October 1713, outside Bolin, the base of the German Imperial Air Force.

The Germanic Emperor Auguste, the head of the cabinet, Admiral Moltke Jr., the chief of the General Staff, Admiral von Falkenhein, the Minister of the Navy, Marshal Count Tirpitz and others, all gathered here to participate in the establishment ceremony of the German Imperial Air Force.

The Germanic Empire had long begun to develop aviation power. It’s just that because the previous aircraft performance is too poor, it can’t really be applied to actual combat. Therefore, the German Imperial Air Force has always been in preparation and has not really been established.

After several years of development, the German Imperial Air Force has a fairly powerful, or absolutely ahead of any other country in the world.

Under such circumstances, the Germanic Imperial Air Force became inevitable.

Besides, in August’s perception, war may soon break out. After the establishment of the Imperial Air Force, it was able to catch up with this war.

Originally, the army and navy did not support the formation of an air force.

Although the new air force was still weak and could not compete with the army and navy. But they all knew very well that His Majesty the Emperor had high hopes for the Air Force.

Once the Air Force is really vigorously developed, won’t it compete with them for military spending?

Even in the early days of the Air Force, it did not need much military spending. However, as the size of the air force becomes larger and stronger, the military expenditure required is naturally not a small amount.

Both the army and the navy proposed that in view of the current performance and combat effectiveness of the aircraft, it is not necessary to create a separate air force, and that the army air corps and naval air aviation can be created separately. Wait until the technical conditions are ripe before the Air Force is established.

However, after thinking about it again, August vetoed this proposal.

Although in another time and space, the Lighthouse Nation did just that. After winning the World War, the Army Air Corps of the Lighthouse Nation was split from the Army to form the Air Force.

However, it is undeniable that this will inevitably be accompanied by a lot of and other contradictions.

August did not want such problems in the future.

Besides, the status of the Air Force was clear from the beginning, even if the Air Force does not have enough strength to support their position now. However, with his support, the Air Force will also develop faster and better. It will not be restrained by the navy and army.

The first Air Force director was General Zeckert, who had previously been a major general but had now been promoted by August to lieutenant general.

Zekert’s father was a general in the Kingdom of Prussia, and he himself served in the army, alternating between front-line troops and staff.

August knew that in another time and space, Zeckert was the one who advocated the establishment of an independent air force. He had a broad and deep understanding of the nature of air force operations, and his air force doctrine centered on the support of ground forces and the acquisition of air superiority as the highest principle, although ignoring strategic bombing, was still very suitable for the Germanic Imperial Air Force under the current technical conditions.

Previously, the Germanic Imperial Air Force had established several scattered air units, and General Zekert was undoubtedly the most suitable person to build the existing fragmented air forces into a complete air force.

Inside the air base, a famous pilot had already stood in line. Behind them, inside the tarmac, a large number of aircraft are parked.

“Your Majesty, the 1st Fighter Wing of the Air Force is ready!” Lieutenant General Zekert’s face was full of excitement.

Although, he is only a lieutenant general. However, as the first Air Force Director. Once the air force becomes stronger, he will certainly be able to rise to the top. Even promotion to general will be a matter of course. If you are lucky, becoming a marshal is definitely not delusional.

August nodded and personally inspected the pilots of the 1st Fighter Wing of the Imperial Air Force.

At present, the German Imperial Air Force has established three fighter wings and one bomber wing. In total, the number of fighters equipped reached 360, and the number of bombers also reached 120.

The formation of the German Imperial Air Force was divided into wings, brigades, squadrons and squads. Below the squad, there are also two-plane formations.

That is, two double-aircraft formations form a squad, three squadrons form a squadron, and three squadrons form a group. Each flying group had thirty-six aircraft, plus four spare aircraft. And the three flying groups formed a wing.

Although still small, this is undoubtedly the seed of the German Imperial Air Force. After waiting for the seeds to take root and germinate, they will naturally be able to grow into towering trees.

“Pilots of the Empire, you are all true warriors, you dare to risk all kinds of dangers and fly your plane into the blue sky. The dangers involved in this are simply unknown to outsiders. But I know it very well.

You are all pioneers of aviation and an indispensable part of the Empire’s armed forces. I believe that in future wars, the Imperial Air Force will show great strength. Even, with the continuous advancement of technology, the Imperial Air Force will definitely become a service comparable to the army and navy!

I look forward to this day, and I pledge my strong support for the development of the Air Force.

Of course, you must also fight for the Empire and win victory and honor for the Empire!

I announce, the German Imperial Air Force, officially established! ”

August gave an enthusiastic speech to the pilots of the Air Force, encouraging them to strengthen their training and strengthen the Imperial Air Force.

“Long live the Air Force, long live His Majesty the Emperor, long live the Empire!” The soldiers of the German Imperial Air Force cheered.


Everyone present began to applaud warmly, even the generals of the army and navy, who were very face-giving.

Although, in the future, the Air Force will inevitably compete with the Army and Navy for military spending. There will certainly be contradictions between several branches of the military. However, each branch of the army, if it can become stronger, can strengthen the power of the Germanic Empire. In future wars, the possibility of victory will naturally be greater.

Of course, the current strength of the German Imperial Air Force is still relatively weak. Next, further development is needed.

The real combat power also needs to be tested on the battlefield.

Perhaps, there will be doubts about the combat power of the Air Force. However, Auguste, the emperor of the empire, and all the officers and men of the Air Force had unwavering confidence in the Air Force.

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