Genocide Reality

170. Killing Labyrinth Backlash

On the second basement floor, a barricade had already been laid as instructed by Lt. Richard.

Example new material The large shield of carbon nanobelts is guarded side by side.

Lieutenant Richard, who accompanied us, asks the nearest captain.

"What happened to Captain Lillina?

"We've been sent to rescue the remaining men on the third basement floor."

"Did they still get ahead of you..."

"You won't mind. We're going to the third basement anyway."

We continue to cross the barricade and head down to the third basement where the unidentified bucket came out.

The young soldiers of the Special Forces (Black Jacket) drop it off with their eyes like they see a monster.

Well, from here on out, you guys will have a heavy load.

Rifle up and follow me Lieutenant Richard bowed his head to me once now.

"Lord Mahatma, I can't believe it."

"I said you didn't have to thank me. You can't be alarmed from here on out, so be careful with the old man at best. All we have to do is attack the third basement floor on our own. Let's go, guys!

Usher and the others raise their voices to my signal.

It's not what I found out who would help me in the process, because I'm just going to destroy the invasion of the enemy.

But, well, it's no fun getting ahead of the Lillinas.

The unidentified monsters that have invaded this floor will be defeated by us.

The identity of the mysterious enemy, with his knowledge of genocide reality, gives me an approximate idea.

"Maicheng Hall. Captain Lillina is believed to have headed straight for the central basement of the third floor, where the third detachment refused to report."

Is that where that big dragon's neck came out?

From the other side of the aisle, the cry of the dragon and the ringing voice of Lillina echoed.

"Allow unlimited use of arms now!

Shit, did they rub you ahead?

I pull out an isolation (solitude) and run out.

Lillina's "Shoot!" On the signal, daddy-daddy-daddy-dried shooting sounds.

An encounter between the dragon's neck and the main unit led by Lillina was turning off fire in the large hall in the middle of the third basement floor.

Only a giant dragon the size of a dungeon's passageway exists on its head.

Originally, these are the only monsters with heads like this.

It is a great dragon (Orochi) that also appears as a general monster from the ninth basement, the boss of the seventh basement floor.

Its giant jaw, which chews through everything, awakens instinctive fear in the organism.

Not only that, but it is the biggest enemy of Genocide Reality II upstairs in terms of simple power alone.

"This guy's not good with guns! Ghaaaa!"

Exactly. The cheerful guys couldn't even tell the joke while the giant dragon chewed their bodies off.

If you're swallowed whole by that giant jaw, new material protective clothing won't do you any good.

Did the soldiers tremble in fear or did they rarely randomly fire their guns?

The attack, however, does not strike a decisive blow even if it penetrates deeply into the flesh of the Great Head Dragon (Orochi).

"I'm coming over here!

You've been irritated by gun indiscriminate shooting, and one swallowed up again.

An inadvertent attack just ends up inflicting pain and making it more rampant.

Too big an enemy to defeat with a small bullet in a gun.

"Don't be frightened! If you don't have enough fire, drop the C4 bomb too!

"You chickshaw! You lizard bastard, you're still eating this!

There's been a big explosion, Don! Don! and the atmosphere trembles.

Did they even use the bomb in a narrow dungeon?

"Don't be unscrupulous."

Fierce ground sound.

For a moment, I thought it was a suicide-prepared attack, but he's just not that stupid.

Apparently, it's a directional bomb. There's no damage here.

But the intense blast, smoke and shock made the situation difficult to understand.

That alone is a major disadvantage.

Now, it's hard to get my hands on.

Well, okay.

Anyway, fate is not the head of that look-alike dragon.

"You guys, look for the enemies that lurk often"

"What do you mean, Death?

I'll teach Woosser to ask strangely.

"The real enemy is that we are apart. Perhaps that big dragon is a decoy."

This battle can't just be defeated by the enemy in front of you.

"Whoa! Captain Lillina is on her way!

An avant-garde soldier barked.

It's hard to see the situation with the smoke, but apparently, Lillina came out directly.

Lillina wraps a long chain of steel around the mandible of a giant dragon (Orochi) frightened by an explosion.

The moment I thought you were going to do something like that...

The rubbing sound of Guiyin and metal echoes.

Apparently, that steel chain has a blade on it that moves like a super vibrating cutter.

The blade of the chain contracting with super vibration broke the span and the dragon's jaw in two.

If you can't even bite attack, then it's a huge chunk of meat later.

The elites of the Special Forces (Black Jacket) surround the Big Head Dragon (Orochi) for a focused attack.

Turned a giant dragon's head into an ugly piece of flesh.

"Hyah ho! Captain Lillina did it!

The soldiers sprang up when Lillina, the leader, defeated the Great Head Dragon (Orochi) herself.

You idiots are distracting me.

I'm familiar with this pattern.

To me rushing over, Captain Lillina raised her shaped jaw with Hung and her chest up.

"How about my Jason! This super vibrating chain..."

"- Out of the way!

I blew Lillina off with my shoulders intact.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I don't have time for Lillina's long mouth.

Well, you know what I was expecting?

I jumped out of The Shadow of the Dragon to kill Lillina, full of gaps, a pitch-black sword.

I take it with an isolated blade.

"You guys, the enemy is coming out of the shadow of a dragon!

I warn my allies as I swing my sword back and forth with my enemy's blade intact.

Strong response, the hell killed him.

But from the shadow of the dragon comes one new hand after another.

It was the myriad underworld knights (shadow nights) who had hidden (hidden) their appearance without sound.

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