Thank you IBAbata for your tip!

The three legions of Austria-Hungary launched an attack on the Kingdom of Serbia, and the weak Kingdom of Serbia could only rise up to fight back. Moreover, he hurriedly asked for help from the Russian Empire, the Gallic Kingdom and the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, hoping that they would be able to provide support to the Kingdom of Servia in time.

Otherwise, the kingdom of Serbia would be dead.

Of course, this is also because the Kingdom of Serbia is too unconfident. Actually, under the leadership of their army commander Putnik, they fought quite well. It even defeated the Austro-Hungarian invasion. Of course, their own losses are also large.

The full-scale invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia by Austria-Hungary meant that war had broken out.

The Russian Empire was the first to react, they were originally the backers of the Kingdom of Serbia, and naturally could not tolerate the invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia by Austria-Hungary.

On 28 July, Nicholas II warned Austria-Hungary and demanded that Austria-Hungary immediately stop its invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia and immediately withdraw from the territory of the Kingdom of Serbia. Otherwise, the Russian Empire would have resorted to all means to counteract.

At about the same time, the Empire and the Gallic State also falsely called on Austria-Hungary to stop waging war and return to peace negotiations.

However, Austria-Hungary ignored the warnings of the Russian Empire and the appeals of the Empire and the Gallic states. They were already determined to use force to destroy the kingdom of Servia.

Of course, there is a very important reason that they are too contemptuous of the strength of the Kingdom of Serbia, thinking that the power of Austria-Hungary defeats the Kingdom of Serbia, is that not a matter of hand-to-hand?

In this situation, the Russian Empire reacted the next day.

Nicholas II ordered a general mobilization of the Russian Empire and declared war on Austria-Hungary.

The troops of the Russian Empire also began to masse on the western border. Part of the army went against Austria-Hungary, and many more against the Germanic Empire.

In the eyes of the Russian Empire, Austria-Hungary was easy to deal with. What really made them feel a great threat was the Germanic Empire.

Not to be outdone, Austria-Hungary immediately declared war on the Russian Empire.

As a result, Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire were already at war, and the scale of this war had begun to expand uncontrollably.

The Gauls reacted immediately, declaring war on Austria-Hungary on the grounds of their alliance with the Russian Empire. Moreover, the Gallic Grand Commander Raymondpuencaré also ordered a general mobilization of the Gallic State.

However, the army of the Gallic state did not attack Austria-Hungary, but went to the northern border to assemble, preparing to enter the Kingdom of Biliz and resist the attack of the Germanic Empire.

The Gauls were also well aware that Austria-Hungary was simply not a concern. The really dangerous enemy was the Germanic Empire.

Faced with such a situation, it was naturally impossible for the Germanic Empire to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The Germanic Emperor August immediately warned the Russian Empire and the Gaul states that they immediately halted the general mobilization and cancelled the declaration of war on Austria-Hungary. Otherwise, the Germanic Empire would respond.

However, neither the Russian Empire nor the Gallic states heeded the warnings of the Germanic Empire. In other words, they all know very well that this war is already unstoppable and impossible to avoid. Instead of wasting words, it is better to concentrate on preparing for war and strive to win in the war.

On August 1, 1714, August August, the German Emperor, ordered a general mobilization on the grounds that the Russian Empire and the Gallic states had declared war on Austria-Hungary, an ally of the Empire. , at the same time, the Germanic Empire declared war on the Russian Empire and the Gallic states.

And the Russian Empire and the Gaul state also declared war on the Germanic Empire.

This made the scale of the war grow again. It was as if the whole of Europe had been affected.

At this time, the Sun Never Set Empire was still pretending to call for peace.

But in fact, they had already given assurances to the Russian Empire and the Gallic states that they would definitely go to war.

The Royal Navy of the Sun Never Sets Empire is already in a state of combat readiness, and all the main fleet is assembled at the anchorage of Scapa Gulf, ready to attack and block the coastal areas of the Germanic Empire.

At the same time, the Imperial Expeditionary Force also began to be formed, and a large number of troops were integrated into the Expeditionary Force, ready to fight on the European continent.

On August 3, the Kingdom of Bilis, encouraged by the Gallic state, joined the war, officially declaring war on the Germanic Empire and Austria-Hungary.

And the Germanic Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, naturally, did not want to be outdone and declared war on the Kingdom of Bilis.

Even if the Kingdom of Biliz is backed by the Kingdom of Gaul, it is only a small country after all. Moreover, the Kingdom of Biliz was on the path that the Germanic Empire had to take to attack the Gallic Kingdom. Because, in any case, they will not be able to avoid this war. The people of Biliss naturally have this understanding. Therefore, they have long begun to prepare for war.

The Kingdom of Biliz has begun a general mobilization. It’s just that this country with a population of only more than seven million people, even if it is fully mobilized, it can only mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops.

Moreover, the war will be waged on the territory of the Kingdom of Bilis, which will inevitably cause great blows and impacts to this country.

The flames of war burned on their land, the land was scorched, and the cities were beaten into ruins. I don’t know how many people will die in the war.

On August 5, the Sun Never Set Empire could not sit still, and at the urging of the Russian Empire and the Gallic State, it joined the war.

The Sun Never Sets Empire officially declared war on the Germanic Empire and Austria-Hungary on the grounds that the Germanic Empire and Austria-Hungary declared war on the Allies.

And the Germanic Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire naturally reacted immediately and declared war on the Empire that never sets.

For a time, almost all of Europe’s major powers, except for the Kingdom of Caesar, were involved in war.

After the declaration of war, diplomatic relations will be severed and diplomats will begin to withdraw.

However, although countries have declared war on each other. But in reality, only Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Serbia were at war. The rest of the countries are still standing still. Or rather, it is actively mobilizing troops.

It took a lot of time for the huge army of the Russian Empire to assemble in the border areas.

The army of the Gallic kingdom used the railway to quickly transfer to the territory of the Kingdom of Bilis.

The expeditionary force of the Empire of the Sun Never Set Empire had already begun to cross the strait and land in the northern part of Gaul.

Similarly, the troops of the Germanic Empire, under the dense railway network, quickly went to the predetermined area to assemble.

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