Xiongba Tianshen was completely dumbfounded, and he was puzzled. Two hundred gold coins were resurrected on the spot again. This time, after he was resurrected, he immediately rushed into the crowd in the seventy-ninth district. If Nima singled out, it means that his brain is sick.

"Give me the world-defying world!"

The people in the seventy-ninth district launched an attack again.

"Death to District 79!"

Overlord Xiang Yu shouted loudly and called everyone up to entangle the people in the 79th district, but he couldn't give the 79th district a chance to encircle Yang Chen.

Xiongba Tianshen quickly pulled back and did not dare to confront Yang Chen again. His attack power was higher than his, and his release speed was also higher than his. Yang Chen began to slaughter the Quartet, and soon the players in the 79th and 80th districts learned that the two sides were fighting fiercely on the island, and countless players joined the battlefield.

On the south side of the entire island, people from District 80 and District 79 are fighting fiercely. The total number of people on both sides has reached 200,000. The battle line is very long. The people of my Bawang family and Xiongba family are also scattered, and they did not continue to fight together. Ten people are seen. Morale was high on both sides.

Half an hour has passed, and Yang Chen's kill value has risen by more than 3,000. The battle got a little out of control. Those with gold coins on both sides were directly resurrected on the spot, and those without gold coins came out of the Resurrection Spring and joined the battlefield again. Both sides were red-eyed.

The battle line spread to the entrance of the teleportation array in the 81st district. Many people from the 81st district came to level up, and just after teleportation, they were all affected by the damage.

"Wori! What do the people in the 79th and 80th districts want to do? They want to fight at their own door. Why are they blocking our door? It won't let us level up."

An hour and a half later, the battle was finally coming to an end. There were only three chances to revive in a week. Many people had already used it twice, and the last time was naturally unusable, so they hurried back to their own region.

Xiongba Tianshen didn't dare to continue fighting, and most of their Xiongba family had only one last chance to resurrect. Xiongba Tian was originally level 38, but now it has dropped to level 35. Yang Chen was also killed once, and his level dropped to level 36.

The Bawang Xiang Yu and Jagged Wartian were level 35 before, but now they have dropped to level 32, and the average level of the Bawang family has dropped by two levels. The average level of the Xiongba family was 36 before, but now it is 34.

"Boss of the world, it was just too much fun just now, paralyzed, look at the dog in the seventy-ninth district, how dare you bully us in the eighty district."

Back in the eighty district, the overlord Xiang Yu came to Yang Chen excitedly and said.

Yang Chen smiled lightly and glanced at him.

"We and District 79 can't continue these days. Today's battle is just for us in District 80 to gain a firm foothold in the public area. In the next few days, we have to level up and develop. There are still six days before a boss will arrive on the island. Otherwise, we will not be able to win a few bosses in the 80th district. Don’t forget, there is another 81st district, and they are developing very well these days.”

Overlord Xiang Yu and Jagged Zhantian looked solemn and nodded quickly.

"Boss of the world, we don't care about the seventy-ninth district, but what if they want to attack us?"

Yang Chen's eyes flickered a few times, and he shook his head after pondering for a moment.

"No, Xiongba Tianshen and the others are smart people. Besides, they also understand the importance of bosses in the seventy-ninth district. This is our last chance to develop in Notting City. After the boss comes, it won't be long before we have to go to the city master. , they will not miss this opportunity."

seventy-nine districts.

Xiongba Tianshen looked depressed and angry.

"Proud of the world! Sooner or later I will kill you!"

"Patriarch, how high is the attack of that world-defying world? What should we do now? Should we call all the family members, and then go to them to settle accounts?"

Xiongba Fengyun also asked angrily.

Xiongba Tianshen waved his hand.

"No! In today's battle, the average level of our family has dropped a lot, and the boss will come in a few days. Winning the boss is the most important thing. Let the rubbish in the 80th district be happy. A few days. Don’t conflict with them these days. Let all the brothers in the family level up and prepare for the boss battle six days later. During the boss battle, you will settle accounts with the people in the 80th district.”

Xiongba Fengyun nodded as if he didn't understand, suddenly raised his head and asked in confusion.

"Patriarch, we're not going to trouble the 80th district. If the brothers meet people from the 80th district on the island, what if they insist on getting along with us?"

Xiongba Tianshen thought about it and waved his hand.

"Don't worry, no, they also want to take the boss in the 80th district. They will definitely try their best to level up, regardless of small-scale battles. Anyway, they can't take the initiative to provoke battles."

On the public screen in the 80th district, it was extremely lively.

Invincible Tu Hai: It's a pity that you didn't see the battle on the island just now. Our boss in the 80th district, the proud boss, took our brothers and sisters from the 80th district and killed the 79th district. People turn their backs.

Sister-in-law is very cute: FUCK! I received a notice just now. I just hated that I was on a mission and had no time to clone. Otherwise, I would definitely go to the island and do my part for me in the 80th district and kill the people in the 79th district.

Overlord Defying the Sky: Don't brag about it upstairs, just go up to level 27, and someone can easily kill you with a single skill.


The people in the 80th district were extremely happy and admired Yang Chen very much.

Yang Chen returned to the Nording Hotel and began to recover his strength. He finally upgraded to level 37. Now he has returned to level 36. Fortunately, he still has more than 500,000 experience points. It is not troublesome to return to level 37 again.

Lucky task, kill a thousand blood bats, this task is completed, the blood bat's experience value should be enough for him to return to level 37.

In the next two days, people from District 79 and District 80 went to the island area to farm monsters and upgrade. Battle, whether in the chat window or in reality, the people in the 80th and 79th districts cursed each other while spawning monsters.

In two days, Yang Chen has killed a thousand blood bats and successfully completed the lucky task. The system gave a prompt, as long as you go to the abandoned castle on the island and find an NPC, you can find a boss.

A level 40 boss, he has not yet reached level 40, and the Slaughter Set cannot be equipped. If you want to win this boss in advance, you must ask the help of the Xiongba family and the Jagged Family. After two days of hard work, I finally returned to level 37.

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