< Leave Hunsu - 'Psychic Wars' (3) >

Episode 180

Dumdum and Shani shook their heads to the point that the current lecture was the one that thought three steps down from their own standards.

Geniuses do not know the minds of ordinary people.

Because those words couldn’t fit together so well.

But whatever it is, if you go straight into the game without any training as it is, it will be very difficult to win.

Dumdum, who had been thinking deeply, looked at Dohyeon and asked a question as if he had suddenly remembered it.

“Oh, right. Why don’t you try to teach Victoria-sama before?”

– Like Samurai Hearts?

-The time when I was surprised by Big’s spicy taste!

– Ah haha ​​then? hahaha

-He who even gave up on him…

-Are you referring to the day when the legendary clip, self-harvest swordsmanship was made?

At Seungyeon’s sudden mention, Dohyun opened her eyes and asked again.

The only time he taught Seungyeon was when he played Samurai Hearts, shortly after the show started.

At the time, he had taught her under the name of the ‘Making Victorians’ project.

However, the results were not very good.

Unfortunately, he realized what Seungyeon’s ‘spicy taste’ was and raised both hands and feet.

Do-hyeon, who recalled the memories of that time, said with an ambiguous expression.

“That’s a little….”

“Yes? Why?”

“Anyway, wouldn’t it be too much of a disrespect for Shani-sama to inform you like you would to your sister?”

– An insult to Shani hahaha

-Victoria’s Mysterious 1st Loss

-What is this overwhelming presence that is not clearly present?

-Hey hahaha If this is the case, call me as a guest!

“Teaching my sister is the same level as teaching a real child how to hold chopsticks.”

“No. For ordinary people, that’s fine.”

Dumbham said firmly.

He remembered how Dohyun taught Seungyeon during Samurai Hearts.

It was a very easy-to-understand instruction, from a very detailed and easy-to-understand explanation to an actual demonstration.

Although Seungyeon couldn’t accept it…

If Shani wasn’t physically as dark as Seungyeon, she could get anything.

Dohyun thought for a moment, then nodded.

“Um. It’s fine. If Shani-sama is okay with it, I’ll tell you like I teach my sister.”

“Yes! I’m fine.”

“Okay. So, first, let’s start with the very basics of ‘wing cutter’. As I said earlier, the core of ‘wing cutter’ is accumulated through ‘Wind God’s Protection’-“

With Shani’s consent, Dohyun began teaching her to the same level as when she taught Seungyeon.

In my own story, the teaching at the level of ‘teaching a child to hold chopsticks’ was much better than I thought.

From how to read the flow from movement to attack to defense, and what choices to make under what circumstances.

As if a lecturer with tweezers gave a lecture, Shani’s skills improved rapidly.

Shani, who has never played Psychic Wars before, was able to defeat an intermediate bot alone after receiving his training!

Of course, it may be thanks to Shani’s game talent, but it would have been difficult for him to grow so rapidly in such a short period of time without Dohyeon’s teaching.

Even Dum Dum, who was watching from behind, was amazed.

“Wow. Seeing this makes me want to learn too?”

– What are you good at teaching?

-1 stroke instructor Kratos;;

-I also learned from K and Shifer!

– I think you can raise at least tier 2

However, Do-hyeon’s teachings also had limitations.

For example, this kind of limitation.

“But how do you do that?”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s just blowing up the wind and blocking the opponent’s movement.

Dohyun taught about ‘wing cutter’ and showed movement control through wind.

The overwhelming appearance that prevented even a proper attack on the opponent with the wind caused by the ‘Wind God’s Protection’!

Shani was just asking about it.

The question came from the thought that she might be able to do it if she learns because she defeated an intermediate bot, but she didn’t know.

The foolishness of asking a genius how.

“You can just do it…. Oh, no. Wait a minute. How am I supposed to explain this?”

Dohyeon, who had an embarrassed expression on his face, scratched his cheek.

On the contrary, this was one of the most difficult questions for him.

just do it

You can do whatever you want.

If you ask me how to do it, it’s difficult to answer.

It’s like asking, ‘How do you breathe?’

“So… To do that, you can predict the opponent’s movement and add strength with the wind, or, conversely, cut off the flow of the opponent’s force and disturb the balance.”

“The flow… huh?”

“Yes. You can see it just by looking at it. How the opponent is going to react. How you move your body. Then you can push or pull with the accumulated wind according to it – but you don’t know?”

“To be honest, yes. Not at all.”

-Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

– I didn’t understand at all.

– No, I think you can just do it. Even though I explained it, I don’t know if it was driven, so it’s sadder

– I just laugh hahaha

After a few incidents, the training ended.

It was only natural that he couldn’t just train forever.

That’s because the name of the program the three of them are currently running is ‘Leave Hunsu’, not ‘Learn Psychic Words’.

Of course, viewers seemed to be very happy with what’s going on right now, but that’s it anyway.

Shani manages to learn about the ‘wing cutter’, learn about the rules and battles of Psychic Wars, and applaud as if Dumdum is trying to evoke the atmosphere! hit

“Now, shall we start the game now? As I said before, the two of us will watch Shani play the game and hunsu in the back! How will Shani play the game! Please watch all the viewers! “

– It’s finally starting.

-But it’s already very full;

-It’s a good thing I learned the basics of a wing cutter from K.

– It’s already worth seeing.

