Thanks to book friend Xu Junjie for the reward!

“Oh God! What is this thing of the Germans? Why can’t it be destroyed? ”

“Oh God! What kind of enemy are we fighting against? ”

The brave Cossack cavalry were shocked by this scene in front of them. They never imagined that it would be like this.

Although, the Cossack cavalry was brave. However, when they find that their spears and sabers cannot kill the enemy, but they will be easily killed by the enemy, they will naturally be frightened.

Under such circumstances, the brave as the Cossack cavalry will also involuntarily collapse.

The Cossack cavalry, with heavy casualties, began to rout.

They turned their horses’ heads and fled in embarrassment.

And the tanks and armored vehicles of the 4th Panzer Division of the Germanic Imperial Army were frantically pursuing behind them.

Tank guns and machine guns fired constantly, killing countless Cossack cavalry.

“Your Excellency Commander, the 4th Panzer Division encountered the Cossack cavalry of the Tsarist Russians, has already routed them, and is continuing the pursuit and expanding its gains.” Major General McHoffman reported.

“Very well, ordered the 39th Infantry Division, the 49th Infantry Division, the 59th Infantry Division, to follow the Panzer Division to launch an attack, compressing the space for the movement of the Tsars from the front. The 69th Infantry Division, the 79th Infantry Division, the 89th Infantry Division and the 99th Infantry Division advanced towards the Russian Army from both flanks. This time, we are going to wipe out the entire 2nd Army of the Tsarist Russians here! General Hindenburg gave the order.

“Yes, Your Excellency Commander!” Major General McHoffman replied.

The main force of the 9th Panzer Division of the Germanic Imperial Army launched a fierce attack on the 2nd Army of the Tsarist Army.

A large number of Germanic soldiers, supported by their own strong firepower, attacked the hastily established positions of the Russian army.

In the sky, fighters and bombers of the Germanic Imperial Air Force provided them with air support. The positions of the Russian army were constantly strafed by fighters and bombed by bombers, with heavy losses. The morale of the troops was also fatally hit.

The artillery in the rear was also firing fiercely. One cannon after another, as if the shell did not need money at all, smashed into the position of the Tsarist Russian Army, further causing greater losses to the Tsarist Russian Army.

Coupled with the impact of the armored forces of the German Imperial Army, it easily broke through the defense line of the Russian army.

This made it impossible for the Russian army to withstand the attack of the German Imperial Army.

Their defense line was easily breached. A large number of soldiers of the Russian army suffered heavy casualties.

Under such circumstances, many soldiers of the Russian army raised their hands and surrendered to the Germanic Imperial Army.

They no longer have the courage to fight any longer, and in order to save their little lives, there is only one way to surrender.

“Your Excellency Commander, the Germanic offensive is too fierce. They were also supported by planes in the sky and a kind of terrifying steel chariot, and our troops simply could not stop them. Our line of defense is like paper paste, pierced with a stab. We can’t stop them anymore! Major General Martos looked alarmed.

“Abominable! How so? General Samsonov cursed.

Until now, he could not believe that his troops would become the main target of the Germanic Imperial Army. And, it will be defeated so easily.

You know, his army is a full 250,000 people!

The 9th Army of the Germanic Empire Army is only more than 200,000 when it is full.

In the case of dividing a lot of troops to resist the 1st Army of the Russian Army, it was still able to have the strength to completely annihilate them.

One can imagine how strong the strength of the Germanic Imperial Army was. And how big the gap is between them.

For the first time, General Samsonov felt that this time the Russian Empire chose to go to war against the Germanic Empire, which may not be a good idea!

“Your Excellency Commander, we can’t stop the Germans, retreat quickly! Retreat from the Vistula. It was guarded only by a small number of Germanic cavalry. They only have a few thousand cavalry, it is impossible to block the entire Vistula, we still have a chance to escape! Major General Martos suggested.

“The bridges on the Vistula River and the pontoon bridges we built have been destroyed by the Germans, and we lack ships, how much can we withdraw if we retreat?” General Samsonov was reluctant.

“Your Excellency Commander, you can’t care so much anymore, how much can you escape! If we don’t escape, I’m afraid we will be completely annihilated by the Germans! Major General Martos urged.

General Samsonov hesitated a little, but decided to escape.

Even if you can’t withdraw all the troops, as long as you can escape, that’s the best result.

He didn’t want to fall into the hands of the Germans.

Subsequently, the Russian army began to retreat towards the Vistula River, wanting to cross the river and escape.

However, because bridges and pontoons were destroyed, they were able to cross the river with only limited boats.

In the process, it was subjected to heavy artillery fire from the Germanic Army and bombardment by the Air Force.

As a result, many soldiers of the Russian army were killed in the process of crossing the river.

There were also many soldiers of the Russian army, seeing that the Germanic army had pressed up from all sides, and simply jumped into the Vistula River in an attempt to swim over.

It’s still the end of summer, and the river isn’t cold. In addition, the Vistula River is not a wide river, and people with better water properties have no problem swimming there.

But the biggest problem is that the planes in the sky and the shells that keep falling will not allow them to swim past so easily.

Many Russian soldiers were killed by aerial machine guns by planes in the sky or killed by artillery shells.

In addition, the 9th Cavalry Brigade of the Germanic Imperial Army also successfully intercepted many Russian soldiers on the other side of the Vistula River.

Even the commander of the 2nd Army of the Russian Army, General Samsonov, chose to watch and shoot himself before being captured by the Germanic cavalry, in order to save his glory.

General Martos, on the other hand, was lucky to escape.

On the Vistula River, a large number of Russian troops were driven here.

The Germanic Imperial Army attacked them with tanks and armored vehicles, as well as artillery.

A large number of soldiers were killed at every moment.

Just two days later, the Russian soldiers lost their fighting spirit.

In order to survive, they surrendered to the Germanic Imperial Army.

The 9th Army of the Germanic Imperial Army successfully won the battle and completely annihilated the 2nd Army of the Russian Army. The number of captured Russian soldiers alone exceeded 180,000. Much fewer were actually killed. In addition, a very small number of Russian soldiers escaped.

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