[6 years old: Your father seems to have discovered your interest in gunpowder, so he began to teach you some simple gunpowder techniques. He has no higher education and taught you mostly experience rather than knowledge]

[7 years old: You and your neighbor's Virginia are childhood sweethearts, she is like your little follower, wherever you go, she likes to follow you]

[8-year-old: You took Virginia and used homemade explosives to fry fish. After being sued by the village chief, both of you were brought home and taught a hard lesson. Does not affect your enthusiasm for explosives]

The plot of the simulator will not be as long as before, mainly to pave the way for some new characters to appear.

As for the new character, I think from the talent, it should be able to guess about the same

The second volume of the girl's precarious killing intent: 221 art is an explosion (four more)

[9 years old: You are getting more and more proficient in making explosives, and sometimes the proportions are even more precise than your father, and he is very proud of it. If it wasn't for the miners' team not recruiting child labor, he really hoped that you could pick up his class earlier]

[10 years old: You often use your own explosives to perform some pranks, such as using the sound of an explosion to scare others. Virginia is the object of your teasing, you like to see her chasing after you after being scared to cry]

[11 years old: Your father, discovered your "special hobby", he told you solemnly: Gunpowder is a very dangerous thing, it can hurt people, but it can also protect people, you have the talent to use gunpowder, But he doesn't want you to use it in the wrong way]

[In this regard, you express disapproval, your dream is to use gunpowder to create the most powerful weapon in the world, even more powerful than the power of the Eye of God! 】

[12 years old: Your father spent all these years of savings and sent you to Mond, but you have no interest in the boring knowledge, you miss your dynamite, the freedom of the country, and the Virginia Smile】

[13 years old: However, your studies in Mond are not completely useless. You like alchemy very much. You find that combining alchemy with gunpowder can develop more stable and better explosives (talent "Alchemist" effect activation)]

[Of course, neither the alchemy device nor the alchemy materials can be used at will, so you applied for the job of cleaning the alchemy classroom, and quietly conducted your own alchemy experiments while no one was there.]

[14 years old: Your intelligence and talent will soon make your research progress. Of course, these researches are carried out in secret. Mond is very strict in the control of alchemy, especially when it is not allowed to carry out and "weapons" Related alchemy research]

[15 years old: What’s wrong is that, in order to study more powerful explosives, you study alchemy, but your grades in alchemy are exceptionally good, and you even get a place to study alchemy at the Sumerian Academy of Teaching and Learning]

[You don't have much interest in alchemy, but if you go to the Xumi Religious Academy, you can get more knowledge and materials]

[However, unfortunately, your alchemy research in private was discovered because of an accidental explosion. Although you barely escaped criminal responsibility, you were still ordered to drop out of school, and your qualifications for admission were naturally lost.]

[16 years old: You have returned to the hometown you have been away from for a long time. Although your father is very angry with you, he can only accept it. At least, with your current knowledge, it is more than enough to take his class.]

[On the other hand, you also met Virginia, your childhood sweetheart who reunited after a long absence. Unexpectedly, she has turned into a beautiful big girl, but her friendship with you has never been weakened by the passage of time. 】

[17 years old: You guys are playing together again of course. You used the scholarship you saved over the years to secretly set up a small alchemy laboratory in a nearby cave to continue your research]

[You believe that as long as you can achieve something in your research, you can slap Mond in the face and let those pedantic alchemists know how blind they are]

[And this little secret, only you and Virginia know, she often stays with you in the laboratory and accompanies you to conduct experiments]

[You often use your own alchemy to create some interesting gadgets to relieve Virginia's boredom, you chat and play together]

[Of course, the process of the experiment is not smooth, the simple laboratory is difficult to carry your unconstrained ideas that day, and some rare and expensive materials have become your biggest obstacle]

[18 years old: Once, Virginia secretly brought the wine that my father buried in the cellar, and you use the beaker as a wine glass and drink it like an adult. Alcohol became the catalyst for your love, and on that moonless night, you and Virginia tasted something more intoxicating than wine for the first time]

[Looking at Virginia, who is curled up on the wooden bed, like a kitten, for the first time you are shaken by your experiment. Instead of continuing to waste money and energy like this, it is better to give up all this and live with Virginia. on a simple and ordinary life]

[You make up your mind to end this time, but looking at the remaining materials, and the untested formula, you think, you might as well just try it one last time]

[Perhaps because you have no worries, in this experiment, you actually created the experiment that is closest to your goal so far—a miniature bomb, but the size of a fist can raze half a village to smithereens Flat ground! 】

[Just when you were ecstatic, the remaining experimental materials suddenly reacted strongly. You didn't think much, and immediately hugged Virginia, who had not yet woken up, and wanted to escape from the cave]

[But at the moment when you left the cave, the cave behind you suddenly exploded, and the strong air wave overturned you to the ground. You only remembered that you also held her in your arms, and then lost consciousness]

[I don't know how long it took you to wake up because of the severe pain. That explosion didn't kill you, but it took one of your arms]

[You didn't even have time to accept your father's questioning, so you immediately went to look for Virginia. Fortunately, she was not dead or even seriously injured. When you arrived at her house, she was sitting in the yard, and you shouted to her , but she never turned her head.]

