< Lost - Early Progress (3) >

Episode 154

Even the four people were discussing something with their heads together, as if they were on the same team.

All of the people Dohyeon robbed before were all alone, but for the first time, members of the same team appeared.

However, whatever the case, they remain the subject of confidence.

Besides, it had nothing to do with Dohyun whether it was four or one.

Because of this, Dohyun slowly revealed himself in front of them.

“Huh! Kratos!”

“Really? Ugh! It’s true!”

– He’s a celebrity that nobody really knows.

-Star of the star of the star of the star??

-But why is it so infamous hahahaha

The four broadcasters recognized Dohyun at a glance just like those they had met before, and their expressions were startled.

But the reaction that followed was a little different.

While those who walked around one by one immediately raised their hands and surrendered, they rather raised their spears.

The attitude to fight clearly!

The viewers, who thought it would be the same this time because they only surrendered each time, were bewildered.

-? Are you going to fight now?

– You don’t run away even though you know him?

– You want to die.

-If it’s 4 to 1, it’s the size of a king hahahaha

“Lost has the same ability anyway!”

“There is a clear limit to what a person can see.”

“If it’s 4 to 1… it’s the size of a king!”

The four also raised their will by shouting as if they were broadcasting or to listen.

Actually, what the four of you said wasn’t entirely wrong.

The performance of the virtual body given in Lost is all the same.

It’s definitely a game, so it’s stronger than a normal body, but it means that there are clear limits.

A situation where this ability does not exist like Psychic Wars, and there is no gun like Ground Zero!

If it was a 4 to 1 close fight in Lost, it was good enough to say that four people had a chance to win.


Only when the opponent 1 is not Dohyeon.

Dohyeon smiled softly in front of the four people who were holding wooden spears and trying to face him.

And what he took out was an iron sword.

A gift that Seungyeon gave him before they broke up.

As the blade of the iron sword flashed and reflected the sunlight, the faces of the four turned white.

“What, what? Iron sword? Why do you have an iron sword now?”

“If you’re lucky, you can eat it, but… Kratos-sama, isn’t it famous for being unlucky?”

“When God created Kratos-sama, he was famous for giving him skills and taking away his luck.”

– Talking too much;

-Kingchiman… it’s true!

– It’s not that he’s unlucky.

-Gorgerson Big took it all.

Do-hyeon laughed at the sound of their cries.


What kind of demon king or monster is being treated like that?

No, actually, it doesn’t matter what is known, but isn’t it too expressive?

It was exaggerated to even say that God gave skill and took away luck when making it.

‘No, isn’t it?’

Dohyun scratched his cheek, realizing that somehow he had never been lucky while playing a virtual reality game.

“Even an iron sword can defeat it!”

“Did the swordsman wield a sword?”

“Child! So you’re not going to fight?”

“No! Gandaa-!”

Four broadcasters, who were having a conversation like a comte, rush towards Dohyun at once.

Contrary to his haggling appearance, he felt quite intimidated by the force of attack.

Well, if he was physically weak, he wouldn’t have even thought of attacking Dohyun in the first place.

The thought of having a fight with the four of them meant that they were quite confident in their physical abilities.

Because Dohyun’s current image was that much.


Even they got along pretty well.

The person standing in front stabs them first, and the person standing next to them tries to avoid Dohyeon.

The other two took a half-step back and had their eyes turned on to deal with Dohyun’s counterattack.

So Dohyun laughed.

It was refreshing to see only those who surrender without any resistance and fight like this.

Of course, that wasn’t a reason to watch them.

Do-hyeon, taking a big step forward, twists her body.

The wooden spear of the one who was stabbing me in the front flowed through his side and grabbed it tightly with his left hand.

The angle was narrowed so that the person who was aiming from the side could not attack with that alone, and blocked the obstacles of those behind with the body of those in front.

With just one action, all four actions are tied together!

It’s not just physical that Dohyun has.

His innate fighting ability once earned him praises as a god of battle!

A long time ago, like his father, Jee-Hyun Lee.

Now that the actions are tied, all that is left is a counterattack.

The iron sword that Dohyeon was holding in his right hand was swung wildly, and the wooden spear split the chest of the person who was caught.

Instead of blood, white powder of light scatters.

Belatedly, the person holding the wooden spear, screaming “Wow!”, let go of his hand and backed away, and the person next to him quickly stabbed the spear.

But the response was also perfect.

By turning his body to the side, he slashed the body of the person who was aiming for him with the wooden spear he was wearing on his side.


At the same time as the person who was hit by the spear fell apart, two people behind them stabbed the spear towards Dohyun.

However, Dohyun escaped from the spear that was aimed at him just by tilting his back.

Then, he naturally swung the spear that he had been swinging while holding it in his side, swung it back in his hand, and threw it while standing up toward the bare-handed person.

Nettle! The wooden spear that flew out pierced the chest of the person it was aimed precisely at.


One enemy who left an exclamation mark instantly turns into powder of light and scatters.

At the same time as falling into a moribund state, he died immediately due to damage coming from the studded spear.

The situation changed from 4 to 1 to 3 to 1 in an instant.

Hopefully, I didn’t know it would be like this. I thought there was a bit of exaggeration mixed in.

But it wasn’t false.

The faces of the remaining three hardened, while Dohyun smiled more intensely.

It was a sight where one could tell which side was overwhelming.

“Real monsters are monsters.”

“If I ask you to look at me now, will you look at me?”

“If you just say the word, I’ll betray these guys and go straight to Kratos!”

“What is this bastard? I’m first!”

-Look at that ugly haha.

