Ghost Extermination: God-level Auxiliary System Author: Fish Market Opens at [-]:[-]

Xia Feng traveled to the world of the Blade of Ghost Slayer and became a member of the "Butterfly House"

From then on, Xia Feng took the god-level auxiliary system and started one legend after another——

The fastest man to be promoted from an ordinary player to a pillar;

The man who made the death rate of "Butterfly House" zero;

As long as you make a move, a man who never fails...

But behind the various legends, Xia Feng's thoughts are very simple.

Work hard, make good money, and support the girls in "Butterfly House"...

Chapter [-] God-level Auxiliary System

In the fog, Xia Feng opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on a bed with a bandage on his arm.

Beside, some people in white gowns are busy.

He turned his head and looked towards the door.

There, there were a few people in black with strange hoods.

Behind these people, the word "hidden" is written.

Xia Feng wanted to raise his hand, but was surprised to find that his arm was shortened!

Not only his arms, he found that his entire body had shrunk.

Before him, he was clearly a young man in his twenties.

Now, it looks like a ten-year-old kid!

He groaned in his heart.

Could it be... is it transcended?

Just when he was surprised, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

[Detecting that the host is awake, the god-level auxiliary system is automatically activated! 】

[The novice gift package is automatically issued. The gift package contains two silver card lottery draws. Do you accept it? 】

Hearing this voice, Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help being surprised.

"take over!"

Before crossing, Xia Feng had read novels and played a lot of games, so he was no stranger to the golden finger!

While receiving the gift package, he quickly asked in his heart, "What kind of world is this?"

[Answer to the host, the current world is the world of "Blade of Ghost Slayer"! 】

Xia Feng let out a sigh of relief.

Devil's Blade!

He has seen this animation.

The power of the "ghost" is naturally clear to him!

One is open, everywhere is open, there was some unfamiliar environment just now, and he knew where it was.

If nothing else, this should be the "Butterfly House", the logistics department of the Ghost Killing Team!

After clarifying the situation, Xia Feng took a deep breath.

In this world with a very high mortality rate, fortunately, I have a system, and I will not be slaughtered by others!

While thinking about it, he quickly drew the novice reward.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on obtaining the silver ability "Advanced Physique Enhancement!"]

[Advanced physique enhancement: Greatly increases physical strength, stamina, strength, toxin and element resistance. 】

With the sound of the prompt, Xia Feng felt a strange tingling sensation all over his body, which made him almost unbearable!

Think about it, the numbness comes and goes quickly, and it disappears in a few seconds.

And Xia Feng, found that his body was almost as if it had been washed and cut into bones, and it was extremely strong!

Resisting his excitement, he drew a second silver card.

[The lottery draw...the lottery draw is successful!Congratulations on getting the silver skill "Healing"! 】

[Healing Technique: Consume a certain amount of stamina to quickly heal the injury of yourself or others. 】

Seeing this skill, Xia Feng's eyes lit up.

He reached out and wiped the injured spot on his arm.

With a flash of white light, the wound has completely healed!

Although with the strengthening of the physique just now, most of the wounds have healed, but it is enough to show how powerful this healing technique is!

Xia Feng nodded in satisfaction and sat up.

A "hidden" in black, saw Xia Feng sitting up, and was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that the child should have suffered a serious arm injury, so why did he sit up by himself?

However, before he could come, there was a loud noise outside the door.

"Get out of the way!"

"Prepare the bed! Prepare for the first aid!"

"Severely wounded!"

Everyone in the room looked towards the door.

While everyone was watching, two Hidden people rushed in with panicked faces carrying a stretcher.

On the stretcher lay a young man.

The black uniform and the half-broken knife in his hand all indicate his identity——

A member of the Ghost Slayer!

On his abdomen, there were three long and deep wounds.

The whole stretcher was covered with his blood!

A girl in a team uniform with a pair of ponytails walked over quickly. After seeing the injury, she couldn't help frowning.

"Quick, go to Lord Shinobi, only she can save this kind of injury!"

Hearing this, the therapist next to him hurriedly said: "It's too late! Lord Butterfly has gone to treat the injured 'pillar', not here!"

The face of the girl with two ponytails suddenly became difficult to look at.

How to do?

With such a serious injury, if you don't treat it quickly, you will surely die!

Her name is Kanzaki Aoi, and she is a healer of "Butterfly House", directly belonging to "Insect Pillar" Butterfly Ninja!

Kanzaki Aoi understands that at this time, something must be done!

But...she opened her mouth several times, but couldn't say anything.

Just when she felt her hands go cold, a figure walked in front of her and went straight to the stretcher.

"Put the person down and let me see." Xia Feng walked to the stretcher and said.

The voice is not high, but it makes people feel convinced!

This way of speaking was specially trained by the company before, but I didn't expect it to be used in such a place...

Hearing this, "Yin" who was carrying the stretcher glanced at each other, hesitant.

They don't know Xia Feng and don't know what to do.

"Come on, don't waste time." Xia Feng urged.

Seeing that Kanzaki Aoi did not object, the two put down the stretcher.

Xia Feng stretched out his hand, ignoring the blood, and placed it on the wound.

Following the feedback from the wound, he nodded slightly.

as far as he can treat!

Under the gazes of Kanzaki Aoi and other "hidden", a white light appeared in Xia Feng's hand!

With this light, the wounds of the ghost killer team members began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Seeing this scene, Kanzaki Aoi's chin almost fell to the ground!

All the "hidden" and the treatment staff couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This situation, in their view, only one word can describe it.

That's a miracle!

In this world, unless you become a ghost, there is no way to recover your injuries at such a terrifying speed!

Even Butterfly Ninja can only use special toxins to stimulate vitality, and then cooperate with some means of hemostasis to help this team member get through the gate of hell.

But... the young man in front of him actually healed the wound directly!

As the wound gradually healed, Xia Feng withdrew his hand.

He didn't heal all the wounds, because it was unnecessary, as long as people didn't die, they could definitely be cured by means of "Butterfly House".

The cost of the treatment is not small, and if it wasn't for the physique improvement he had just drawn, he wouldn't be able to save the person.

Looking at the dazed people around him, he was a little speechless.

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