Get rich all over the world starting from growing vegetables

Chapter 135 Research found that her powers are average

Jumping repeatedly on the edge of death is talking about the current Tang Ranran.

Tang Ranran continued to use her powers to urge the pure plant seeds with a purification value of 8, to urge the seeds, to urge the seeds...

After successfully promoting the fruit, there is another mental test.

Test results: Mental strength stability is 91%, mental strength level S...


This time, directly select those with a purification value of 10 or above to start planting.

After one time, the mental stability dropped to 78%.

He continued planting, and after planting, although he did not enter a state of mental disorder, Tang Ranran could already feel the feeling of a string being tightened in his head.

Tested, mental stability is 62%.

There is a big red exclamation mark on the instrument's test result report, along with advice: Mental stability is too low and on the verge of disorder. It is strongly recommended to take a rest! !

Tang Ranran had a sudden idea, activated his skills, and used his spiritual power to treat himself.

Huh? Feeling much better!

Tested again and obtained the result: mental stability 73%.

Psychic healing actually works!

Tang Ranran tried again. This time it was not a spiritual treatment, but a simple movement of spiritual power throughout the body, nourishing the meridians and body with spiritual power, achieving an effect of eliminating fatigue.

Physically, I felt very relaxed, as if I had slept deeply for two or three hours, feeling refreshed and energetic.

But mental strength...

Test result: Mental stability is 74%.

It rose only 1%.

Tang Ranran came to a preliminary conclusion: pure spiritual nourishment cannot cure mental disorders, and must be treated with spiritual power! Healing skills needed!

After looking at the time, it was almost 7 pm local time. Tang Ranran paused the experiment and hung up first while the trumpet came online.

'Tang Xuan' kept his head propped up while sleeping and opened his eyes. Then he first checked Zhi Nao. Although he only had two friends, there was a lot of news.

Except for official announcements equivalent to system information, almost all of them were messages sent to her by Liu Jingxing.

A lot of news, after excluding the nonsense, there are only three pieces of information. One is the good news: the wormhole has been repaired, and a large number of rescue supplies will arrive at Beiqi Planet within 8 hours.

Second, the good news is that her mission rewards have been calculated and can be claimed.

Tang Ranran quickly logged into the mercenary union's mission network. The mission she took was already displayed as [Completed! 】state.

Receive mission rewards!

Immediately there was a large wave of generous mercenary contributions.

Tang Ranran's own calculations were that the mercenary contribution was equivalent to a value of 16 billion, and what he had obtained now was worth nearly 25 billion.

The value was nearly 9 billion more, taking into account the red bunch fruits she ate.

Liu Jingxing is a very kind guy!

In addition to the above two things, Liu Jingxing sent her a communication number.

Because Tang Ranran had turned on Do Not Disturb, strangers could not contact her, so she could only take the initiative to add others.

The person Liu Jingxing recommended was Liu Qinhua, the minister of the highest purchasing department of Beiqixing, who was a close brother in his family. What Liu Jingxing meant was that if she wanted to sell pure food in the future, she could contact Liu Qinhua. If you go through official procurement channels, although the price will be lower than the market price, you don’t have to pay taxes and the money you get will be about the same. It’s safe, guaranteed, and absolutely confidential, and you’re guaranteed not to default on payment!

After all, he was also a planet-level department minister and senior official. In his first life, he was the leader she could only see on TV. Tang Ranran simply added him.

Once added, within five seconds, the other party sent a message.

[Liu Qinhua: Comrade Tang Xuan, hello. Hello, I am Liu Qinhua from the purchasing department. Nice to meet you. This time our Beiqixing was able to get out of trouble, Comrade Tang Xuan was indispensable...]

A long voice, first of all praise, and then the key points. The key point is that if there are pure fruits and vegetables for sale, you must consider contacting him!

After listening to this long voice message, Tang Ranran looked at the chat box with a slightly dark look.

Hunting also recommended someone to her.

[Hunting: This is Lu Chuanping, the director-general of the highest munitions department of the expeditionary combat force. If possible, add him. 】

Tang Ranran deeply realized the popularity of the healing system.

[Tang Xuan: Okay, I will consider it. 】

After politely replying to Liu Qinhua, Tang Ranran also added Lu Chuanping from the Military Supplies Department.

Probably because of the time difference, Lu Chuanping did not contact him immediately.

The Expeditionary Combat Force, which is a front-line combat force belonging only to the Empire's Central Military Headquarters, should be a very busy person.

After adding people, I set up a Do Not Disturb message, and added another [Already asleep, contact me tomorrow if I need anything! ]'s automatic reply, Tang Ranran pretended to wash up, and then got into the small bed to sleep.

Turning all his energy back to the tuba, Tang Ranran continued to experiment.

Plant vegetables, plant vegetables vigorously.

After showing signs of mental disorder in the plants he planted, Tang Ranran chose to chew the fruit this time. It happened that he had planted so many plants with low purification value before, so he could test them one by one.

Those with a purification value below 5 have very little effect. It can be said that they have no effect. It could also be because she ate less and had to eat and drink to have an effect. Anyway, one unit would only increase her mental stability by 1% to 3%.

As for those with a purification value of 5 or above, the effect begins to be obvious.

With a purification value of 10, the effect is particularly significant.

The purification value of one unit is 10, which directly increases the mental stability from 72% to 88%. With two units, it is 100% stable again.

Tang Ranran repeated various experiments.

From afternoon to early morning, I finally figured out some ways.

First of all, her power can only catalyze pure plants with a purification value of less than 30. As for those with a purification value above 30, she cannot catalyze them, not at all.

It can't be said that it can't be planted. It can only be said that the consuming ability with a purification value of 30 or more is too large. If one or two 'blue bars' go down, it means that the root system has grown a little longer.

As for her mental stability, if the purification value is below 5, there will only be a little effect on the recovery of mental stability in a short period of time. The effect is not ideal. Tang Ranran estimates that unless the number reaches a certain level, otherwise It's hard to get back to full status.

When the purification value is above 5, the effect is okay, but when the purification value is above 10, the effect is particularly obvious. It takes almost two units to restore it from about 65% to full state.

Of course, the above are all for those who are still in a state of 'mental stability', and the results will be seen in a short time. After entering a state of mental disorder, those with a purification value below 5 will have almost no effect on her, those with a purification value above 5 will be barely effective, and those with a purification value above 10 will have their effect weakened.

It's like getting a debuff, the recovery effect has been reduced by 20%!

After recording the relevant data and having a rough understanding, Tang Ranran stopped the experiment and started to clean up the house.

Facing several yellow and waxy melons, Tang Ranran wanted to eat them.

By the way, will steaming it with water affect its purification value?

It's not written in the information, so it should be the same, right? Otherwise, there would not be such a suggestion as [It is recommended to use after steaming].

Uh, test?

Test it, just test it!

A Beiqixing yellow waxy melon, cut in half!

Steam the big one in the pot, test the small one first.

Then a test, the result: purification value 3.0!

Tang Ranran: 3.0? ? !

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