– Why don’t you just keep taking lectures from Big?

“Then I’ll start the game!”

They left the training ground and immediately started the game.

After a very short, brief waiting time, the matching was done immediately.

Five people appeared with the effect of five pillars of light falling around Shani.

There were four men and one woman.


“Thank you!”

-Seoup ㄲw

– It’s not a lang game, but how do you shoot a workshop hahahaha

– Occasionally, if you’re lucky. It goes away

Those who appeared greeted each other with smiles.

There was a very friendly atmosphere.

From now on, we were going to be together for at least ten minutes and at most thirty minutes.

Of course, I don’t know if this atmosphere will be maintained as the game progresses, but anyway, the start was very good.

“Where. ‘Warwolf’, ‘Firehand’, ‘Sword Dancer’, ‘Laser’, ‘Battleners’. Shani-nim’s ‘Wing Cutter’. The combination doesn’t feel too bad.”

“I think it’s pretty good for a workshop combination.”

“Yes. Of course, it’s just a matter of balance. It’s a good start.”

Dohyeon and Dumdum, who became observer mode, talked while looking at those who became a team with Shani.

Shani couldn’t talk to her teammates because she was greeting them, but in the midst of that, the sound in the broadcast shouldn’t be empty.

As they chatted, the time remaining until the game started quickly dwindled, and soon the game began.

[Welcome to the portrait battlefield]

[Utra Jungle Annihilation Battle]

Victory Condition: Defeat the opposing team 50 times before the opposing team]

“It’s an annihilation battle….”

“I wished I would have caught something else, but it’s a pity.”

“I wonder if a siege battle would have been a good place to start.”

“Yes. Annihilation warfare is a bit crazy.”

Unlike siege warfare that keeps one line for a while from the start, annihilation warfare is all about fighting like crazy.

Of course, for Shani, who is playing Psychic Wars for the first time, a siege battle was more suitable than an annihilation battle.

However, the battlefield is decided at random.

As long as the workshop was conducted without making a separate room, that was unavoidable.

“For now, let’s get together!”

“Yes! I think that would be great!”

Shani and the team gathered together and began to move.

As long as the rules of the battlefield were before annihilation, it was a natural action.

You don’t have to keep the line, but if you go separately and get defeated and die, you don’t only sacrifice 1 kill to the opposing team, but your allies have to fight 5v6, which puts you at a disadvantage.

Dohyun, who was looking at Shani’s team moving all at once, said while stroking his chin.

“Hmm. I’m worried.”

“What are your concerns?”

“Our program, Shani-nim, me, Dum-Dum-nim, and the viewers give hunsu to Shani, right?”


“Then, on what basis should I hunsu?”

Dum-dum tilted his head at Do-hyun’s question.

Because I didn’t understand what he was saying right away.

“What criteria?”

“Yes. I’m wondering if I should put hunsu based on what I can do, or if Shani-sama should keep hunsu as far as possible.”


It was only then that Dum-Dum realized the meaning of Do-Hyun’s words, and his expression changed to the same as Do-Hyeon’s.

It was an ambiguous issue.

Dumdum pondered for a moment and asked.

“If Kratos-sama is the standard, what kind of training will you give now?”

“If it’s now….”

While Dohyun was talking, Shani and her team encountered a group of enemies.

They were also moving together with the Shani team, so a total of twelve players were gathered in one place.

Immediate situation!

In that situation, Dohyun naturally continued to speak.

“I would have jumped right out, stepped on the foot of the enemy in front of me, stopped moving, and smashed the head with my fist in that state. After that, I would have continued to fight using the opponent’s body as a shield.”

– Oh, that’s a bunch.

– That’s not hunsu. fight!

-But let’s make that big one become real hahaha

– It’s a problem because it’s real hahaha

“······The standard of hunsu seems to be exactly what Shani-sama can do.”

While Dohyun nodded, Shani’s team and the enemy team ran into each other.

In Shani’s team, Warwolf took the lead and rushed towards the enemies, and from the opposing team, a Giant came out and collided with the Warwolf’s charge.

Starting with that, the battlefield where twelve psykers gathered became a mess in an instant.

damn! Quang!

Koo! puck! flash!

Fire and lightning and wind blew in all directions, and the wolf and the giant slash each other in between.

Like Shani, they were all beginners, but nonetheless, the battles were spectacular.

And that was the charm of Psychic Wars.

The charm that even ordinary people can fight superhuman battles.

Thanks to that, Psychic Wars kept the rankings and listened to the sounds of God game.

“No way!”


Shani also fought fiercely with the enemy as one of the twelve.

The enemy attached to her was ‘Soulless’.

‘Soulless’ As a wizard-type psyker that uses an attack through the soul, it was a difficult existence to deal with as all techniques automatically pursued the enemy like a targeting technique.

As if to prove that fact, Shani was wallowing around avoiding the souls that were chasing him.

“Then shall we go see Hunsu now?”

“That’s right!”

In the midst of a fierce battle between ‘Soulless’ and Shani, Dohyun sneakily approached her.

Then he whispered softly.

“Oh, that’s not what you do.”

– Ha, you’re talking like that right now??

– Hunsu insect appeared;

-After all, this is the beginning of Hunsu hahahahahaha

– Uh huh. K-nim’s words are not hunsu, but a god coach like gold and okjo!

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