Ever since Tang Ranran left Bei Qixing, Liu Jingxing began to have "unrequited love" and thought about her every day, or more specifically, the vegetables she grew.

Liu Jingxing was stunned for a moment when he heard the special notification sound he had set for Zhi Nao, and then quickly refreshed his address book in disbelief.

a message!

From Tang Xuan! !

After confirming that Tang Xuan really appeared, Liu Jingxing immediately made a call.

Tang Ranran, who was still squatting on the steps, received the call.

"Comrade Tang Xuan, you finally showed up! Ha, I have recently found several owners who are interested in selling the pure glass crystals in their hands. I wonder if you would consider it?" Liu Jingjing smiled particularly enthusiastically, with his big fat face The meat is all squeezed together, which is particularly delicious.

"I've been looking for plants with high purification value in Liberty Star recently. There's no signal in the wild. I just entered the base today." Tang Ranran lowered her voice, made an excuse casually, and then declined politely, "I don't have enough goods on hand yet. Money It’s not enough. If possible, we need to wait for a while.”

"No problem, they are not in a hurry anyway, just contact me when you have the goods."

"Minister Liu, I'm looking for you today because I have something I need your help with."

"You tell me, I will definitely help you with whatever I can do." Liu Jingxing agreed without asking any questions.

"It's not convenient to talk here, I'll send you a message." Tang Ranran was very cautious.

Although there were almost no people near the city wall, in the silent night, even if the voice was lowered, the voices were still very clear.

"Okay, okay."

After ending the communication, Tang Ranran sent a message instead.

Tang Ranran told her about her discovery of watermelon and her application to the Pure Food Certification Center. She asked frankly, "Can you hurry up?" She was a little impatient.

Liu Jingxing agreed and said there was no problem. It was still working time, so he went to remind me and he would receive a reply within three hours at most.

Tang Ranran was relieved that Liu Jingxing was there to help him.

After sending a message back to the other three people, saying that there was currently no pure food for sale, Tang Ranran stood up, went to the hotel where he was, and opened a room again.

When he arrived at the room, Tang Ranran sat on the sofa and refreshed his mind. He sat and waited for more than two hours before receiving a reply from Liu Jingxing, indicating that the matter had been settled.

Tang Ranran quickly checked and sure enough, she had received a reply from the Beiqixing Pure Food Official Certification Center.

The first step of the application is approved, and the second step is to send samples.

For example, watermelon requires more than three units of complete fruit, plus one living plant.

To be cautious, most people personally escorted the pure plants to the certification center, but Tang Ranran felt that it was too far and it was not worth the trip just for a 2.8 watermelon.

Since there was no courier point at the mercenary union base, Tang Ranran chose to return to Su Fengmao Planet.

However, there are no checkpoints from the Administrative Star to the Free Star, but from the Free Star to the Administrative Star, strict entry inspection is required, not only to check whether they carry harmful alien species, but also to check whether the citizens carry alien diseases or It's a parasite and needs blood! !

Is this a bit difficult to handle?

How to do it?

As a cultivator, he should be able to muddle through!

Yes, get through it.

Just like that, early the next morning, Tang Ranran was talking nonsense in the group, "Last night I dreamed that I was eaten by the green monster. It was too scary, so I want to leave here!"

Regarding Tang Ranran's idea of ​​the day, Butler Lin and the three bodyguards only wanted a surprise, and they were so happy that they even set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Yes, get out of here!

A place like Liberty Star is too unsuitable for ordinary citizens like them.

We directly bought the airship tickets for the day, and the group waited in the hotel.

'Tang Xuan' downstairs also bought a spaceship ticket back to Su Fengmao Star.

About five hours before dawn, the spaceship was about to arrive. Tang Ranran and the five of them left the hotel. The trumpet Tang Xuan lagged a short distance behind and also left the hotel.

Her cultivation level was low, and her main body and trumpet were active at the same time. She was so tired that Tang Ranran would fall asleep and hang up from time to time.

Arriving at the entrance to the city wall, Tang Ranran found that many passengers had gathered here, gathering in twos and threes, but refusing to go out.

Tang Ranran took a look, oh, the spaceship hasn't arrived yet.

Since there was a distance of four to five hundred meters between the city gate and the spaceship parking area, Tang Ranran was ready to go over and wait.

After completing the procedures for leaving the base, the electronic pass was invalidated and the protection fee for the excess days was returned. After completing the procedures, the group left.

After leaving the city wall, Tang Ranran discovered that there were more than a dozen groups of people gathered along the road from the exit of the city wall to the parking lot, all of them were sturdy men.

Tang Ranran and his party hadn't walked more than a dozen steps when seven or eight big men surrounded them. The three bodyguards immediately took out their weapons. Although the three of them only had the weakest junior mercenary certificates, the mechanical gun could still be equipped with one. Yeah, so, three guns were shown.

Those who robbed people at the door were either mercenary gangsters or scumbags with poor fighting prowess, the kind of people who only have a fierce appearance but no strength value.

After all, capable mercenaries would not bother to do such a thing.

Seeing that they had guns, the seven or eight people who had gathered around immediately turned around and went elsewhere pretending to be nonchalant.

Tsk tsk, Liberty Star, there is indeed no order.

How dare you commit such a blatant robbery outside the base? Far away from the base and in the wilderness where there is no signal, there may be frequent scenes of murder and arson!

As a young monk who has not yet established her foundation, it would be better for her to stay on the administrative star.

With such a sigh, Tang Ranran encountered blackmail.

Since leaving the hotel, the trumpet puppet Tang Xuan lags behind some distance, keeping pace with Tang Ranran himself.

The group of big men who did not dare to attack Tang Ranran and his group turned around and stopped in front of Tang Xuan.

"Brother, money is tight lately, let me borrow some star coins to spend money!" The leading man showed a standard bully smile, stretched out his hand, and rubbed his fingers.

The act of asking for money is still the same even after tens of thousands of years.

Tang Ranran's face sank and she spat out one word, "Get out!"

Although she doesn't know the skill of mental intimidation yet, she can exert coercion!

The high-level monks are absolutely crushing the low-level monks in terms of momentum.

What's more, there are still a few ordinary people in front of them.

As soon as the coercion was unleashed, terror swept through everyone like a tide.

A high-level psychic! !

The big men who were robbing were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They dispersed like birds in an instant and fled in all directions.

Having learned from the past, the other robbery groups shrank in place with a wink.

Tang Ranran and his party, as well as Tang Xuan behind them, arrived at the parking lot smoothly. Within a few minutes, the spaceship arrived.

The spaceship stopped and boarded the spaceship directly.

Other passengers, who were either powerful or paid a favor fee, came one after another.

When the departure time arrived, regardless of whether there were any passengers who didn't come on board, the spacecraft started directly and left the Sudelin planet.

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