If the Germanic Imperial Navy had built five more Brunswick-class battleships, the number of capital ships of the Germanic Imperial Navy would have reached 34, and the gap in the number of capital ships of the Imperial Royal Navy would have been shortened to 10.
The premise, of course, is that the sun never sets on the Imperial Royal Navy and no longer build more capital ships. However, this is clearly not possible.
“Your Majesty, the former dreadnoughts we have stopped building before are not only the ‘Brunswick-class’ battleships, but also the ‘Germanic-class’ battleships!” Prince Heinrich, commander of the High Seas Fleet, said.
“Yes, Your Majesty. Now that we have decided to rebuild the Brunswick-class battleships, shouldn’t we also rebuild the Germanic-class battleships? Marshal Count Tirpitz also said.
Marshal Vonpol also nodded continuously.
“Complete the design of the ‘Braunschweig-class’ battleships, and after the start of construction, another class of ‘Germanic-class’ battleships can be built.” However, I hope that the performance and technology of the German-class battleships will be improved compared to the Brenswick-class battleships, and cannot be completely unchanged. In that case, it would be a waste! August said.
Of course, August was also well aware that with the existing technical conditions, it was still difficult to build a battleship with a 460 mm main gun. Therefore, the next ‘Bavaria-class’ battleships will most likely be battleships equipped with 410 mm main guns.
Of course, the overall performance will be improved.
“In addition to this, we need a battlecruiser with a 410 mm main gun. Even, this battlecruiser started construction earlier than the Braunschweig-class battlecruiser. August continued.
Of course, the admirals, such as The Earl of Tirpitz, did not have any opinion on this.
After a brief discussion, it was agreed that construction of four Malkensen-class battlecruisers would begin in the near future.
The ‘Mackenson-class’ battlecruisers, with a standard displacement of 46,000 tons and a full load displacement of 53,000 tons, are equipped with three triple-mounted 50 times caliber 410 mm main guns. Powered by 48 large oil-fired boilers and 4 steam turbines, the maximum speed is 30 knots. The armor still featured a defensively focused layout, with a focus on strengthening the defenses of waterlines, turrets, command towers, ammunition silos, and power bays. The maximum thickness of waterline armor is 410 mm, the thickness of deck armor is 102 mm, and the armor of the turret front and commander tower is 410 mm.
If the Germanic Navy’s ‘Bavarian-class’ battleships, ‘Mackensen-class’ battlecruisers, as well as the planned ‘Brunswick-class’ battleships and ‘Germanic-class’ battleships are all built and commissioned. The Germanic Navy would then be equipped with 18 super capital ships with 410 mm guns.
Plus 13 super capital ships equipped with 380 mm Pig Po and 12 capital ships equipped with 305 mm main guns.
The number of capital ships of the Germanic Imperial Navy will reach 43.
In terms of the number of capital ships, compared with the capital ships that the Imperial Royal Navy has entered service and is building, it is only one.
The premise, of course, was that the Royal Navy would not start building more capital ships.
However, this is almost impossible. The Royal Navy will inevitably start building more and more powerful capital ships next.
This will make the naval arms race in this space and time more intense, and future naval battles will become more intense.
“On the aircraft factory side, breakthroughs have been made in the development of aircraft. Soon, aircraft that can really be used in combat will be mass-produced. The Navy should also increase its research efforts on this basis and develop carrier-based aircraft that can take off and land on aircraft carriers. In addition, the construction of experimental aircraft carriers is about to begin. Perhaps in future wars, aircraft carriers will not be able to catch up. However, in future wars, aircraft carriers are definitely the main force that deserves it. Auguste reminded.
Although August was also a BB party with a large ship and a huge cannon. But he knew better that the combination of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft was the main force in future naval warfare.
In the next war, the giant guns of large ships will reach their peak. But in the end, it was time to make way for aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft.
Since the Germanic Empire has developed to the world’s leading level in the field of aviation. Then, we must seize this advantage and continue to invest more financial and material resources in development so that we can further widen the gap with other countries.
“Yes, Your Majesty!” Count Tirpitz and other naval leaders answered.
They all knew that August attached so much importance to aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft. Well, that really represents the future of the Navy.
Although some can’t believe it. Can those toy-like planes really pose a threat to the massive hill-like capital ships? But perhaps, with the advancement of technology, everything is really possible.
Since the Germanic Empire had reached its peak in terms of capital ships. Then, in terms of aircraft carriers, the Germanic Empire must also reach the top. In this way, the Germanic Imperial Navy would become more powerful.
Subsequently, Auguste inspected the Naval Academy in Port Kiel.
You know, he didn’t go to college because he directly inherited the throne. However, he was nominally a student at the Naval Academy in Port Kiel.
It is the cradle of the Germanic Imperial Navy and has cultivated a large number of talents for the Germanic Imperial Navy. This is also an important reason why the Germanic Imperial Navy was able to rise rapidly and was able to make the quality of naval officers and men no worse than the Imperial Navy.
August encouraged the students to study hard, and after graduation, they joined the navy and served the empire.
The presence of His Majesty the Emperor naturally excites the students of the Naval Academy incomparably.
Although August was still young, under his rule, the Germanic Empire was becoming more and more powerful. In particular, the Germanic Imperial Navy was able to call the Imperial Royal Navy that the sun never set, and even scared off the Imperial Royal Navy that never set. This makes the whole navy and even these naval academy students have a feeling of raising their eyebrows.
Especially this time, the Germanic Empire directly invaded the Dutch Kingdom, destroyed the Dutch Kingdom, and even prepared to annex the Dutch Blue Kingdom, which made the young people of the Germanic Empire worship the young emperor incomparably. Many people have taken Augustus as an object of worship, and are even willing to fight for Augustus and dedicate their lives.

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