Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 159: I have no name to abandon evil and follow good, reform and study hard

after all.

They believed in reality.

That's right, the great grandmaster Liuyu Patriarch was beaten by Lin Fan, and pitifully locked up with them.

He actually had something to say to him.

We have Senior Sword Demon guarding us, waiting for the leader to come out to discuss. Do you always have someone to guard it?

Think about it and say nothing.

The night falls, and the moonlight is beautiful.

The Sword Demon stood at the entrance of the dungeon, looked at the full moon in the night sky, shook his head and sighed.

When he learned that the ancestor of the six desires was captured by Lin Fan, his mood was very complicated. It was not that he and the ancestor of the six desires had some unspeakable secrets, but a very strange feeling.

He knew that Lin Fan was an ambassador to the country, and he was the court's trump card to deal with the rivers and lakes. He had long since returned to the mountains and forests, and he never asked about the affairs of the court and the rivers and lakes.

Along with the Six Desires Patriarch was arrested.

He felt that things were getting complicated.

in the dungeon.

Ancestor Liuyu glared at him and looked at the sword demon very carefully, and then did not dare to believe.

"You are a sword demon."

He didn't expect to meet the Sword Demon here. This is something he couldn't imagine. The Sword Demon debuted a while earlier than him. When the two sides were young, they were in the same era.

At that time, the ancestor of the six desires did not have any prestige in the rivers and lakes, but the sword demon had already made a great name, and the people in the rivers and lakes were called the little sword god. For the sword demon.

In terms of cultivation, the Six Desires Patriarch knew that he was no match.

Although they are all great masters.

But he knew that the gap between the two sides was so big that the sword demon could kill him with a single sword.

"it's me."

Sword Demon shook his head.

The ancestor of Liuyu said: "You haven't been in the mountains, why did you appear here? Could it be that you have become a member of the court?"

He was shocked, if the sword demon became the sharp sword in the hands of the imperial court, then the situation would be really terrible.


Sword Demon is arrogant, but he doesn't want to say the reason. It's normal for you and Lin Fan to lose a fight and end up miserably, and he loses a fight because he's only in the inspectorate for a year.

Without further ado, he turned and left.

Ancestor Liu Yu's face was sluggish, "What does he mean? What does he want to explain here?"

It was difficult for him to understand that the Sword Demon came to visit him, but he turned away without saying anything, and it was difficult to understand the meaning.

The devil and the others were silent.

I thought to myself, I don't know when I'm going to be locked up.


inside the house.

Wuming comprehends the sword marks on the stone, and the dried blood is branded by the bedside. There is nothing wrong. In order to understand the artistic conception of the sword marks on the stone, he has several times of mental shock, even if he is vomited by the shock, he will always persevere in observation. write.

As long as he doesn't die, he will work hard.

"It's too difficult. The essence of such sword marks remains that I can't penetrate right now."

Wuming knew his own situation, but even so, he didn't give up, even if he couldn't understand the essence of it, but being able to be impacted by the essence of sword marks in his inner kendo would be of great help to him.

He knew that if he wanted to make progress in kendo, he could only rely on the sword demon. After the guidance of his predecessors, he knew that he could not learn the kendo of the predecessors, but to walk out of his own kendo.

But how difficult it is to get out of your own swordsmanship, you can only continue to learn from the experience of your predecessors, integrate and become a self-contained body.

He has already felt his own strength, and he is already confident to attack the Grandmaster Realm.

When you enter the master realm, you will be able to comprehend the unity of heaven and man.

But he has not yet found the path of kendo that he wants to take.

Even if you step into the master, it is useless.

After all, I haven't found a suitable sword way, how to comprehend the unity of heaven and man.

Think of Senior Sword Demon.

Nameless sighed.

It gave him the feeling that Senior Sword Demon, who didn't like seeing him very much, was just as difficult as Lin Fan.

Follow Lin Fan for this period of time.

He didn't get any advice from Lin Fan, but the sword in his hand was poured into the strongest sword intent by Lin Fan several times, blooming brilliantly.

And he is still a swordsman.

No way, he can only hug the Sword Demon's thigh and follow him. If he can get guidance, it will be of great help to him.

long down.

He was about to forget that he was the gold medal killer of the dark grid.

call out!

Just as he was thinking.

A letter came from the crack of the door and nailed it to the table without any mistake.