[However, your voice alarmed his father. Once you saw that gentle middle-aged man with such a terrifying expression, his fist slammed on you fiercely, you just knew, Virginie Ya has lost her hearing forever because of that explosion]

[You silently accepted her father's beating, and you blame yourself no less than him. Your father, who has already arrived at this time, said on the spot that he would deaf your ears and punish you for your mistakes]

[However, Virginia's father actually stopped his behavior. At this time, he has recovered some sanity. In fact, he has already discussed with his daughter a "solution" - as long as you are willing to marry Victoria Genia, he can stop pursuing this matter]

[After all, even if Virginia is beautiful and beautiful, but loses her hearing, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to find a suitable husband]

[You naturally agreed immediately, and you also swore that you are willing to use your life to make up for your mistakes]

[As for your experiment that has finally improved, you decided to seal them, and your ridiculous and dangerous dreams forever, and you will never touch them again, those things that will hurt your beloved]

The second volume of the girl's precarious killing intent: 222 The life ruined by Alice

[19 years old: In a blink of an eye, your marriage with Virginia has lasted for more than half a year. Although you have one arm and the other is deaf, this has not affected your happy life]

[However, because of resentment and fear of explosives, you resigned as a blasting worker. Instead, use alchemy to make some medicines and gadgets and sell them in Mond City]

[Your alchemy products are of good quality. Although you can't make a lot of money, you can still ensure food and clothing. Virginia is a gentle and virtuous wife, she has no complaints about her deafness, and you also started to learn sign language for her]

[20 years old: This year, your family ushered in two happy events. First, you built your new home beside the waterfall outside the village with the savings you have accumulated before. This is what Virginia means. Because of her deafness, she is often criticized by others, so she wants to move to a place away from people.]

[The other thing is that your child was born, a healthy and lovely girl. Virginia hopes to name her "Coli", which in Old Monde means a lucky four-leaf clover, and she hopes her daughter will not suffer the same "bad luck" as yours]

Wait, Kelly?

Shouldn't Claire's mother be Elise, the great adventurer of the elves?

Is this just a coincidence?

[21 years old: The appearance of Keli has made your family a lot happier, and you have begun to work harder to make money. Although your alchemy skills are good, your work efficiency is greatly reduced because you only have one arm. Had to work extra hard to make ends meet]

[Fortunately, your father often gives you some subsidies, but after all, he is old, you often persuade him to rest more, but this stubborn old man is still as hard as a young man]

[You know, he also wants to make more money for your family. Every time I see my granddaughter, the rock-hard wrinkles on his face bloom like flowers]

[22 years old: The bad news comes that your father lost his life because of a mining accident. The person in charge of the mine is an old acquaintance of your father and also knows you. He not only gave you a lot of compensation, but also hopes that you can inherit your father's business and work as a blaster. He will give you satisfaction. salary]

[Although you hate explosives, you still took this job in order to maintain your household income]

[Even though you haven't been exposed to explosives for many years, you don't mean to be unfamiliar at all. Not only that, but you are also surprised to find that you seem to... still enjoy the process of making explosives, especially when you see your work burst. In an instant, you will have an incomparable sense of achievement]

[23 years old: You work very well, even more than your father. You hope to earn more money, move your wife and children to live in the city, and give them better living conditions]

[24 years old: In your village, a strange woman named "Alice" came, and she claimed to be an adventurer. You have never seen such a beautiful woman, of course, you are extremely loyal to your wife, and naturally you will not have superfluous thoughts]

[She seems to be quite interested in your village, and she found the village chief and made many wild suggestions, such as capturing Qiuqiu people as laborers, or keeping water slimes in captivity to water crops, etc.]

