For a long time, the Russian Empire wanted to expand abroad. In particular, the desire for a warm port was a long-cherished wish of generations of tsars.

However, the Sun Never Set Empire has been encircling and blocking the Tsarist Empire before, making this goal of the Tsarist Empire impossible to achieve.

And now, the situation is completely different.

The Russian Empire and the Sun Never Set Empire became allies. This also means that if the Russian Empire completes its expansion in this war, the Sun Never Sets Empire has no reason and will not stop them.

Obviously, this was an excellent opportunity for the Russian Empire.

As for the fact that this would make the Russian Empire hostile to the Germanic Empire and Austria-Hungary, Nicholas II did not care at all.

Although the Germanic Empire was very strong, Nicholas II confidently believed that the Sun Never Sets Empire, the Gallic State and the Tsarist Russian Empire combined were enough to defeat the Germanic Empire. As for Austria-Hungary, it goes without saying. The Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary could be regarded as old enemies, and both sides expanded in the Balkans, and for a time they were at loggerheads. The Russian Empire naturally seized this opportunity and brought Austria-Hungary down.

“Your Majesty, the Imperial Army has formed Army Group Southwest, commanded by General Ivanov. This time, we have gathered heavy troops and will definitely be able to defeat Austria-Hungary! War Minister General Sukhomlinov reported.

Nicholas II nodded, seemingly very confident in the army at the front.

“Your Majesty, the Empire of the Sun Never Sets and the Gallic Kingdom request us to speed up the pace of mobilization, launch an attack on the Germanic Empire, and contain the power of the Germanic Empire. The Sun Never Set and the Gauls suffered heavy losses in the Kingdom of Bilis, and the situation on the Western Front was very unfavorable for them. Grand Duke Nikolai said.

Nicholas II could not help but frown: “Are the sun never setting and the Gauls also so vulnerable?” Although the Germans are very strong, the Sun Never Set and the Gauls are definitely not weak! How could they be quasi-saints in the territory of the Kingdom of Bilis. ”

“Your Majesty, from the information we have obtained so far, it only illustrates one problem. That is, the Germanic people were stronger than previously expected. Otherwise, it would not have caused such a big loss to the sun never set and the Gauls. This is also something to be wary of. After all, we will soon go to war with the Germans. Grand Duke Nikolai continued.

Nicholas II’s expression could not help but become serious.

The Germanic Empire Army was the first in the world, and he knew this very well.

However, he did not think that the Russian Empire was much worse than the Germanic Empire. After all, the superiority of the forces of the Tsarist Empire was absolutely impossible for the Germanic Empire to have.

The total population of the Russian Empire was almost three times that of the Germanic Empire.

In terms of soldiers, the Russian Empire was more.

Even if the army of the Germanic Empire is strong in combat, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, and it is definitely not the opponent of the Tsarist Empire.

“We should indeed attack and prepare for the sun and the Gauls. If they are defeated, we will have to deal with the Germans alone. At that time, we will have more difficulty. Nicholas II said.

The truth of the lips and teeth is also very clear to Nicholas II.

“Your Majesty, in this case, we will have to use Army Group Northwest to launch an attack on the Germans.” Grand Duke Nikolai said.

In this battle, the Russian Empire made Austria-Hungary the main target of attack, who made Austria-Hungary the weakest?

However, given that the current war situation was very unfavorable to the alliance, the Russian Empire could not watch the Germanic Empire defeat the Sun Empire and the Gallic Kingdom. So, they have to act.

This is not only helping the empire and the Gallic kingdom, but also helping themselves.

Nicholas II also did not want to face the mighty Germanic Empire alone. In that case, it would be very difficult for the German Empire to defeat the vast territory with a large army, and the Tsarist Empire with its terrifying strategic depth. But in the same way, the Russian Empire did not want to win.

“Order Army Group Northwest to attack East Prussia. If we can eat the Germanic East Prussia, we will be able to gain a huge advantage in the battle with the Germans! Nicholas II said, staring at the map hanging on the wall.

The East Prussian region of the Germanic Empire, like a huge strategic salient, penetrated deep into the territory of the Russian Empire.

Of course, this made East Prussia in the Germanic Empire extremely vulnerable to attack by the Russian Empire.

But at the same time, the Germanic Empire was able to send troops from East Prussia and the eastern part of the Germanic Empire to besiege the Russian Bolan. The Russian Bolan region was likewise surrounded on three sides by Germanic territory, as was a huge protrusion.

“Your Majesty, the Northwest Army Group of the Imperial Army has 400,000 people. The Germans, on the other hand, deployed only 200,000 men in East Prussia. We have twice the advantage and will definitely be able to defeat the Germans! General Sukhomlinov said.

Nicholas II nodded, he thought so too.

Of course, he actually wants more troops to be on the safe side.

However, although the Tsarist Empire has a large army, the territory is too vast, and there are too many places to be guarded, so that the Tsarist Empire cannot gather too many troops to attack for a while.

Moreover, the mobilization efficiency of the Russian Empire was relatively slow, further limiting the use of the military power of the Russian Empire.

“The 9th Army was sent to reinforce Army Group Northwest to contain the rest of the Germanic forces. This is our first battle with the Germans, and we must win! Nicholas II ordered.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Both Grand Duke Nikolai and General Sukhomlinov answered.

Nicholas II’s order was given to the headquarters of Army Group Northwest, and the commander, General Zhilinsky, received the order immediately. The 1st and 2nd Armies under Army Group Northwest were asked to attack East Prussia.

In order to cope with the Empire and the Galls and alleviate the unfavorable situation of the Allies on the Western Front, the Russian Empire finally launched an offensive on the Eastern Front.

However, the 9th Army and the 10th Army of the Germanic Imperial Army are also in full swing.

It was not so easy for the Russian Empire to achieve victory on the Eastern Front. Even if they have an absolute superiority in troops.

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