The most famous old Chinese medicine doctor in Patrick Chinatown was invited, and he performed a very miraculous medical technique to Queen Victoria, inserting long thin needles into Crown Prince William’s body.

If it were not for the repeated emphasis of the old Chinese medicine doctor that there would be no danger, Queen Victoria would have thought that the old Chinese medicine doctor was murdering Crown Prince William, not treating him.

Later, Queen Victoria learned that this was a miraculous medical technique called ‘acupuncture’.

Under the stimulation of silver needles, Crown Prince William’s originally unconscious body actually underwent some changes.

This made Queen Victoria very happy, as if she saw a glimmer of hope.

The old Chinese medicine doctor told Queen Victoria that the situation was very good. Perhaps another two or three years of such treatment will be able to revive Crown Prince William. This made Queen Victoria even more overjoyed.

She not only paid a large amount of consultation fees, but also specially advised the old Chinese medicine doctor not to leak the news.

The old Chinese medicine doctor got the benefits, and naturally promised that he would not leak information about Crown Prince William’s condition.

The next day, Queen Victoria decided to move out of the palace in Berlin and directly to the palace in Potsdam.

The royal palace on Bailin’s side is full of people, and if Crown Prince William really recovers, it is impossible to hide it. And the Potsdam Palace is different.

August also knew what Queen Victoria thought, but he didn’t care.

In this day and age, it is not so easy to revive a vegetative person. Even if Crown Prince William does wake up, it is impossible to pose too much threat to him when he is already completely in power.

As long as his own safety is guaranteed, there are no problems. Then, no one will be able to shake his rule in the Germanic Empire.

However, even so, August also instructed the royal butler Jonah Wright to send someone to keep an eye on Queen Victoria. If a miracle does happen, Prince William really wakes up. Well, he’d better have coped sooner.

In May 1712, August summoned the top officials of the Army and Navy to discuss the expansion of the Marine Corps.

The naval strength of the Germanic Empire became more and more powerful, but the Marine Corps only had three brigades, which was too small.

Besides, this time the Navy is clearly on his side, and he naturally wants to support the further development of the Navy.

What’s more, if the Germanic Imperial Navy defeats the Royal Navy of the Sunset Empire in the future, and even launches an attack on the mainland of the Sunless Empire, it will naturally launch a landing operation. Compared to the Army, the Marines will be more professional in landing operations.

The landing was already extremely cruel and bloody, and it would cost heavy casualties. Allowing well-trained marines to carry out beach landing can undoubtedly effectively reduce the casualties of troops. After the Marines have opened up a safe landing field, it will undoubtedly be much easier for the army units to land in a big way and launch an attack on the deep positions where the sun does not fall.

The Army’s side is naturally opposed to the expansion of the Marine Corps.

Once the Marine Corps is expanded, it will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on the Army.

However, this time the Junkers officer corps suffered heavy losses, and August’s influence in the army was further enhanced. No one could stop him from doing anything.

“Gentlemen, I intend to expand the Marine Corps from its current size of three brigades to twelve! The strength of the Imperial Marine Corps has always been relatively weak. If the future empire can defeat the Royal Navy of the Sun Never Set Empire and launch an attack on the Sun Never Set Empire itself, a strong Marine Corps is very necessary.

In addition, once the empire won the war, it could also use the marines when using troops against overseas colonies. Small-scale battles can be solved directly with the marines, and there is no need to use the army at all. The duty of the army is to defeat several major powers of the empire.

If everyone has no opinion, then the Marine Corps will be expanded according to this scale! ”

August told everyone about his plan.

The chief of the General Staff, General Moltke Jr., and the Minister of War, General von Falkenhein, were naturally reluctant in their hearts.

However, they simply could not stop August.

As for the deputy chief of staff, Lieutenant General Ludendorf, naturally, he fully supported August.

Marshal Count Tirpitz and Marshal von Boer had smiles on their faces.

The Marine Corps expanded from three brigades to 12 brigades, directly expanding fourfold! This makes the Navy finally have a strong ground force, a force that can be applied to ground operations.

This will undoubtedly allow the position of the Navy to continue to improve, and at the same time, it will be able to take on more combat missions.

Of course, in Auguste’s plan, the expansion of the navy to 12 brigades was only the first step. Once the war breaks out, the navy will also be expanded as soon as possible, from 12 brigades to 12 divisions, making the total strength of the marines more than 200,000 people, becoming another powerful combat force in the Germanic Empire.

However, if the war breaks out, the size of the German Imperial Army will be even greater, and the existing sixty infantry divisions will be expanded to a hundred infantry divisions, or even two hundred infantry divisions, or even three hundred infantry divisions.

If you can solve the problem and win the war with two hundred infantry divisions, it will naturally be the best. But if the battle doesn’t go well and the enemy is too strong. There is also no way to expand to 300 infantry divisions.

For the Germanic Empire, winning future wars was the most important thing.

“The expansion of the Marine Corps is to win future wars. Similarly, the Army must be combat-ready. The expansion and training of armored forces cannot be relaxed. I hope that once a war breaks out in the future, the armored forces of the Imperial Army will be able to burst out with powerful combat power, directly tear open the enemy’s defense line in the big war, break through the enemy’s defensive position, penetrate all the enemy’s defenses, and contribute the greatest strength to the empire to win this war! August had a serious expression.

After all, it is already 1712, and if the development process of this time and space is followed, it may not be long before the war breaks out.

Even in such a tense international situation, any bit of Mars could trigger a big war. This made August pay more attention.

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