[Not only that, but she also came to your home, and you found that her sign language is even more proficient than you, and she can easily chat with your wife, not only that, she also likes your daughter very much, she tells you, the truth is He also has a newborn daughter who is being fostered in the Knights of the West Wind in Mond at this time]

[One night, after finishing work, you were about to go home, but encountered an unprecedented heavy rain. When you rush back to the village, you are surprised to find that Alice is helping to evacuate the crowd. It turns out that due to the rainstorm, a huge mudslide has been caused, which may engulf the entire village]

[You are also ready to return home immediately and rescue your wife and daughter. Fortunately, because your house is far from the village, this mudslide should not have any impact on your home]

[However, when you were still a few hundred meters away from your home, the mudslide finally poured down and rushed towards the village]

[At this moment, you suddenly saw Alice's figure, actually suspended in mid-air, her hands were dancing with fiery flames, illuminating the night like day]

[In her hand, an explosive fireball was launched, and it slammed into the mountain. Then, you saw the most wonderful explosion that you have ever seen in your life. Compared with this explosion, your previous works, It's like a cannonball in the hands of a child]

[The huge explosion actually changed the direction of the debris flow. When you regained consciousness, the debris flow that was redirected was rushing towards your home.]

[But no matter it is the sound of rainstorm, explosion, mud stone, or the cry of her daughter Keli, you can't disturb Virginia, who is already sleeping. Relatives were devoured together by ruthless mudslides]

[The effect of the talent "One More Time" is activated]

[You miraculously survived, as a wife and daughter, but they were swallowed by mudslides, you hid in the dark, watched Alice and the villagers, and dug up their bodies from the ruins]

[They shouldn't have died, the culprit behind all this is Alice! Although you know that she is doing this to protect the safety of the villagers, your uncontrollable hatred still overwhelms your sanity]

[Just like the classic "trolley problem", there may never be a standard answer, but the person who pulls down the lever is bound to pay for his choice]

【You want revenge! But you know in your heart that you are definitely not Alice's opponent. She is more powerful than you know, but you quickly thought of another more "cruel" method]

[Alice said that she has a daughter who has just been born, and your plan is to take away her daughter and make her feel the pain of losing her relatives]

Wu Er Lu Lu Wu Er Wu Yi

[Your "corpse" has not been found, but everyone thinks that you are already dead. How could a one-armed person survive such a terrifying disaster? 】

[You were in the dark and witnessed the funeral of your family. At that moment, all the prospects for a better future were all shattered by the woman named Alice]

[At night, after everyone left, you stood silently in front of the tombstones of the three of them, and inserted a four-leaf clover in front of the tombstones of your wife and daughter. You turned and left, step by step into the darkness]

Vol.2 Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: 223's Revenge Program for Alice

[25 years old: After that turmoil, you hid in Mond City for a period of time. Although your family was ruined, you still have a considerable amount of savings, which is enough for you to live for a long time]

[During this period of time, you have collected a lot of information, including that Alice's daughter, the child who was under one year old, was thrown into the West Wind Knights by her mother, and she herself set foot on it again. journey】

[To be honest, you have some doubts whether Alice really cares about her daughter. If she doesn't care, her revenge plan will be meaningless. However, you still plan to give it a try, after all, "revenge" has become the only driving force for your survival]

[In order to revenge Alice to the greatest extent, your revenge plan is not just to kill her daughter, you plan to take her daughter and raise her up, and let her remember from childhood, Alice is her mother-killing enemy]

[When she becomes an adult, let her take revenge against Alice, so that no matter who is killed in the end, your revenge plan will be successful]

[Of course, the difficulty of completing this plan should not be underestimated. In addition to kidnapping Alice's daughter from the heavily guarded West Wind Knights, you are also facing a bigger problem, that is how to Concealing her daughter's identity]

[After all, the characteristics of the elves are too obvious. With Alice's supernatural powers and her relationship with the West Wind Knights, it is not difficult to find an elves baby.]

[Fortunately, when you were studying alchemy, you accidentally got a formula for a potion. This potion can suppress the blood of the elves for a certain period of time and turn it into a human form]

[You don't have time to wait, every day Alice's daughter grows up, the success rate of your revenge plan will be reduced a bit]

[After all preparations, you did the last thing, and that was to destroy your face. Although Alice thought you had died in the mudslide, she still remembered your face]

[You burned your throat and half of your face with drugs. Compared with the physical pain and the psychological pain, you have already become numb. You used this "new image" to go back to the village a few times and make sure that even the villagers couldn't recognize you, and then you finally started the first step of the plan]

[You have already figured out the duty order of the West Wind Knights. On a night of lightning and thunder, you used the pre-refined hypnotic potion to stun the guard who had just changed shifts, and then mixed into the Knights.]

