Genocide Reality

210. Distinction from the past

The illusionist mask has already been slashed.

I mean, this road night is real.

Besides, that real road night told a horrible fact.

"Mahatma Wataru, the dimensional transfer device" Zoroaring "has already been fully activated"

"Oh my God!

... Didn't you make it?

"And now that my role is over, this is how I'm here to stop you."

That's what Roadnight told me.

"When your role is over... I knew there was another mastermind!

"Yes, you're right. Zoroaring is complete, so I don't need this anymore in the scenario of the mastermind who made this case..."

Road night was undead.

Already that flesh dries to karakara, and even if I don't knock it down, it's just the prayer of the saints of Seki, about to collapse.

"... Saint's prayer is good. Thanks to the loose control of the wand, I think I can speak a little honestly"

That's when the rest of us rushed into the boss's room.

Lillina screams.

"Father, why!

"Oh Lillina...... my dear daughter. It's all because of the sequel to Genocide Reality, produced in defiance of my intentions"

"What do you mean?"

"It's because of The Necromancer's Wand. It means he was manipulated with Yellow Springs (Hades) items after I died. Neither the Gamemaster nor the Genesis God (Dj Orr) can defy the rules laid down by Genocide Reality. I, as a sinus lord while manipulated, completed zoroaring with the power of the frenzied god Roaring Chaos"

"Who's the mastermind!

When I say that, Road Knight looks at me with sad eyes.

"Don't rush. It's also something you'll soon find out… more about stopping it now"

"But Zoroaring must have started already!

"Zoroaring is a thing made to bring doom to this other world (Mundus) in the first place. That man was too greedy."

"What do you mean?

"By activated zoroaring, the otherworlds (Mundus) connected to the otherworlds inhabited by the monsters go to doom, but that man, who was too hasty, has made alterations. At the same time, the gates to Japan and America were opened."

"Well, did you have overcapacity"

Road Night makes me laugh.

Seki's prayer has weakened the power of the reign of The Necromancer's Wand, but it seems painful for that matter.

Though a former sacrificial king, Road Knight's flesh is not so strong that it is merely a dead spirit.

Just using the situation to manipulate two items to get us this far.

Because of that, I was exhausted and cornered so far, but I was still happy.

That's right, it's still Road Night even if you die!

After all, I was also glad that Road Night wasn't a mastermind.

Road Night was the only talented game designer I respected in this universe.

Genocide Reality is a gloomy game where people die.

A killing labyrinth of despair.

It would be a game that parents don't really want their kids to play.

But when I was a kid, I was fascinated by the world.

An adventure in a chilling dungeon always tenderly leaned against my heart, which was hurting and making no one believe.

Some kids need games like this.

It wasn't just despair and killing that was given.

In the face of difficulty, there was always hope and salvation ahead of the slip through it.

Genius Game Designer Noble Night (Road Night)

He was a great being who saved me as a child who was lonely.

"Apparently, we don't have time to talk anymore..."

In the prayer of Seki, the flesh of the undead is about to perish.


"No, don't stop praying. Stop praying and you will be ruled again, and I will attack you. Please, let me die."

Slowly the Road Knight flesh collapses.


Lillina leans in on it.

"It's Lillina. I'm already dead. Never again will I grieve."

"But, but..."

"It's Mahatma Wataru. Please, ask for my daughter..."

"Oh, I've been entrusted"

The flesh of the Road Knight, which has always been dominated by the 'Necromancer's Wand' to force imposition, collapsed exhausted.

I thought you were going to ask me to save the world for the last time, and you were worried about my daughter.

Forced back to life Road Night would mean he died as a person.


Lillina, who was crying, fell as she clung to the remains of Road Knight's body.

"Hey, Lillina"

Setsuki will see you soon.

"It's okay. Looks like he just fell asleep tired. I'll clean this body, too. But you're a little tired."

Setsuki says that and gives him a tired laugh.

Lillina also continued to have a lot of hard work up to this point, so I guess the limit came.

They're all worn out now.

"Oh...... right. Honestly, I don't feel like I can walk another step."

Even though health and stamina can be recovered in potions, there are also limits to continuing intense combat without rest.

Though we have to hurry, we should rest for a little while before the last battle.

The boss's room has no more place to rest because it can be closed by the door.

"Then rest here."

Japanese-leaves come and they attach a big bed to the dungeon, so I'm tired and I can't resist anymore.

"This will be my last break, dude..."

No more vigilance or nothing.

I fell and lay on my bed.

Soft stuff overlaps me and wraps me up.

It's been a long time since I let go of consciousness with complete peace of mind. I guess it was really the limit.



"... hey, how long have you been asleep"

A slightly safer voice blocks my sleep.

Overhead, I saw Daijinghua's face.

"Oh well. You slept well."

Exactly forward and backward unconsciousness. If it were me sleeping in this state, I could have killed even Kyung-hwa.

No, you can't.

Since the women surround the huge bed put out by the Japanese leaves in a narrow place, can anyone notice if they approach it with killing intent?

Conversely, if someone tries to betray me, they could kill me.

At some point, there's even Lillina on the edge of the bed, and I'm still not willing to trust him.

Oh, but I'm a little happy Setsuki's asleep, too.

Maybe we're starting to need these guys as companions at some point.

... Damn, I'm getting weaker too.


Kyung-hwa's gonna get his hands on me.

"Oh, my God, I don't need any help getting up."

When I said that, I said something terrible.



"My naked, you saw it"

If I told you that, you'd come at me, but it's a hundred million bucks to go in already.

"Huh, if I pay you, do I show you naked? You're a cheap woman."

"That's not true!

Her face turns bright red, and Kyung-hwa gets angry.

Then don't say it.

"... how much do you want?"

"Your entire estate."

Tell me.

You put too high a price on yourself.

I woke up Japanese-leaf and Usher, sleeping next door, ready to leave.

"Well, I'll think about it when this is over"


Jinghua says so, so I laugh bitterly that the cash coin doesn't change.

Just thinking about it though.

Well, the only remaining Genocide Reality is the nineteenth and twentieth tier.

The last battle with everything hanging begins.

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