Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 516 Star Thieves Robbery Incident

Although Tang Ranran was a homebody, Tang Xuan had abundant information channels.

No, as soon as the robbery happened, a lot of people sent messages to Tang Xuan, detailing the robbery.

Among them, Chen Xueyan's version is the most detailed.

All information about Chen Xueyian comes from Chen Yongfeng. The 10% commission on the transaction volume is not free, and the risk must be very high. Since Tang Xuan arrived at Su Jinggong, Chen Yongfeng has not dared to relax for a moment on the issue of planet security. He has been strictly guarding it at all times, fearing that illegal elements would sneak into the planet.

In addition to passive defense, it is also very important to update information in real time and understand the current situation.

No, as soon as something happened, Chen Yongfeng mobilized his network and found out everything about the situation.

The fleet of Buyer No. 5 went to the fifth planet in the eleventh galaxy to its satellite. Something happened in this area of ​​the starry sky.

The fleet of the illegal star pirates hid on a large meteorite and launched a sneak attack when the fleet passed by.

The two sides exchanged fire in the starry sky.

During the exchange of fire, the Space System among the Star Thieves, with the combat power of a group of superpowers, quietly touched the main starship of Buyer No. 5, and the superpowers from both sides fought on the main starship.

In the end, after paying a heavy price of death, the Star Thieves 'successfully' grabbed the live plant raw material for the marrow cleaning potion and then withdrew.

During their escape, the Star Thieves were killed by several starships from the eleventh galaxy's starry sky bandit fleet.

Anyway, the Star Thieves suffered heavy casualties. As for the result... it was fake!

It has to be said that Buyer No. 5 is also smart. He managed to fake it and look like the real thing. Su Ping Ruixing's official website generously posted photos of the live strains of the raw material for the marrow cleaning medicine. Anyone who knows how to surf the Internet knows what it looks like.

Long before coming to pick up the goods, buyer No. 5 had obtained fake goods just in case.

During the battle, the space system who grabbed the things didn't have time to look carefully. Since the appearance matched them, of course he quickly grabbed them and left.

So, take the fake as real.

The robbery process is almost like this. The accident is still under investigation. At present, it can only be confirmed that the perpetrators are the Mulin Star Thieves Group from the Freedom Alliance. A large star thief group that ranks roughly fourth among the star thief forces.

It is said that there are signs of involvement from the Federation.

The marrow-cleansing medicine has been available for more than a month, and it is almost certain that the marrow-washing medicine can alleviate mental decline and extend life expectancy for elderly people over 150 years old.

The news spread and spread, and it had already spread out of the empire.

Because of the different races, most of the alien Zerg races don't care too much about the marrow-cleansing potion. They only think that if humans have more of this potion, they will be stronger, which is not good for them.

For the Mosite Federation, which is also a human race, the marrow cleansing potion is a great thing, especially for those old people in the federation whose mental power is weakening.

I can't sit still, I can't sit still at all!

So, it's normal for a whole period of time.

Tang Ranran read the robbery news carefully, and then she felt happy in her heart. Fortunately, she was wise and ran to Su Jinggong in advance, otherwise this muyilin star thief might go to his hometown to rob .

Although there are troops stationed on their planet, once a war starts... a war will be accompanied by burning money!

After the robbery incident passed, Tang Ranran's life remained the same.

Tang Xuan was always in a soy sauce state of borrowing other people's territory. Tang Xi was busy growing vegetables for a while every day, and then it was Tang Ranran's daily life: making alchemy, playing with mechas, watching videos, cooking food, walking the dog...

It is worth mentioning that her number one spiritual pet, Hei Qiqi, has finally been promoted to D level in mental power, and the little black flame is burning even brighter.

Time flies, another week has passed, and buyer No. 6 came to pick up the goods.

After the successful delivery, this time, there were no surprises. The fully armed buyer fleet group No. 6 had a safe journey and returned to their destination without encountering anything.

Two days later, Chen Yongfeng, a busy man, contacted Tang Xuan. After making an appointment, Chen Yongfeng came in person to discuss things with Tang Xuan.

What to discuss?

Naturally, it's still a matter of marrow cleansing potion.

The imperial military suspects that the robbery by the Star Thief Group in Mu Yilin was attributable to the Federation, but there is no evidence. The Star Thieves took all the blame. This matter can only be attributed to the Star Thieves Group committing the crime. After all, it cannot be because of this. Starting a war with the Federation based on suspicion without evidence.

And now, regarding the issue of marrow-cleansing potions, the Mosset Federation has sent a delegation to visit, requesting to start friendly trade with the empire regarding marrow-cleansing potions.

To put it simply: the federation wants to buy live strains of raw materials for marrow washing medicine.

In order to achieve the purpose of the transaction, the federal mission even said, 'We are all human beings and we must help each other! 'The big banner has a sense of moral kidnapping.

Chen Yongfeng came here because of this, but his main purpose was not to discuss with Tang Ranran whether to sell live strains of marrow cleaning medicine, but to secretly test Tang Ranran's attitude.

To this day, Tang Xuan's information has been thoroughly checked.

Although everyone felt that Tang Ranran's wildly fabricated life experience was not very credible, Tang Xuan did appear out of thin air, and he was most likely a member of the Federation!

If Tang Xuan wants to return to the Federation... this is not possible, absolutely not!

How could they let the big wood element of their empire run away and return to the Federation!

Chen Yongfeng's main purpose was to try to figure out Tang Xuan's attitude. If Tang Xuan misses, misses, misses, misses the Mosite Federation...

That’s a bullshit deal!


Sweep the federal mission out of the house as soon as possible!

Tang Ranran really didn't react at first, but finally understood the meaning, and of course said firmly, 'The empire is my home, and its development depends on everyone! ’

Tang Xuan is a member of the empire in body, but a ghost of the empire in death!

The Federation or whatever has nothing to do with Tang Xuan, not even the slightest connection!

After understanding Tang Ranran's attitude, Chen Yongfeng left happily. As for whether he should trade live marrow-cleansing drugs?

Tang Ranran doesn't need to worry about this matter.

She estimated that considering that everyone is human, the final result should be sold to the Federation, but extortion at a high price is absolute.

After sending Chen Yongfeng away, Tang Ranran returned to the third floor of the big villa, where the chalcedony mushroom was planted. While there was no one around, Tang Ranran secretly removed one of the chalcedony mushrooms from the farm out of thin air.

Facing the protective cover, Tang Ranran counted with his fingers. There were already more than ten live plant samples in the entire empire.

The great wood people in the empire have also been working hard to grow the raw materials for the marrow cleaning potion recently, but top experts like Gu Siyao can grow it at a speed of more than ten days.

In the entire empire, the output of marrow-cleansing potions in one month is as high as one hundred.

This manufacturing speed can only be said to be very slow.

Tang Ranran couldn't help but think of the pile of marrow cleaning pills in her basement. She alone was comparable to a processing factory!

Of course, let her take it out? impossible!

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