Tsar Nicholas II’s face became very ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the map hanging on the wall.

The Russian blue was like a huge protrusion, embedded in the German Empire’s defenses.

Originally, the Russian Empire deployed heavy troops and was not afraid of the threat of the Germanic Empire. But now, the 1st Army and the 2nd Army have been annihilated, directly causing great holes in the defense of the Russian Empire in Dutch Bolivia.

“The main forces of the Germans are on the Western Front, will they take the initiative to attack us?” Nicholas II asked.

“Your Majesty, although the main forces of the Germans are assembled on the Western Front. However, they have just fought a big victory in the territory of the Kingdom of Bilis. The sun never set and the Gauls were so badly damaged that they could not pose a threat to them at all. This allowed the Germans to temporarily mobilize forces on the Eastern Front. This will be very detrimental for us. Grand Duke Nikolai said.

“If the Germans attack, will we be able to hold the Russian Bolan?” Nicholas II asked.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid this is unlikely. We are now in the Russian Bolan region, with only one 9th Army, only more than 200,000 people. Once the Germans gather troops to attack, we simply cannot bear it. Grand Duke Nicholas replied bluntly.

“Your Majesty, we need to mobilize more main forces to reinforce the Russian Bolan region. Otherwise, we will lose there. General Sukhomlinov said.

“No, we must not lose the Russian Bolan, that is the territory we got with great difficulty!” Nicholas II flatly refused.

The Russians had a greed for land in their bones.

At the beginning, the Russian Empire, the Germanic Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire united and divided the Bollan.

Among them, the Russian Empire received the greatest benefits. Now, of course, they will not give up Russian Bollan.

“Your Majesty, if we want to hold the Russian Bolan, we will send troops from Army Group Southwest to the north for reinforcement without smoking. Otherwise, the 9th Army alone would never have been able to resist the Germans. However, once the troops of Army Group Southwest were drawn north, our plans to launch an attack on Austria-Hungary had to be stopped. Grand Duke Nikolai reminded.

Just as the so-called pinching persimmon picks up the soft, in the eyes of the Russian Empire, Austria-Hungary is a soft persimmon.

The Russian Empire knew very well that the Germanic Empire was very strong, and it was very difficult to defeat the Germanic Empire, and it was almost impossible for them to do it on their own. It is necessary to unite the sun and the people of the Galls.

Therefore, the Russian Empire focused its attack on Austria-Hungary, wanting to gather the main forces to defeat Austria-Hungary first. In this way, the Germanic Empire can be left alone.

In the end, even if the Germanic Empire is strong, it will inevitably be defeated under their siege.

“No, the troops of Army Group Southwest cannot be redeployed, and we must concentrate superior forces to defeat Austria-Hungary. On the Russian side of Bolan, mobilize the Guards for reinforcements! Nicholas II ordered.

The Guards were the elite troops of the Russian Empire, absolutely loyal to the Tsar, brave and good at battle, and used to defend important cities such as Petersburg and Mosk.

Now, Nicholas II has sent the Guards to the front, which shows how much he attached importance to this battle.

“Your Majesty, the Guards can’t be used easily! Otherwise, if there is an emergency in the country, the situation will become very dangerous! Grand Duke Nikolai reminded.

“Don’t worry, first dispatch the Guards for emergencies. When the follow-up troops were formed, they immediately went to the front and replaced the guards. Now that it is during the war, those chaotic parties will not dare to jump out. Otherwise, it would be an enemy of the entire empire. The people of the empire will not let them go! Nicholas II said nonchalantly.

Nicholas II was too confident that he did not know that the Germanic Empire was already supporting the chaotic party of the Russian Empire.

Once the army of the Russian Empire suffered heavy losses on the battlefield, the whole country fell into pessimism and disappointment. At that time, it will be time for the chaotic party to take advantage of the opportunity to start trouble.

Subsequently, Nicholas II issued an order to strengthen the defense of the 9th Army. At the same time, the Guards stationed in Petersburg and Mosk were ordered to go to the Russian Bolan for reinforcements.

More than 400,000 troops of the Russian Imperial Guard began to march towards the Russian Bolan army.

However, the traffic in the Russian Empire was terrible, although it was connected by rail. However, it is still difficult to transport hundreds of thousands of people and a large amount of weapons, equipment and materials. This takes a lot of time.

Before the arrival of the Russian Guards, the Germanic Empire was ready to counterattack.

“Your Majesty, General Hindenburg’s 9th Army has quickly completed its rest and replenishment. The 11th Army and the 12th Army had already reached the Eastern Front. The time is ripe for us to launch a large-scale counterattack on the Eastern Front! Admiral Moltke had a smile on his face.

The victory of the German Imperial Army on the Western Front and the Eastern Front respectively can be said to boost the morale of the entire German Empire’s army and nation! Everyone is very optimistic about this war. For this war, it is even more supportive.

Next, once the Germanic Imperial Army launched a counterattack on the Eastern Front and defeated the entire Russian Bollan, it would make the imperial people even more happy.

The Russian Bolan region is fertile and suitable for agriculture.

And the agriculture of the Germanic Empire has always been a shortcoming. If the Russian blue could be obtained, the agricultural gap in the Germanic Empire would be greatly filled.

August nodded: “Since you are ready, let’s start.” General Xingde was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front, with full responsibility for operations on the Eastern Front. The 9th Army, the 11th Army and the 12th Army were all under the command of the General Headquarters on the Eastern Front. In addition, the 10th Army was also controlled by the General Headquarters of the Eastern Front. Order the General Headquarters of the Eastern Front, waiting for the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the Russian Bolan, be sure to shoot down the entire Russian Bolan, and build a defensive line to prepare to resist the attack of the Tsarist Russians! ”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Admiral Moltke Jr. replied.

Subsequently, the order was issued, and General Hindenburg became commander-in-chief on the Eastern Front.

The 9th, 11th and 12th Armies of the Germanic Imperial Army crossed the border on 15 September 1714 and invaded the Russian Bolan region.

At this moment, the army deployed by the Russian Empire in the Russian Bolan region was only 200,000 men of the 9th Army.

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