Anonymous looked indifferent.

Opening the envelope and looking at the contents of the letter, his expression changed slightly.

Helpless sigh.

Burn the envelope.

early morning.

Its daybreak.

Zhao Duoduo and Xiao Wu have become neighbors. They wake up early every day to practice. Their diligence makes people feel terrible. If they practice alone, they can only last for a while at most.

But having Xiao Wu to accompany him can't be said to be companionship, it's more like supervision.

Even if he wanted to rest a lot, seeing Xiao Wu's efforts at such a young age, where would he put his face as an adult.


Hearing a loud bang, Zhao Duoduo slapped his palm in the air, directly smashing the wooden stake into pieces.

"Brother Zhao, I succeeded, and I finally cultivated to the first level of Tianji's hands."

Xiao Wu shouted excitedly, his expression of passion was hard to hide, he finally saw hope, and with his own efforts, he finally succeeded in cultivation.

"Xiao Wu, you are really amazing."

Zhao Duoduo has a hard time. He practiced with Xiao Wu, but he didn't expect Xiao Wu to practice faster than him. The characteristic of Tian Jishou's first level is that he can transmit the thunder power in his body through the air, carrying his own energy. Dao, producing a terrifying explosive force.

Xiao Wu has already done it.

Duoduo has not yet reached this state, and can only smash the stake by hitting the object with his fist.

This is the gap between the two.

Under the same realm, Tianjishou practiced at different levels.

Xiao Wu can confidently tell Duoduo, Brother Zhao, I will let you run five meters first, and then I can shoot you with one palm.

It means what it means.

Very straightforward and clear.

clap clap clap!

Lin Fan clapped his hands and walked over, "Xiao Wu, that's really good, it seems that all the hard work during this time has not been in vain."

"Brother Lin." Xiao Wu said happily.

Zhao Duoduo said, "Brother, I'm almost there."

Lin Fan said: "Xiao Wu's cultivation talent is much better than yours. Besides, he has been cultivating the unimproved Tian Ji Shou for a while. The foundation is very good. It is normal for him to break through to the first level faster than you."

In his opinion.

Keep going at this rate.

In ten years, Xiao Wu will definitely be able to make a name for himself on the innate list. As for how many places he can rank, it depends on how hard Xiao Wu himself can work.

"Brother, I just wanted to tell you something. This morning, I heard Miss Liang say that when she delivered breakfast to Wuming, there was no one in the room, and it was very clean, as if she was leaving. I went to find it. I searched, but I didn't find it."

Zhao Duoduo said.

Lin Fan was very surprised.

not there?

Since the arrival of the sword demon, he has basically followed the sword demon. Even if he is not there, he is still holding the stone in the house to study the sword marks on it.

Say leave now?

Killing him can't believe it.

He asked Duoduo and Xiaowu to practice well, walked towards the place where Wuming lived, looked at the closed door, pushed it open, and went in, as Duoduo said, there was no one, and the house was very clean.

"Where did you go?"


He still couldn't believe Wuming would leave.

Seeing the slate placed beside the bed, he then smiled, he knew Wuming would never leave, and if he wanted to leave, it was impossible not to take the stone with him.

Only one situation can be illustrated.

Even if he leaves, he will come back.

As he said.

At this time, Wuming put on his mask again and came to a place where there was no one. There was a manor here. The manor in the barren hills felt very strange. Who would live in such a place where birds don't shit?


Several people showed up here.

"Where have you been during this time? I couldn't find you after inquiring, or the organization found your trace."

The person who spoke was a strong man with a fierce face. When he looked at Wuming, a faint smile appeared on his face. It seemed that he was smiling, but it gave people the feeling that it was better not to smile.

Holding the sword in Wuming's arms and wearing a mask, no one can see his expression.

Facing each other's greetings.

He ignored it.

Always keep cool.

This is in stark contrast to the inspectorate, where it looks like the kind of dog-skin plaster staring at Lin Fan and the Sword Demon.

The strong man glanced at him, saw that he ignored it, and did not make fun of himself.

All present were high-end killers in the dark pavilion.

In the past, no matter what the task was, it was basically completed by one person alone. It is really rare to gather several gold-medal killers like today.

cough cough.

A figure in a black robe slowly appeared.

"It's all here." The man in black robe said softly, then looked at everyone, and finally his eyes stayed on Wuming, and took a few more glances.

