Back then, not long after Zhu Shi became a ghost, he was heartbroken in the face of the fact that he had mutilated his family, and he couldn’t wait to use suicide to apologize.

It’s a pity that no matter how much she tries, she can’t die, only when she comes into contact with sunlight…

will produce pain from the soul!

However, it was also at that moment that Zhu Shiwan suddenly woke up: instead of beating himself up, it is better to use this immortal body to fight with Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu to death and me to live.

However, it turned out that Miss Zhu Shi thought too simply.

With her weak strength, in the face of Wu Miserable, she didn’t even have a chance to struggle, she could only watch her own broken and disappearing…

It even turned into a pool of scorching blood.


Coincidentally, the group of the ghost killing team who happened to arrive in time forced Ghost Mai Tsuji to a corner, and beat Wu Wu to a near-death state.

And Miss Zhu Shi also saved a life.

Although in the end, Wu Miserable still escaped a catastrophe, but Miss Zhu Shi remembered the god-like swordsman, Ji Guoyuanichi.

That is known as the strongest swordsman, there is no one.

“What’s wrong?”

Sensing that Miss Zhu Shi was a little distracted, Beidou asked coldly.

Hearing that indifferent voice, she came to her senses, and her face was filled with embarrassment: “Sorry, Lord Hokuto, I just thought of something.” ”

Beidou bowed his head slightly, what he didn’t know was…

Zhu Shi was already in his heart and identified Beidou as the end of the inmiserable person.

Thinking of this, Miss Zhu Shi’s eyes lit up with curiosity, she wondered where Beidou’s confidence came from, or did she already have a careful plan?

Unfortunately, before she could say these questions, she was mercilessly interrupted by Beidou.

“How long will it take to develop that medicine?”


After some thought, Miss Zhu Shi nodded.

“Three months.”

Unexpectedly, the moment he heard this sentence, Beidou frowned slightly.

At this moment, the air suddenly became quiet.

Zhu Shi quickly changed his tone: “Of course, if you can collect more ghost blood, I believe that the time will be shortened, but the soonest will be…”

For Miss Zhu Shi’s flustered expression, Beidou shook his head.

“Too slow.”

Immediately afterwards, he was speechless and dead.

“What if I could give you blood?”

“It should be faster.”

In an instant, the room immediately became quiet, and even a thumping heartbeat could be heard.

Miss Zhu Shi looked at Beidou in amazement, as if she had heard a fantasy: “You, you mean…”

“I can’t wait that long.”

Speaking of this, Beidou had already stood up and looked at the starry sky outside the window.

He had a hunch that since the incident on Hachijo Island, the island country might not be at peace for long.

Especially that ethereal legend is also hiding something.

Together with Oni Mai Tsuji no misery, he thinks that he is a perfect creature…

are most likely clowns in the eyes of others.

Therefore, Beidou must speed up and cut off and eradicate the enemies who stand in his way one by one.

Only in this way can the fog that hangs over the truth be lifted.

Meet the ultimate enemy!

After listening to Beidou’s explanation, Miss Zhu Shi fell into a long silence.

In other words, someone else said this, her first reaction was to question, but from the mouth of Beidou…

But without any discomfort, and exaggerated ingredients.

As if this was the case, as it should be.

“I see, Hokuto-sama.”

“Please also believe in me, I will not fail in my mission.”

Saying that, Miss Zhu Shi bowed down solemnly, as if facing Beidou as a courtier.

In front of this man, her strong disguise for many years collapsed in an instant.

Only the gesture of admiration remains.


Beidou nodded: “In that case, then you two also pack up and leave here with me.” ”

Hearing this, Yu Shilang was stunned and didn’t understand why.

Instead, Miss Zhu Shi nodded her head and said gently, “Yes, my lord.” ”

She believes that Beidou will have a better place to go for herself.

Soon, they sorted out their packages and luggage, mostly medicinal herbs and utensils for research.

Walking to the door of the house, Zhu Shi looked at the familiar house and sighed a lot.

“Yu Shilang, remember to remove the enchantment to avoid being discovered.”

“Yes, Susei-sama.”

The so-called enchantment is a technique taught to Yushiro by Miss Sushi to use charms to achieve the effect of blinding eyes, so as to conceal the existence of the house.

It’s a pity that the enchantment he created is not perfect.

Just as Yushiro turned around, a pair of eyes stared directly at him, and then lurked in the darkness.

At the same time, whispering: “Will it be them?” Why…”

“And a man?”

It was Zero Yuzi who discovered their whereabouts.

Her personality has always been timid and cowardly, and when she encounters this kind of thing, she will not choose to be reckless like Kama Bird.

but secretly tracking the target, if it can’t be solved …

Just go for foreign help.

Of course, Zero Yuzi did not dare to look for Wu Miserable, but had a better choice.

“If it was that adult, he would be interested in her, right?”

“Hehe, you can only be considered unlucky.”

Zero Yuzi smiled timidly, and immediately disappeared into the shadows again, as if looking for someone.

Miss Zhu Shi, who had just left the house, couldn’t help but frown slightly.

“What’s wrong, Lord Susei?”

“It’s okay.”

In the face of Yushiro’s inquiry, Zhu Shi shook her head, she did have a feeling of confusion.

On the other hand, Beidou, who was walking in front, slightly hooked the corners of his mouth at an angle they couldn’t see, obviously finding some clues.

At the same time, his fingertips clasped the hilt of Zhurong’s sword.

Chasing soldiers?

Still is…… Ghost blood sent to the door?

“Ding, new check-in task released!”

“Please go to Sensoji Temple within three days to check in, and you will be rewarded by the system!”

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Beidou’s eyes lit up.

Sure enough, has it already been targeted?

Then let Zhurong…

Burn your filth.

At the same time, as Beidou and his group temporarily left the house, a figure was rapidly approaching here.

It was a young red-haired man, covered in snow-white cloth with a sin seal, and an excited sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his deep black eyes, there was a killing frenzy!

“Arrived, arrived… Right ahead! ”

“I can already smell you, mighty swordsman!”

The red-haired man said as he sped up, oblivious to the scenery beside him.

In the blink of an eye, he had already stepped into the area of Tokyo Prefecture.

The direction of progress is Sensoji Temple in the center.

“I hope this time, you can make me happy.”

A big war is coming.

PS: Today the second more, try to codeword!

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