Genocide Reality

185. From here it will be a real battle

Burning down the remnants of the Moja-headed zombie slime with a fireball took a breather for now.

"You still have the Hedro."

"Stick to the side of the city's exterior wall, you can't take it."

Ariadne and the others are splitting it and baking it, but I'm not comfortable not turning it all into ash.

There is little damage in the city, but the damage to the exterior walls was terrible and the large gates that were on the front and back were completely distorted, and once opened, they never closed again.

It can be used as a supply base, but it will no longer be used as a defensive base.

"Well, I hope you're just gonna keep attacking me"

The problem is more morale than that.

Whatever we are, Lillina and her unit are depressed by the killing of every executive of the mechanized infantry we ask for.

"Hey, Lillina. How long have you been fooled?"

"I don't know..."

"Then what? You guys, what happened to your previous momentum?"

Stir him up and he won't even get back to me.

Completely, I'm depressed.

"You guys, check my status."

"Maicheng Wataru (Shinjitsu) Age: seventeen Occupation: Sword God (Kenshin) Warrior Rank: Transcendent (Overlord)

Light Supplier Rank: Transcendent (Overload) Monk Rank: Final Reacher (Archmaster) Mage Rank: Breaker (Overman) '

Mirror Ryuji turned into a giant enough to cover the entire floor.

By defeating those enemies on a different dimensional level, I reached a step further beyond my limits.

"I've never seen a rank like this."

"Breakthroughs (Overmen) beyond the final reachers (Arkmasters). And transcendent (overload) beyond the breakthrough (Overman)? That's more or less what I expected."


"In this world, the limits of status have already been removed. There's no longer a limit to growth. Sure, Mirrors with extra-dimensional power were strong, but even we could gain more power than that."

It would be no coincidence that Samurai's final rank, the Sword God (Kenshin), bears the name of God.

In this world, where the limits have been abolished, the limits of man are transcended, and any one can gain only comparable power to God.

"Well, we were going to raise our rank to the limit here..."

"Even your ranks have grown in this short time. Lillina, too, must really know. If the enemy is going to be stronger than we expected, we just have to be stronger."

"That's easy..."

"It's easy. I'm just excited right now. Like the glasses there, what's so fun about just looking through the fights like you know what you're fighting for?"

The glasses thing, the staff of the Special Forces (Blackjacket), Ensign Scott was provoked by me to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. This is serious.

Loss, injury, fear and wandering of the executive and the main mechanized infantry detachment.

Everything we've been through in the last fight.

Given that we were only high school students, it's pitiful that the people who were told they were elite (special) are silent with their necks aligned.

"It's a life-threatening battle!

The only person who still has the energy to offend me is Lillina.

I said, laughing deliberately and provoking.

"Yes, you're the only ones who didn't figure that out. This battle has been a life-threatening one since the beginning. So are the enemies that intercept us. It must be genocide reality because it's a battle that hangs all of its own survival."

If we lose this battle, this world of Mundus will be destroyed.

Even the presence of a mystery called the sinus lord, who manipulates the dimensional transfer device Zororing, said the monster of the undead, does not change that.

In the Genocide Reality system, we're on par with our enemies.

I forget that fact when I just live comically, but the species of man is still alive without perishing, only because he won the competition for survival.

This dungeon merely shows the nature of its survival in plain sight.

If we do not draw to the city and are willing to fight against our mighty enemies, we will just wait for them to destroy us.

You can't survive without fighting and winning.

"Oh no..."

Looks like Lillina almost said something, but it looks like she's ready for the fight.

I don't have time to waste here.

"Lillina, the chat is over. I'll go now. Hey, what about the old man?

The depressed Lillinas, Lt. Richard, who cared about the young soldiers and took care of them, rose up when I spoke to him, grabbing the sword of the Mad Beast of Fame (Garod Sword).

"Of course. I'm ready to offer you everywhere to Lord Mahatma!

"You have a good gut, old man. I'm going to make you a part of this at best."

And I guess Lieutenant Richard, who doesn't order the young soldiers to fight with him, is also a good commander.

Even I wasn't willing to convince Lillina and the others from the beginning.

Adults can just show their backs facing each other.

If you don't exhort them, they won't even help shit on the earth field, such as fighters who can't fight.

"Wait a minute!

"I won't wait, Lillina. You shake like this in the city, you like it."

"Everybody, stand up! We're going after Wataru!

In the end, the only way to live is to decide for yourself.

Whatever horrible enemy we have against us, we will fight through to the end.

What Lillina and the others would do was for them to decide.

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