Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 241 Having money is no problem, the problem is not having enough money

If you have money, no problem.

No, the septicemia virus infection caused by radiation lesions this time has been temporarily stabilized under the influence of banknote ability.

Wang Xingbang, the culprit who introduced these disasters, namely nutrient solution with excessive radiation, has long been arrested. According to his account, this batch of nutrient solution was distributed to 18 garbage dumps.

After circulation, people in 24 garbage dump areas are currently affected.

There are still 34 garbage dumps where people live on the ground floor. No abnormalities have been found for the time being. Due to limited manpower and materials, Kang Chen has not moved the 34 garbage dumps that have not been affected by the disaster.

The 24 garbage dumps affected by the disaster have relocated nearly 80 million people. Currently, these people are temporarily placed in wastelands outside the garbage dump areas. The waste parks in industrial parks near the garbage dumps are basically full.

The relocation work is proceeding slowly, and the refugees are being transported to various other industrial parks.

With the arrival of the medicine, treatment work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

At present, the cost of maintaining the treatment, food and clothing of these refugees, plus other expenses, the daily cost is about 2 billion.

The Charity Bureau currently has about 181.5 billion left in charity funds.

As the younger brother, Kang Chen consciously reported to Tang Ranran the disaster relief situation in detail, as well as several of his plans.

At present, the nature of Su Ping Ruixing's planet has changed from a public administration planet to a private jurisdiction planet.

In other words, as long as it does not violate the general purpose of "anti-imperialism and anti-humanity", Kang Chen can make full decisions on other matters.

Well, Kang Chen apparently made the decision, but in fact Tang Ranran was the one who could make the final decision.

Kang Chen made several plans.

Planet Hukou Plan.

Eugenics and nurturing programs.

Population resettlement plan.

Education for All Programme.

Many plans were very complicated, Tang Ranran took a rough look at them.

Roughly speaking, it is: first, register the household registration and provide the black households with a Suping Ruixing resident household registration. Due to the nature of the planet, this household registration is a planetary household registration and does not fall under the category of imperial citizens.

With a registered permanent residence, there is a certain degree of binding force.

Laws and regulations must be abided by. In addition to the "Imperial Constitution", Kangchen also established several "Su Ping Ruixing Planet Public Laws", the most important of which is eugenics and eugenics.

Men and women over 80 years old who have two children under their household registration must undergo contraceptive surgery.

Adult men and women must register a legal marriage if they want to give birth to the next generation. Every family must abide by family planning and has a tentative two-child policy.

Once illegal activities such as illegitimacy and extraneous birth are discovered, relief subsidies will be cancelled. If the circumstances are serious, the household registration will be canceled and sentenced.

Residents with household registration can enjoy the planet's minimum guarantee, which is three nutrient solutions a day, guaranteed to survive hunger, and have the right to prioritize job placement.

For people who originally lived in the garbage dump area, if you apply for a household registration and abide by the relevant regulations, you can receive three bottles of nutrient solution every day. You don't need to live in a hurry, have no tomorrow, and worry about starving to death all the time. This is simply What a great thing.

Therefore, the policy of registering a household registration is in full swing.

There were basically no problems with several of Kang Chen's policy plans. Tang Ranran usually replied "read" when reviewing memorials, which meant: pass, go ahead and do it!

What remains to be considered and discussed is how to accommodate the new residents.

Relying on three bottles of nutrient solution from Zhengfu every day is only a temporary measure during the transition period of the disaster, and it will definitely not work after a long time.

Jobs have to be arranged for new residents.

The garbage picking industry will not work until the septicemia virus disappears completely, that is, until all the bugs carrying the virus die.

It should be mentioned here that many scrap parks near these 24 garbage dumps are at risk of closing down.

This is also a headache.

Well, Kang Chen's headache has nothing to do with her.

Anyway, many jobs are needed.

If large outside companies cannot be brought in, they will have to set up their own factories to create jobs.

Kangchen's plan is real estate and ranching.

Most of the cities on the planet are in dilapidated condition. Now that you have money, you can naturally plan city construction. And building cities can drive a series of industries and create a large number of jobs.

As for ranching, it is a livelihood industry involving food.

Since shipping costs are too expensive, Kang Chen has always been thinking about self-sufficient self-produced nutrient solution.

With current planting methods, it is assumed that one acre of land can feed 10 people every year.

The population on the planet, including imperial households, is at most 400 million.

400 million divided by 10 times 1 mu of land equals 40 million acres of land.

Divided by 1,500, that is 270,000 square kilometers.

It would be good to have 50,000 square kilometers of low-radiation zones below 10 that can be planted on the planet.

Therefore, most areas need to be renovated first.

Kang Chen's favorite Anjin Plain was not taken into account because the environmental radiation value was too high. Kang Chen had already listed all the places that could be classified as planting areas and pastures.

In addition, he also selected several areas with environmental radiation values ​​below 20, relatively stable climate, and relatively good soil, suitable for planting.

The self-sufficient grain production plan takes the village as a unit and can directly carry out planting or grazing, and directly carry out large-scale grain production.

In areas with high environmental radiation, environmental transformation is carried out. First, mutant plants are planted to reduce the local environmental radiation. After the radiation is reduced to the corresponding value, some economic crops are planted. Finally, grain-producing crops are planted, or pasture is planted. Breeding.

No large machinery or anything else was introduced. In primitive farming, most of the work was done manually.

The construction of grain production projects on farms and pastures can provide many jobs.

However, there are too few ready-made plants, and the reduction of environmental radiation does not happen overnight. It will take two or three years, at least, before food production can be realized.

The initial investment is large.

The economic feasibility study report is being discussed and produced. Kangchen is preparing to proceed step by step, first building farms and pastures on those ready-made plots of land, as well as surrounding nutrient solution production industries, etc.

All I can say is that there is no problem that money cannot solve. If there is, it is because there is not enough money!

200 billion may seem like a lot, but it is actually not enough.

Su Ping Ruixing's foundation is too poor, there are many people and no resources. Even if compared with Lu Nan Yangxing, he will be left behind by a few blocks.

For the entire grain production project, a budget of at least 1 trillion is required to achieve self-sufficiency for 400 million people.

Hey, take your time, take your time.

After reading the report, Tang Ranran sent a message to Kang Chen, asking him to compile a copy of the relevant information and prices for the protective shield and give it to her.

Kang Chen was extremely busy these days, sleeping no more than four hours a day. After receiving a task from his boss, he passed it on to his secretary Wen Yang.

Wen Yang was very efficient. Ten minutes later, Tang Ranran received a detailed product quotation...

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