Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 12 You look so pretty when you smile

The first day of school is no different.

There is self-study class in the morning.

Zhao Yi took out his mathematics textbook, spent a learning coin, entered [Focus Mode], and began to recite and understand mathematical formulas.

I turned to the last page of the mathematics textbook in the first volume of high school. After understanding and digesting it, I did a few simple questions and checked that all the answers were correct.

Zhao Yi breathed out lightly.

Change physics!

Mathematics and physics, the formulas and theorems of the two major courses, must be picked up first!

For subjects such as biology and chemistry that require a lot of memorization, it takes a little longer to pick them up again, which means you have to put them off.

It's not difficult either.

The original memories from high school are still there. You only need to compare the knowledge in the textbooks, dig out the memories again, and then answer questions to supplement them, and you can almost reach the level of high school.

Zhao Yi!

Zhao Yi!

The arm was pushed.

Zhao Yi reacted quickly and looked up to find Sun Laoban standing on the podium.

The classroom was silent.

Zhao Yi nodded towards Sun Liang and stopped reading the textbook.

Sun Laoban stood on the podium with a serious expression, I want to say one thing. The day after tomorrow, that is Saturday, there will be an exam for the senior year!

This exam only has four subjects, mathematics, Chinese, English and comprehensive science. It's like a simulation of the college entrance examination. Physics, chemistry and biology are included in the comprehensive science paper!


The classroom burst into mourning.

No one expected that the exam would be announced on the first day of school.

Sun Laoban pressed his hands and continued, This exam is very important and related to class placement. If you rank in the top 100 in the school, you can enter the elite class. The elite class will be divided into Class A and Class B, which will specifically explain some difficult and difficult points. .”

I hope everyone will take the exam seriously, especially those who are ranked in the top ten in the class. If you want to get into the elite class, you must perform well!

Sun Laoban changed his voice and comforted him, However, don't be upset if you can't enter the elite class. There will be opportunities in the future. The elite class only has classes together occasionally, and there will be no changes to the normal classes...

“ @¥ # %……”

Zhao Yi sat down with a dazed look on his face, recalling what happened in the elite class.

The policy from above stated that students should be treated equally, and students should not be treated differently based on their grades, nor should they be placed into classes based on their academic performance.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Letting top students and poor students attend lectures together may seem like equal treatment, but in fact it is unfair to the top students and a waste of their time, because most of the knowledge points and questions are already memorized by them and there is no need to repeat them. Learn to listen to the class.

If you want to improve the admission rate and quality of admission, it is still necessary to establish elite classes.

The No. 13 Middle School still established an elite class. It was said to the outside world that they occasionally attended classes together. In fact, after the elite class was actually separated, new classes were only taken in the original class. At other times, the elite class was held separately.

Zhao Yi was originally admitted to the elite class, but ended up in the elite class B. Later, he took another exam and ranked over 120 in the school, so he was kicked out of the elite class.

That's really embarrassing.

Zhao Yi felt depressed when he recalled it, and kept cheering himself up, You must get into Class A! You must get into Class A!

After the self-study class, the classroom was lively.

Everyone is discussing class division, and the most uneasy ones are the students who are ranked in the teens. There are six science classes. If you want to be admitted to the top 100 classes, you have to be ranked in the top 15. If you want to be admitted to the elite class A, you have to be admitted. Top eight.

Zhao Yi's original grades hovered between tenth and fifteenth in the class.


Zhao Yi was a little unsure, but there was nothing wrong with studying hard.


In chemistry classes, students read textbooks and memorize equations; in biology classes, they memorize textbooks and watch experiments.

Listen to lectures on physics and mathematics and memorize formulas.

Chinese, sleep.

English, sleep.

Zhao Yi planned a full day and studied hard even during breaks. The level of study surprised Sun Liang and asked in surprise, Aren't you sick?

Go to the bathroom?


Lin Xiaoqing's face was full of ridicule, You know you have to take the class placement test before you take it seriously?



Some people don’t see it that way.

In the second period of the Chinese class, when he saw Zhao Yi lying on the table, Teacher Wang sarcastically said, Some people just don't make progress, no matter what you say, they can't do it! They will take the test in different classes soon. With this attitude , just give up!

Zhao Yiquan pretended not to hear.

As an adult, he has his own ideas and study plans, and he cannot waste unnecessary time just because of the teacher's attitude.

For language courses, it is too low to improve efficiency by listening to lectures. It is perfectly fine to just focus on listening to some reading comprehension and other question-solving skills.

The bell rang for recess.

While Zhao Yi was still immersed in studying, the class suddenly became lively, and the students ran out cheering?

Ah? What are you going to do?

Broadcast gymnastics! Sun Liang said matter-of-factly, On the first day of school, we will probably stand in line, and we will stand at the far west.

It turns out there is such a thing!