-It’s Eva who’s watching here;

– But how are these kids so happy? Hahahaha

– These guys are really like that hahahaha

“Of course not. You’re going to die here at least once.”

The remaining three shrugged at Dohyun’s declaration of no mercy.

They didn’t seem to think that Dohyun would look after them either.

Perhaps he was just throwing an appropriate joke in order to smooth out his slightly disorganized momentum, and he was soon ready to fight again.

Dohyun also raised his iron sword and showed his will.

The one who ran first was the one who was hit with a spear.

The enemy who aimed the tip of the wooden spear at Do-hyeon rushes with enthusiasm.

Supporting him, two other men stabbed him with spears from the left and right.

Even though they went down from four to three, their breathing worked out very well.

Like we’ve been together for a very long time.

But unfortunately for them, there were two reasons they couldn’t win.

The first reason was the difference in weapons.

“My window!”

The sword Dohyun wielded cuts through the spear that was aimed at him.

There is no way that a wooden spear can withstand a blade made of iron.

While the enemy who suddenly lost his spear screamed like a scream, Do-hyeon stepped forward and twisted his body.


The second reason they can’t win.

That is, the person they are dealing with is none other than Dohyun.

What would you do if you had a body with the same performance?

The difference in performance you can see depending on how you handle it must be so overwhelming!

Dohyeon, who took a deep breath while twisting her body to the fullest, instantly spread her body and swung her sword.

A clear trajectory is drawn in the air.

That was enough to split the two spears that stretched out aiming at him.


“It’s still a window with installments left!”

-You just throwing drips hahahaha

– Are you guys losing?

– It will be resurrected anyway hahahahaha

-It’s fun and it’s good to see hahahahahahahaha

“You guys are funny.”

Dohyeon did not get caught up in the enemy’s pace.

He laughed lightly, but without hesitation he cut down the enemies who had lost their spears.

The enemies who were trying to do something somehow lost their lives one after another by the iron sword he wielded.

“Wow, that’s amazing. I’ve heard that Kratos-sama is physically handsome, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.”

the last one left.

The man who was lying on the floor with all his limbs cut by Dohyun exclaimed in admiration.

It was a calm expression unlike the sullen look he had shown before.

He smiled and spoke.

“It was a good fight.”

“It was a good fight. Ummm… are you guys going to go with just the four of you without a separate team?”

“Yes, for now.”

After hearing his words, Dohyun pondered for a moment and then said.

“Then do you plan on becoming a mercenary?”

“A mercenary?”

“Yes. In this server, it is said that you can hire up to four mercenaries in addition to the team during raids.

“We’re welcome, of course!”

– Was it a mercenary permit rule??

-ㅇㅇ Team 8 + mercenary 4 to 12

-Actually, they may have been aiming for this too hahahaha

– The big picture has come;

Dohyun nodded his head as he looked at the man who spoke with reflection.

Of course, that does not mean that we will hire them unconditionally as mercenaries.

It’s just something you can call after looking at the situation.

Still, there’s nothing wrong with securing four mercenaries in advance, who are well matched.

Do-hyeon, who held the iron sword in reverse, said.

“As you may already know, I’m Kratos. I’m currently in Yeonwoo-hyung’s team.”

“I’m Cheolrang. The other team members will meet and greet each other later.”

“Yes. That’s right. Thank you.”

Do-hyeon, who calmly greeted the man and Cheol-rang, lowered his sword at once.

Cheolrang, who was in a state of moribundity, could not bear it and scattered as powder of light.

There was only a bag containing the items he had left in his place.

Dohyun took all the materials inside.

– What is the ending hahahaha

– Didn’t you save my life??

– I said I would kill everyone once hahahaha

– A man who keeps his declarations, Kratos

“You can’t even kill one minute. Haha.”

After meeting with the four mercenary candidates, Dohyun continued to wander around the branch ever since.

But no one met any more.

Apparently, it was known that he was doing bandit passing by here.

Currently, the number of viewers watching his broadcast is about 45,000, and even if only one percent of them watch other broadcasters’ broadcasts, there are about 450.

Even if he tried to hide it, he had no choice but to be known.

“Ummm… Yeonwoo hyung? Can we talk now?”

No matter how much he searched, he couldn’t find any more, so Dohyun called Kang Kang-woo.

-“Conversation? Of course possible. Why?”

“The branch is finished. I can’t see anyone, so I’m going to join the farming now.”

-“For farming? Wait a minute.”

After a moment of silence, Kang Kang-woo spoke again.

-“Have you finished clearing the branch already?”

“Yeah. I guess I’m known for banditing. Everyone has disappeared. Oh, and I met four people who could be used as mercenaries. So, I made an offer.”

-“Yeah? It’s good because it’ll be good enough for you to suggest.”

If Dohyun’s weapon had been a wooden spear rather than an iron sword, it might have struggled a bit.

They were the ones who got along so well, so Dohyun dared to propose a mercenary.

I didn’t know that much detail, but Kang Kang-woo was very happy that Do-hyeon had met the people he wanted to recruit as a mercenary.

-“Once you gather the materials, put them in the box we hid earlier. And there is no need to join the farming.

“Yes, tell me.”

-“Well, I’m saying it because I think you can. If you go to the M-15 point, there will be NPCs. Armed with a gun and wearing a white hazmat suit, it’s easy to tell them apart.”

-Eh? May this be…

– Trying to farm NPCs??

– How long has it been since you started farming NPCs?

-I think it’s possible if it’s big.

The audience, who realized what Kang Kang-woo was talking about, murmured.

As if driving a wedge into it, Kang Kang-woo declared.

-“Catch them and farm them.”

A declaration to farm NPCs.

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