[You quickly found the room where Alice's daughter was fostered. Alice probably didn't expect that the cute house number she designed for her daughter would help you find her place]

[Of course, as you expected, this door has been enchanted by Alice, and only the designated person can open the door]

[However, from the beginning, you had no intention of opening the door]

[As an experienced person, you have already prepared micro-explosives that can easily blow up walls without harming the interior of the room]

[You observe the thunder and lightning outside the window, calculating the timing of the next thunder, and finally, with a deafening thunderstorm, you detonate the micro-dynamite]

[For some reason, when you were carrying out all these criminal actions, you were so calm that you didn’t look like a novice at all, maybe because, in your mind, this action had already been rehearsed thousands of times]

[You walked into the baby room and finally saw your target, Alice's daughter, lying in the cradle, her big red eyes and pointed ears all prove her identity]

【What surprises you is that whether it is the violent storm outside the house or the detonation just now, this little guy has no fear at all】

[Even, when she saw your terrifying face, she giggled and even stretched out two small hands towards you. You held her in your arms, but her eyes were a little wet]

[You think of your daughter Keli. When she was born, she was as cute as the baby girl in front of her, but now, she has been buried with her mother forever in the cold and dark soil]

[At this time, you have heard the sound of hurried footsteps and the panicked voices of the knights outside. This is also within your expectation. If a one-armed man can easily enter the knights and kidnap a baby girl If you leave easily, then the West Wind Knights, I am afraid that they can close their doors long ago]

[It is very difficult for you to escape by yourself, not to mention having a baby girl, so from the beginning, you have no intention of escaping]

[You took out the remote control prepared in advance, and as you pressed the button, half of the West Wind Knights were instantly submerged by the explosion. When you sneaked in just now, you had already placed controllable bombs in various locations. just to create chaos]

[You took advantage of the chaos, blasted the wall, hugged Alice's daughter, and disappeared in the rainy night, the rainstorm will wash away the traces you left, and you returned to your residence with the baby]

[The first thing you did when you got home was to feed the pre-prepared medicine into the baby's mouth. Sure enough, under the action of the medicine, the baby's pointed ears gradually turned into the shape of human ears. Eyes, also slowly turned black]

[You finally breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, you know in your heart that your revenge plan has just taken the first step. This step is not the easiest step, but it is definitely not the most difficult one]

[You did not choose to escape from Mond, the most dangerous place is sometimes the safest place. From today, you also have a new identity, a single father raising his daughter alone]

[As for Alice's daughter, perhaps in memory of her deceased child, you named her Yiyi Keli]

Seeing this paragraph of text, Li Xingshan suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the origin of "Kelly".

[Raising a baby is not difficult for you, after all, you have already experienced it once. However, Keli seems to be much more energetic than ordinary babies. It took you a lot of effort to finally let her sleep peacefully]

[Looking at her lovely smile, your mood can't help but be a little complicated. You hate what Alice did and killed your family, but what's the child's fault? 】

[However, the impulse for revenge quickly wiped out the last trace of reason in your heart. You touched Ke Li's cheek lightly, but there was a cold smile on your face, and you muttered, "Go to sleep, baby, when you wake up next time, you will already be my tool for revenge." 】

Vol.2 Girl's Shaky Killing Intent: 224 Sorry, Abedo

[As you might expect, the explosion of the West Wind Knights immediately caused a sensation in the entire Mond City the next day. This explosion caused a total of three deaths and twenty-three injuries. Because the incident occurred in the early morning, the West Wind Knights There were not many people inside, and the heavy rain that night quickly extinguished the fire caused by the explosion]

[For those victims, you no longer feel guilty. The devil who hurt them is indeed himself, but the person who created this devil is Alice]

[As for the whereabouts of Alice's daughter, that is, "Keli", it has become an unsolved case. Some people think that she was killed in the explosion, because the baby room she was in had been blown to pieces, such a petite and fragile baby, said It may have been blown to pieces, not even the body was left.]

[It is said that Alice, who learned the news, immediately returned to Mond. You really want to go and observe secretly and see what expression will be on Alice's face when she finds out that her daughter was killed]

[However, you still hold back, you must hold back, you can't make any mistakes in this revenge plan]

[Alice firmly believes that her daughter is not dead, and even hopes that the Knights of the West Wind can order to search all the babies in Monde]

[However, this request was rejected by the head of the group, Falgar. Mond is a free city and cannot affect the freedom of other residents for one person. However, he also made it clear that he will be responsible for this matter, and as long as he finds any information related to his daughter, he will immediately investigate it thoroughly]

[Of course, everyone knows that this is just to comfort Alice, the probability of that baby surviving is really slim]

[Compared to the news of finding the baby, Captain Fargar is more concerned about finding the culprit of this explosion. This is almost equivalent to an undisguised provocation of the West Wind Knights. If the murderer is not found, the entire city will fall into panic]

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