Zhao Yi followed the crowd out of the classroom, lined up in the corridor, and then walked slowly towards the playground.

The playground was very chaotic on the first day of school. The first-year students were trying to find their seats, and the second- and third-year students were also trying to get their seats. By the time the queues were completely arranged, twenty minutes had passed.

Then everyone did some eye exercises together.


Zhao Yi mingled in the queue of Class 3 and was thankful that he didn't have to do broadcast gymnastics to be embarrassed.

He really doesn’t know how!

[Sports, learning coins +1. 】

What an unexpected surprise!

When he returned to the classroom, it was almost time for the next class. Zhao Yi simply put down his books, half-lying on the table, scanning the surrounding classmates, and silently recited their names again.

Luo Rui, Wang Meijuan, Zhao Liang, Sheng Zhenhua, Ruan Hailong, Shen Liang, Wang Yuan...

I almost remember it clearly.

Lin Xiaoqing was holding a thick book and reading it in her mouth.

What are you reading? Extracurricular books?

Lin Xiaoqing showed the book cover. The name of the book is Complete Collection of Extracurricular Knowledge Competition Questions.

What's the use of reading this kind of book? Zhao Yi suddenly lost interest.

Lin Xiaoqing glared with some dissatisfaction, turned around and opened a page and asked, The following is not the story of the Three Kingdoms? A. The Battle of Chibi; B. Three visits to the thatched cottage; C. Conversation with the Confucian scholars; D. Asking for forgiveness under the thorn.


Zhao Yi directly gave the answer without using the Law of Cause and Effect.

Lin Xiaoqing was a little reluctant, This question, what do the 'Four Treasures of the Study' in ancient my country refer to?

Paper, ink and pen!

When you encounter difficulties in study or life, which famous quote inspires you?

“Sail against the current, or retreat if you don’t advance?”

There are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world to teach people. Don't be complacent?

Young people don't know how to understand, but the boss is right...cough, cough, this is too simple, let's do something difficult! Zhao Yi quickly changed the topic.

Lin Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and asked in a stud-like tone, What's the word Tao Yuanming?

Zhao Yi thought about it and asked, What are the options?

A. Yanhe; B. Zijian; C. Yuanliang; D. Deshi.

Zhao Yi replied with a smile, It's C, Yuan Liang, I remembered it.

Lin Xiaoqing stared at Zhao Yi for a long time, turned her head away with unwillingness, and muttered angrily, What's the use of knowing this! Poor grades! Can't get into the elite class!


Zhao Yi quickly patted his chest and refused to argue with the little girl!

Ula Ula~~! A strange tone came from the side.

Sun Liang is listening to music.

Zhao Yi quickly pulled Sun Liang and asked, What song?


Perhaps because someone was enjoying it, Sun Liang hummed louder.

Zhao Yi covered his ears in pain, reached out and pulled off Sun Liang's headphones, and shouted angrily, Stop singing, I will vomit blood if you sing again!

Sun Liang's eyes were full of anger.

Lin Xiaoqing suddenly turned her head and said, I think Sun Liang sings very well. If you have the ability, can you sing a few lines? I've never heard you sing before.

Don't sing!

Must be tone deaf! Lin Xiaoqing complained.

Zhao Yi suddenly leaned forward and almost hit Lin Xiaoqing's face with his mouth.

Lin Xiaoqing said in embarrassment, What are you doing!

Come on, Miss Lin, smile!

Zhao Yi made a face.


Lin Xiaoqing's little mouth turned into an arc involuntarily.

Zhao Yi hummed immediately, You look so pretty when you smile, like a spring flower~~~

Lin Xiaoqing's face immediately turned red, and she turned her head away shyly. After a while, she came back to her senses and became angry.

What's going on? I was so upset by being sung!

Damn Zhao Yi!

Lin Xiaoqing immediately turned around and said with sharp eyes, Zhao Yi! The exam is about to take place? The placement test! From now on, we will not be in the same class! You will be in the ordinary class and look at us with envious eyes. Come listen to the elite class!

Yes, us, me too! Sun Liang and Lin Xiaoqing actually stood on a united front.


Zhao Yi looked at Sun Liang and then at Lin Xiaoqing.


Look down on people!

Zhao Yi said seriously, Just watch! I will enter the elite class! Elite Class A!

He faced two pairs of mocking eyes.

A bet?

What are you betting on? Lin Xiaoqing asked disdainfully.

Zhao Yi looked Lin Xiaoqing up and down and said with a bad look, Just bet on one thing. If I can enter Class A, you promise me one thing. As long as you can do it, you can do anything. On the contrary.


Lin Xiaoqing said without hesitation, Don't regret it! After she finished speaking, she took out a piece of white paper, folded it in the middle and wrote down the contents of the bet.

Sign it!

Each person has one copy and keeps it separately!

I'm coming too.

Sun Liang added weakly, he had a strange feeling, as if he was incidental?

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