to another world, as long as the system's channel is still there: you can travel freely in any world.

】 After Xia Feng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At least not as he thought, he really wants to leave.

Chapter [-] The New World

[Because the world where the host is located is under the estimation of the system, the next fifty years will be a peaceful and prosperous age, so the quality cannot be improved in strength here, and the system can allow the host to enter the next world. Of course, if the host needs You can also go back to the world you are currently in.

】 Xia Feng finally understood after hearing the system's explanation, he can have fun in this world, but he can no longer improve his strength.

But for him, he felt that this world was pretty good.

Peaceful days are better.

[Don't the host want to enter the next world to enjoy the beauty of other worlds] Xia Feng shook his head at this, "I'm really not interested."

[Then the host doesn't want to go to other worlds to see what beautiful girls in other worlds look like? Xia Feng just sneered at this, thinking that she wanted to impress herself with beauty, which was simply too naive.

Three days later... Xia Feng took a deep breath after tidying up his mood.

"System, you can start to enter the next world."

[The system prompts that the host can choose to bring five 55 skills into the next world, please choose the host.

】 Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, this is really unexpected, there is such a restriction, but it is right, after all, in different worlds, you have to submit tickets to enter.

But he has so much ability, it always needs to be thoughtful.

"Higher physique enhancement, breath of thunder, flying thunder god, multiple shadow clones, shadow sneak."

Although Xia Feng wanted to bring all his abilities, but the system did not allow it, there was no other way.

[The system randomly extracts maps... The extraction is successful... The next world is:,!! Please prepare the host, the transfer begins!!] Xia Feng only felt a light flashing in front of his eyes, His vision was completely obstructed, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

But he heard the voice of a girl.

The voice was very weak, as if the coward wanted to run away at any time.

After the sound stopped, the light in front of him disappeared.

And what came into view was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

The girl has long purple hair with a red hairband tied into a bow.

What makes Xia Feng most profound is the tenderness and timidity in this girl's eyes, but there is also a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

"Are you mine"

The girl's eyes widened and she took a step back, as if she was afraid of the summer wind.

Xia Feng looked at the magic circle on the ground and knew what was going on now.

He has become a heroic spirit himself.

The world that I traveled to, and I became a heroic spirit! "How can I get an identity?"

Xia Feng covered his forehead, but forget it, for the sake of the gentleness of the girl in front of him.

Xia Feng looked around and found that this was a very warm little room with only desks, stools and beds.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, smelling the pleasant faint fragrance, Xia Feng grinned, "But it seems to be the Holy Grail battle inside, it seems that the goal is... just grab the Holy Grail."

Xia Feng's eyes fell on the girl, "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet."

The girl leaned against the door and heard Xia Feng's words covering her chest with a very thin voice, "My name is Matou Sakura, and I'm a magician."

Xia Feng nodded, "I probably know, you are the legendary horse monkey soju."

According to the situation of this world, since he has become a Heroic Spirit, he will fight against other Heroic Spirits, kill them, and finally obtain the Holy Grail.

But the most important thing is not to find other Heroic Spirits, but to see if I can return to my original world.

He swaps systems.

A panel appeared in front of him.

This frightened him, because it didn't exist before, and everything in the system automatically came to mind, but now there is a very high-tech panel.

"I really underestimate you, system."

Xia Feng smiled and looked at the contents of the page.

In fact, there is only his own information on the panel and an outward arrow on the far left. Pull the arrow out and you can see two lines of words.

【Ghost Slayer】[,] "Do you want to go back to Ghost Slayer and press the name above?"

[Yes, the host only needs to click the name on the panel to return to the world you selected, and when you leave the current world, the time of the current world will be paused.

】 Xia Feng is very happy to hear it, isn't this equivalent to idealism? When I can see it, this world exists, and when my consciousness disappears, this world does not exist.

"Are you mine"

Matou Sakura asked again, seeming to muster up a lot of courage.

Xia Feng squinted his eyes and smiled, "Yes, I am yours, you can call me Xia Feng."

"Xia Feng is such a strange name, but it doesn't matter, since I summoned the heroic spirit, it means that I am also one, and I can also fight for the Holy Grail."

Matou Sakura clenched her fists very happily.

"It's not easy for you to want the Holy Grail, just wait until I find all the Heroic Spirits and deal with them."

Xia Feng waved his hands indifferently.

"You really look like a heroic spirit when you brag."

At this moment, a man appeared by the window of the room. He was holding a red spear in his hand, the hair of the broom head was white, and he was wearing a red robe, but the armor on his chest was black.

He stepped on the window with his two feet, and had an arrogant smile on his face.

"It seems that you are also a heroic spirit."

Xia Feng frowned, he didn't expect that he would meet his first enemy as soon as he entered this world.

"And it's still here to kill your heroic spirit, let's die!"

Red showed murderous intent.

Although I don't know what Xia Feng's ability is, the opponent seems to have no weapons, and his strength seems to be the same, so if he can kill Xia Feng, he will definitely not lose.

Xia Feng suddenly stretched out his hand, "Wait a minute."

Boom!! The spear is swept out!! Of course Hong won't stop, you must know that what he has to do now is to kill the heroic spirit in front of him, not listen to Xia Feng's nonsense.

If it wasn't for Xia Feng ducking his head to avoid the sweeping blow at the last minute, this shot would have almost severely injured him, or even killed him.

Chapter [-] Didn't even take out the weapon

Xia Feng took a deep breath.

A flash of thunder! Although he didn't have a sun blade, he was moving quickly and took a carving knife on the desk in his hand.

Attack on Hong! Hong's reaction ability is very good, when Xia Feng shot, he also stabbed his spear.

When the spear is pierced, it rotates, this is to increase the penetration power! It's just... ding! Xia Feng's carving knife stabbed the red spear from the side, changing the spear very easily direction of attack.

The long spear pierced the desk on the side, piercing the entire desk, and the force of the rotation even smashed the entire desk into pieces.

Xia Feng grabbed Hong's wrist with one hand, gathered strength under his feet, and volleyed at Hong's stomach.

Boom!! Red hit the wall and cracked the wall.

At this time, Hong stopped and covered his stomach.

The kick just now seemed to make him very uncomfortable.

"I already told you to wait a minute. You haven't finished speaking to me. It's really not polite at all."

Xia Feng gave him a red look.

Then he turned to look at Matou Sakura, who had been hiding in the corner, "Why did you become?"

Matou Sakura was stunned, she didn't know, she just felt that she should do this.

"Well, it seems that I know, then, if I help you defeat this heroic spirit, then you can tell me what you are afraid of?"

Xia Feng looked at Matou Sakura seriously.

Matou Sakura was stunned, she looked at Xia Feng, wondering why Xia Feng wanted to know these things.

At this time, Xia Feng smiled slightly, "If you promise me, I will do it now."

Hong got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, pointed her spear at Xia Feng, "You bastard, a trash heroic spirit without even a weapon, even threatened to defeat me, but since you can become a heroic spirit, it is one of the world's King, say your real name!"

Xia Feng sneered, "Don't fool around here, if I really tell my real name, don't you know what my abilities are?"

Hong grinned arrogantly, "Since this is the case, then you don't need to say it, go to hell!"

Spear: Like a dragon, the power of the spear's rotation is greater this time, and the speed of the straight stab is also faster, almost in the blink of an eye, it has already arrived in front of Xia Feng.

It's just that Xia Feng was indifferent, holding the knife in his hand, still waiting for Matou Sakura's answer.

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