"The organization has recently received a big deal and needs to assassinate a person."

The voice of the man in black robe just fell.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Who do you want to kill? Let us have so many gold medal killers to complete the task together?"

"It seems to be a ruthless character, but it's okay, I like difficult tasks the most."

"Haha, although I don't know who it is yet, my blood has begun to boil."

These gold medal killers are all looking forward to who they are going to kill.

Only Anonymous has no interest in it at all.

Still very calm.

Heipao said: "Your target is the local Zhou family in Daliang City. You must not keep the Zhou family's chickens and dogs. According to the news, the Zhou family has three innate peak guards, so it shouldn't be a problem for you."

"Remember, it's chickens and dogs that don't stay."


Everyone nodded, all received.

The black-robed man came to Wuming and said softly, "You come with me."

Everyone is very puzzled, and at the same time, they are very curious, why do you want to speak alone, is there some little secret?

far away.

Heipao said: "If you leave the dark pavilion without saying a word, you will not be held accountable. You must give me a good point for this task. As long as you can complete the task, where do you want to go incognito in the future? If you practice martial arts, the dark pavilion will not bother you, nor will it disturb you."


"Understood." Wuming said softly.

Heipao said: "It's good to understand, I hope you can go well."


a few days later.

Daliang City.

Zhou's house, brightly lit.

The guards are patrolling, and as a local family, they take security very seriously.

call out!

call out!

A few cracking sounds came.

A number of dark pavilion gold-medal killers acted, and quietly took care of all the guards in Zhou Jiaming's house, and the means were decisive and without delay.


Before long, a violent roar resounded.

The three innate powerhouses of the Zhou family discovered the Dark Pavilion Gold Medal Killer and had a fierce confrontation.

"Presumptuous, who dares to come to Zhou's house to make trouble."

The Zhou family's innate master roared angrily, the nine-section whip in his hand turned into an afterimage, forming a sealed killing offensive, blocking all the attacks of the Dark Pavilion killers.


The dark pavilion killers, with cold expressions on their faces, shouted sharply, and shot directly at the three innate masters of the Zhou family.

They are all masters who are proficient in assassination, and their tricks are to attack the opponent's key points, and the means are ruthless and insidious. As long as they can kill the opponent, they can use all kinds of unimaginable means.

If it is the nameless in the past, it will definitely not be soft on these people.

But it's been a long time since I stayed in the Procuratorate.

He was a little difficult to start.

The three innate masters of the Zhou family gradually fell to the disadvantage under the siege of the Dark Pavilion Gold Medal Killer.

Put it anywhere, it belongs to the real strong.

However, the assassins sent by the dark pavilion are all elites, not only in their cultivation, but also in their methods.

One of the Zhou family's innate masters was fighting well with Ange. Suddenly, he could have imagined that Ange's gold-medal killer would throw a child at him.

He knew that if he was recruited, the opponent would definitely seize the opportunity, but this child was a descendant of the Zhou family, so how could he be killed by one move.

Because of this, the offensive was broken.

to seize the opportunity.

Once the opportunity is seized, it will be a matter of time to lose.


Zhou Yi hurriedly came to his eldest brother, Zhou Zun, the head of the Zhou family, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Brother, it's not good, there is..."

As soon as he pushed open the door and entered, he saw a mysterious person appearing in the house.

The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, unable to say anything.

"Second brother, you leave first, I am here." Zhou Zun said.

Zhou Yi looked at the mysterious man wearing a mask. The sword in the other's arms gave him a very dangerous feeling, but he still rushed in and protected his elder brother. He did not expect that the Zhou family would encounter Such a thing.

The other party came prepared. The three innate powerhouses of the family had already been entangled, and the opponents were numerous. The ordinary guards were not opponents at all. According to the current situation, they should not be able to support them for long.

"Brother, you go first, I'll stop here, it must be the elder brother who reported the first assistant Huang Yuan's private storage of equipment. He suspected of rebelling. When he found out, he specially found someone to destroy our Zhou family." Zhou Yi thought about it. , and only think of this possibility, their Zhou family has always been friendly and never bullied others.

In the hearts of the local people, the image is very positive and deeply loved by the people.

Wuming looked at the situation in front of him.

He is not a fool.

Report a court official, and the other party will offer a bounty, and let the dark pavilion take action.

