Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 141: piss off……

Duan Rou, who had sneaked away, decisively found Lin Fan who was in the archives, flipping through the dossier.

She told the truth about the situation over there.

Absolutely tell the truth.

No oil or vinegar added.

Duan Rou is definitely not such a person.

On the way to the hall.

Duan Rou is just like a primary school student who likes to make small reports, she whispers, and seems to be afraid of being discovered.

"Sir, those guys from the General Court are so arrogant."

"Oh, how arrogant?"

"It's the kind of arrogance."

Duan Rou doesn't have a good impression of the inspector of the General Hospital.

She came out of a small place.

In the past, my biggest wish was to be able to use my own efforts to become an inspector of the General Court and handle some big cases.

but now……

After she met each other.

Very disappointed.

The headquarter inspector looks like this. It's really disappointing. She doesn't want to go to the general hospital, she just wants to stay by Mr. Lin and study honestly.

Before entering the hall, he heard an unfamiliar arrogant sound coming from inside.

It was exactly what Duan Rou said.

Those inspectors from the headquarters are a bit arrogant.

Stepping into the hall, at a glance, he saw Yang Kun whose face was flushed with suffocation.

"Brother Yang, haven't you sent these guys away yet?"

Lin Fan directly ignored the group of inspectors and regarded them as air people.

The six inspectors heard this.

His face was ugly.

This was for them to hear, but he still looked at Lin Fan carefully, but he didn't have three heads or six arms.

Do you have that kind of cultivation at a young age?

This made them doubt the truth of the matter.

But these are all released by Tianji Pavilion, and the authenticity is still there.

Jiang Haitian held back his anger and said, "In Xiajiang Haitian, the head office's heaven-level inspector."


Lin Fan's answer was very perfunctory.

As long as the eyes are not blind, anyone can see it.

"Brother Yang, you said that there are people from the capital city. You want me to come out and see if there is anything to see. It's been so long and it hasn't been sent away yet. Our inspectorate doesn't have much free food to entertain people." Lin Fan said.

Yang Kun said yin and yang strangely: "No way, they said they came from the general hospital, and they have a high status. We dare not offend."


Lin Fan cooperated with Brother Yang's performance.

Even if he has never seen or contacted these guys, but from Duan Rou's all-round small report, he has determined that he doesn't need to give me a good face when treating these guys.

"Lin Fan, is your Yancheng Inspectorate just like this to entertain the Heaven-level Inspector from the General Institute?"

Jiang Haitian was really angry.

The other party is a kind of provocation to them.

"Lin Fan?" Lin Fan frowned, holding a teacup, and squinting, "I can call my lord's name directly, it's nothing big or small."


It made Jiang Haitian's face blue and white, as ugly as he could be.

Duan Rou clenched her fist.

Relieve your anger.

Mr. Lin is amazing, um... Mr. Yang Kun Yang has to learn from Mr. Lin.

The other five heaven-level inspectors had equally ugly expressions. They wanted to scold Lin Fan, but when they thought about the identity of the other party and Brother Jiang didn't speak up, it was naturally not their turn.

Lin Fan waved, "Okay, I don't have anything to talk about with you guys. Let's talk quickly, what do you want to do here?"

The tone was rather impatient.

Jiang Haitian took a deep breath and kept brainwashing himself. Hold on, you must hold on. I'm here to do things, not to quarrel. Just do things well.


Damn thing.


Really **** off.

After gradually calming the anger in her heart.

"Envoy Lin Xun, we have been ordered to bring King Ning back to the capital."

He just wanted to bring King Ning back.

"By whose orders?" Lin Fan was very curious.

Jiang Haitian raised his hand, clasped his fist in the direction of the capital, and said proudly, "The life of the general hospital."

"The General Hospital?" Lin Fan was startled, then looked at Yang Kun, pointed at the group of idiots, and said, "These guys in the General Hospital can take care of my affairs."

Yang Kun said: "Your Excellency is a national inspector appointed by the sage, and I have never heard of the ability to mobilize the inspection institutes in the world. The general institute has the right to instruct the inspectors to do things."

Lin Fan looked at Jiang Haitian and asked, "Is that so?"

Although Jiang Haitian was very reluctant to admit it, he still nodded.


Falling with this sound.

Lin Fan said angrily, "Yes, you guys still dare to come to Lao Tzu to ask for someone, have you lost your mind?"

Catching these guys is a rage.

Jiang Haitian couldn't bear it any longer, "Lin Fan, don't think that you are an ambassador to the country, so you can be so presumptuous, the general hospital is not you..."


Lin Fan raised his fist to his eye socket, which was Bang Bang's two fists.

Directly blast the opponent's eyes into panda eyes.


Everyone was stunned.

Especially the five inspectors who followed him were even more dumbfounded. They really didn't expect that Lin Fan would suddenly act. All of this happened so quickly and decisively that they were so shocked that they didn't even know what to say.

"Dare to be arrogant in front of me, and don't ask clearly before you come. Is this a place where you can be arrogant?"

"Lin Fan, you dare to hit me."

"Hit you? If you don't get out, I'll chop off your head."

Lin Fan waved his fist, not even letting go of the other five inspectors.

Counting punches in their eye sockets.

"Ah this..."

Zhou Cheng opened his mouth, acting a little dull, how could he have imagined that Lin Fan would really do something.

But...well done.