If it was before, he wouldn't care about these things. As a gold medal killer in the dark pavilion, as long as he executes the tasks handed over perfectly, he doesn't need to worry about other things at all.

But now... he started to reflect on himself.

During my stay at the Procuratorate, I sometimes went to the dungeon to watch Duan Rou interrogate the criminals in the arena, but I also understood a little bit of the law.

More importantly, he knew that Lin Fan hated evil.

If he really did these things.

As long as Lin Fan knew about it, he absolutely couldn't stay in the inspectorate as before, and even Lin Fan would definitely suppress him by himself.

"You can't do wrong."

Anonymous thought.

Always warn yourself.

He now understands what's going on.

Wuming always thought that he was not a good person, but during the time he was in the Yancheng Inspectorate, he always believed that he was not a bad person, and he had seen what the Inspectorate had done, especially when he saw that the people loved the Yancheng Inspectorate. He was deeply moved by the performance.

He didn't say much, didn't do anything, just turned around and left.

Zhou Yi and Zhou Zun looked at the masked man in shock.

Did not understand each other's behavior.

What exactly does this mean?


The three innate masters were gradually unable to support them. They already had scars on their bodies. As they kept twisting their bodies, blood slowly flowed down their bodies, staining the ground red.

The fights between the powerhouses are often very intense, and the infuriating energy runs to the extreme, which also causes the wounds to gradually worsen with the vigorous exercise.


A sword light flickered, directly joining the battle.

The digital assassins of the Dark Pavilion can't help but be overjoyed when they see the person coming. With his help, they will definitely be able to solve the three masters of the Zhou family in front of them in a very short period of time.

just soon.

A shocking scene happened.




The sword in Wuming's hand is sharper than ever.

"You..." A gold-medal killer in the dark pavilion, the former strong man, covered his neck and looked at Wuming with horror on his face, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't expect... that he would be able to suppress the other party soon, who would have thought that his own people would actually attack him.

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

Without any hesitation, Wuming turned around and swung his sword, and the sword light roared out, directly splitting another dark pavilion gold medalist into two pieces.

The means are very overbearing.

"what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy."

The remaining Dark Pavilion Gold Medal Killers roared angrily, but what greeted them was Wuming's sword move that had already made progress.

The sword light flickered, and the sword light shot into the sky.

He came up with the technique of assassination, and he was deadly. At the same time, he was very clear about their methods, and he already had a way to deal with them.

After a while.

Wuming turned around handsomely, the tip of the sword was facing down, and a drop of blood slowly dripped down the body of the sword.

Tick ​​tock!

After the only drop of blood dripped, the sword was sheathed.

The bodies of the gold-medal killers in the dark pavilion lay obediently on the ground at this time, not moving.


The three innate powerhouses of the Zhou family stared in astonishment.

Confused by the situation in front of him.

If it wasn't for the pain of the wound that kept them awake.

I'm afraid I really think it's a dream.

At the same time, they are very happy.

Although they didn't fight, the opponent's sword move gave them a terrible feeling. If he joined forces with this group of people, with the opponent's swordsmanship, he would definitely not be able to stop them.

Unconsciously, even Wuming himself did not feel that his kendo attainments were stronger again.

This is like being tall and tall, if you don't pay attention, you can't notice it.



Zhou Zun clenched his fists gratefully and said, "Thank you for your help, but I don't know why you want to help our Zhou family?"

He already knew the situation.

Those strong men were all beheaded by the masked man in front of him.

It looks like it's a group.

I didn't expect this kind of result. What was the reason for him to suddenly rebel?

I want to know, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Wuming said: "Someone spent a lot of money to buy the lives of your Zhou family in the dark pavilion. Even if you escape today, it won't help you. My advice to you is to go to Yancheng to find Lin Fan, the national inspector. That is your hope."

"The inspector of the country..." Zhou Zun was silent, thinking of Lin Fan, who is now a very prestigious inspector of the country, and even the people of Daliang City knew of his existence, and he spoke highly of him.

"Don't hesitate, things here will be known to the dark pavilion before dawn. If you want to go, go quickly, it will be too late." What can Wuming do?

He felt that it was a good feeling to be in the Inspectorate.

If he really participated in the operation of the dark pavilion and destroyed the Zhou family, he would not be able to stay in the inspectorate.

Therefore, Wuming thought about it, we should abandon evil and follow good.