When Lin Fan didn't come, these guys were really arrogant, and he really did something to these guys, but unfortunately, these were just his thoughts.

To put these into action.

He really has no such courage.


On the street outside the inspection house, a strange old man led a horse and walked slowly on the street, "I didn't expect his prestige in Yan City to be so high, and it's not long since he came to Yan City, he can achieve this level, really. terrific."

He talked to the people in Yancheng and asked about Lin Fan, the envoy to the country. When the local people mentioned Lin Fan, their faces were full of joy, and they were about to boast.

The old man's ears were about to grow calluses. He never thought that he could be loved so much. The evaluation he received was too high.

Standing at the gate of the inspectorate.

Looking up at the plaque.

The familiar 'inspectorate', an unfamiliar place.

The old man lifted his foot and was about to walk inside, but at this moment, with a bang, a black shadow flew out from the door, and it was about to hit the old man. .

"Oh, if you don't have a good way, why did you fly out?" The old man shook his head, the young people today are really in a hurry.

Seeing this heavenly inspector with a blue nose and a swollen face, the old man shook his head.

"Look, I fell with a blue nose and a swollen face."

The first heaven-level inspector to be thrown out was very angry, and wanted to know who it was, but when he looked up and saw the old man, his face was extremely miserable, and his expression changed.

Immediately afterwards, another wailing sound came.

Another heaven-level inspector was thrown out.

the third.

Fourth place.

fifth place.

up to the sixth place.

He was not thrown out, but ran out with his head in his arms, scolding angrily while running, but was very scared.

"Get out of here, get out of here for me."

Lin Fan chased after him, using both hands and feet. Jiang Haihai turned his back to him and ran towards the gate. Lin Fan rushed up and kicked him **** the buttocks.

"piss off."

The strength of this foot is not small, and Jiang Haitian is seen rolling forward, his face is facing the ground, and his mouth is full of dust.

Jiang Haibin was humiliated in this way, and the only thought in his mind was to fight with Lin Fan desperately, with both hands on the ground, trying to get up, as if he had touched something soft.

Touch the shape, it looks like a shoe.

He slowly raised his head and looked at a pair of cloudy but divine eyes. Seeing the old man's face, he groaned in his heart.

"Eunuch Lu."

"Mr. Jiang, the ground is cold, let's get up quickly." The old man smiled, his smile was very gentle, he didn't take the matter in front of him to heart, as if he knew all about it, he wasn't surprised at all about what happened.

Jiang Haitian got up and wiped the ashes off his face. Thinking of what had just happened, his face was ugly. Thinking of Eunuch Lu's arrival, it must be the sage who was about to take action, so he hurriedly spoke...

But he was interrupted by Eunuch Lu before he could speak.

"Master Jiang, it's time for you to go back." Eunuch Lu said.

"I haven't said it yet."

"I know what you're going to say. It's really unnecessary. Go back and treat what happened here as never happened."

Eunuch Lu always maintained a gentle tone. He was an old **** by the emperor's side, and his status was not comparable to that of ordinary people. For example, the red man in front of the royal family, etc., those things all have a shelf life.

Jiang Haitian, who was an inspector, knew one thing. There was once a concubine who was very favored by the sage. The concubine, relying on the favor of the sage, did not take anyone seriously, and even dared to scold Eunuch Lu, but Eunuch Lu. I have never been angry, and I have always faced it with a smile. Later, when the sage found out that his favorite concubine scolded Eunuch Lu, there was no more.

I heard that the ground was slippery at night, so I fell directly into the pool and drowned.

Who would believe this method of death, the concubine who was favored by the sage, went out in a pompous manner, and everyone followed, wherever she wanted to die, she could die.

Anyway, it must have something to do with Eunuch Lu.

If someone asked him to leave, he would definitely scold him. Lao Tzu is a heaven-level inspector. Now that he is beaten like this, if you let me leave, I will be ashamed.

But now... it was Eunuch Lu who spoke.

Even if you are not willing, you can only swallow it yourself.

Jiang Haibin reluctantly left with a group of accomplices who had the same bruises and Who would have thought that such an outcome would be the case before coming here, for them, it was a form of humiliation.

At this moment.

Lin Fan found that the old man standing at the door could see at a glance that the other party was extraordinary, and the kind of temperament that the other party exuded was not something ordinary people could have.

He smiled, but he didn't expect to arrest King Ning and attract so many strange people.

"Eunuch Lu."

Yang Kun's expression changed when he saw the old man, he hurried forward, clasped his fists and said, "Inspector Yang Kun has seen Eunuch Lu, I don't know why Eunuch came to Yancheng."

The old man smiled and said, "I know why I ask."

Yang Kun didn't dare to make trouble, so he pulled Lin Fan to introduce him to who the father-in-law was. He was afraid that Lin Fan wouldn't know who the other party was and would beat the father-in-law with a fist.

"Eunuch Lu." Lin Fan clasped his fists.

"Lin Xunguo." When Lu Yan saw Lin Fan for the first time, he was careful.

When he was as old as Lin Fan, he was still serving the empress in the palace.

"Master Lin, let's chat inside."

In order to wipe the sage's ass, Lu Yan was very helpless. There was no way. Who told the sage to brag that he never made a draft. When it really happened, he had no choice but to leave it to him.

If it is something else, face other people.

He is confident and sure.

But now... he's not sure either.

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