There is nothing wrong with him choosing justice now.

"That's all for now, farewell."

Wuming turned around and left, walking unrestrainedly and with full demeanor.


"Big brother, look..." Zhou Yi depends on his elder brother's attitude. The Zhou family has been rooted in Daliang City for a long time, and they leave as soon as they say it, which has a great influence.

"Go, hurry overnight, don't bring anything, go to Yancheng first."

Zhou Zun chose to believe the opinion of Anonymous.

He knew the seriousness of the matter.

These killers are definitely invited by the first assistant.

The three innate powerhouses of the Zhou family are strong and strong, but in front of a steady stream of killers, they are definitely not enough to see, and leaving is the only option.

The national patrol envoy Lin Fan is trustworthy.

Wuming didn't leave, he kept observing secretly, and saw the Zhou family pack up and start to leave.

"Not stupid."

at this time.

He knows what the fate of betraying the Dark Pavilion will be, and it will definitely lead to endless pursuit.

The Dark Pavilion can tolerate mission failures.

But there is absolutely no tolerance for betrayal.

But thinking that he has been staying in the Yancheng Inspectorate in the future, he couldn't help laughing.

Who are you afraid of?

Afraid that the dark pavilion will come to find trouble for you?

Thinking of Lin Fan's strength, thinking of the people imprisoned in the dungeon, and thinking of the sword demon sitting in the inspection office.

never mind.

If the dark pavilion really dared to make trouble, he had to think about what happened to the dark pavilion.

Do not know why.

Wuming felt that his choice was really the right one.

He is willing to become the gold medal killer of the dark pavilion. What he wants to do is the ruthless swordsmanship, the ruthless kind, but... After various situations, he feels that he is not suitable for this routine.

early morning.

The Zhou family is also smart. They did not leave in a mighty manner, but disguised themselves as ordinary merchants and left, so that it would not easily attract the attention of others.

Wuming followed all the way to ensure the safety of the Zhou family.

As a gold-medal assassin in the dark pavilion, he is familiar with the various assassination methods of the dark pavilion.

After the night passed, the dark pavilion must have known the situation.

Maybe he wasn't sure it was his betrayal.

But it shouldn't take long to find out.

at this time.

Wuming saw an old woman walking in the official road ahead with a burden on her back.

She looks like an ordinary woman.

Wuming squinted his eyes, drew his sword, and with a swipe, the blade rested on the woman's shoulder, grabbed her shoulder, left the official road, and broke into the forest.

He knew that this was a spy sent by the Dark Pavilion.

The woman was shocked. She didn't expect to be discovered, but when she saw the nameless man wearing a she couldn't bear it any longer:

"You betrayed the Dark Pavilion."

Wuming didn't speak, he snorted and wiped the old woman's neck.

Although he can be sure that the old woman is the spy sent by the dark pavilion.

But no one is perfect, and there is no decision in the world.

What if he was wrong?

But when the old woman said 'Dark Pavilion' directly, she didn't need to say more, she was directly sure.

Wuming buried the body well. There are many spies in the dark pavilion, and they have unimaginable means. They can hide for a while, at least not to be discovered so early.

But just as he was about to leave.

There was a tinkling sound.

Anonymous was shocked.

When I turned around and looked, I saw a man walking with a long spear. The end of the spear was tied with a bell, which made a jingling sound as it swayed.

The man walked slowly with a gun, his pace was slow, but it felt very dangerous to Wuming.

He knew each other.

He is also a gold-medal killer in the dark pavilion. He is invincible in spear skills and has his own style. He can be called a master of spear skills. Even if he steps into the master realm, there is still a way to go. After all, he has already found his own way.

"I didn't expect you to betray the dark pavilion."

The man with the gun said slowly, his tone was surprised, but there was not much fluctuation, and he seemed very calm. For him, if he met a traitor, he would kill him.

Wuming was solemn, with a clanging sound, the long sword was unsheathed, the sword light flashed, and a sword light slashed towards the opponent.


The man with the gun brandished the spear, sprinted with the tip of the spear, and broke the sword light, and then flicked his wrist, the spear light appeared, blocking all the way of Wuming, as if hundreds of long spears were attacking him.

This is an opponent who can put a lot of pressure on Wuming.

Master tricks.

Recruit fatal.

Wuming knew that there was no way out.

You can only do it by killing the opponent.

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