< Dragon Hunter - One who hunts dragons (1) >

Episode 148

“What if this doesn’t work?”

-You can do things like gathering here.

– Hunting for other dragons is also possible.

-If you collect herbs or fruits, it will be fine.

– A real man doesn’t pick up japtems.

“Gathering and continuous hunting. Hmm. There seems to be no need to do it right now, so let’s go back for now.”

Dohyun’s choice was the first option.

Because I didn’t feel the need to get something while going back and forth right now.

Because Dragon Hunter: Regalia saw the story of the beginning of a full-fledged hunt from the end of the story.

《Return to base》

“Yeah. Then let’s go right back.”

Just as when moving to the sea, it was Kalec who met Do-hyeon, who returned to the temporary base with Artasha and Krex.

Kalec, who was handling his duties as the 3rd unit commander, nodded with satisfaction as he saw Dohyun returning.

“I thought you would come back safely.”

“After all, my eyes weren’t wrong. You’ve had enough of a dragon hunter!”

“Welcome to the Dragon Slayer, Dragon Hunter Kratos!”

– Throw it away and make it look plain hahaha


-My eyes are sool

“Too serious abusive language will be banned, so please be careful about that. But I don’t like him either.”

However, it seemed that viewers could not agree with Kalek’s sentiments.

After all, at the beginning of the game, who would be happy if they ran away with their backs merciless and then came to praise them?

To be honest, Dohyun was close to the viewers’ opinion, but I couldn’t curse at the same time, so I was just helping in moderation.

“Since we’ve even killed Dorcas, we can move from the temporary base to our real base.”

“Of course you are with me, Kratos.”

Kalek tapped Dohyun’s shoulder and moved forward.

Artasha naturally followed, and Do-hyeon, who had lost the initiative of her body, also secretly followed behind.

A brief blackout and loading.

And when I began to see the surroundings again, it was a different place than the tent village.

In a place where there was only a tent on the floor, there were also plausible buildings, and people moved to more places.

“Oh, here….”

It was also a place that Dohyun knew.

It was the scenery he saw when he searched for information about Dragon Hunter: Regalia.

-You’ve finally arrived at the base haha

-Is it possible to make equipment now?

-Oh, mamma. But I don’t have the ingredients hahaha

-Dorong can’t do anything with 3 scales

In addition, it became possible to make equipment that is fun for Dragon Hunter: Regalia in earnest.

It means that it is possible to manufacture not only the Dragons of Death, but also armors and guardians with various skills if they have the materials.

Of course, it was a story only if there were materials.

“Are you a new dragon hunter? Nice to meet you. My name is Alexis in charge of the forge.”

“I hope to see you more often in the future.”

Alexis, a bald, middle-aged male NPC who seems to be the owner of the blacksmith, laughed.

After talking to him and checking the equipment he could make, Dohyun shrugged and stepped back.

“Again, there is nothing I can make.”

Because there was nothing I could do.

– Shabby…

-Originally, everything in the beginning is like that ㅠㅠ

– Basic item clear gashil??

-I wonder if the old dragon won’t be able to wake up

“For now, I’ve only caught one dragon. I can make more equipment in the future. It’s a story when my luck followed, but… umm.”

It must have been so bad luck, it was Dohyun who became somewhat anxious.

“I guess I’ll have to go to Kalec to see if the next process is going on.”

Do-hyeon, who had been looking around the base of the Dragon Slayer, visited Kalec again.

It was because that was the only exclamation mark floating above his head inside the base.

The same goes for checking the minimap.

As he spoke to Kalek, Kalek, who had his arms crossed, turned his head towards him.

“Oh, I just came here. There’s a new investigation report coming in this time.”

“They say that Takesouk appeared this time from the flood sea where Dorcas appeared before. If you caught Dorcas, you should be able to hunt Takesouk as well.”

“Once again, Artasha will help you. Go to her when you’re ready.”

[★2 ‘Take Sok Hunt’ mission has been received]

Kalek gave him a new hunting mission.

It was a dragon named Takesok.

Of course, there was no way to know what kind of dragon it was just by hearing its name, since it was Dohyeon with little base information.

Fortunately, when I visited Artasha, she kindly explained it to me.

“Take Sokra. It’s a second-level dragon.”

“It has nothing to do with first-class Dorcas, but it’s a bit more tricky because it has wings that Dorcas don’t have.”

“However, if you attack from the wings, you are weaker than Dorcas on the ground, so you will be able to catch it without much difficulty.”

A brief explanation of Takesouk and how to attack it.

He could not help but compare himself to Kalec, who just turned around after giving a mission.

If you explain so kindly, take care of me, and help me whenever I’m about to die, I think it’s natural to hear the sound of light.

Anyway, Do-hyeon, who got information about Takesouk, immediately set off again to Suhae with Artasha.

“As long as your life is not in danger, I will not help you again.”

“Let’s do our best to go hunting.”

Having said that, Artasha folded her arms and took a step back.

Like when they hunted Dorcas before, it seemed like they were just quietly following behind.

Of course, I didn’t expect much, so Do-hyeon, who lightly dumped it, unfolded the map.

However, since no traces were collected, there is no way that Takesok’s location will be automatically displayed on the map.

With a grin, he chose the same way this time to get help from the viewers.

“Let’s see… Where does Takesouk come from often? Anyone know?”

-2 consecutive cheating Evande hahaha

– Strong will to not send Gilchi battles

-This is the ‘King of Communication’

-Takesouk goes around sections 3 and 5 well.

“It’s section 3, 4, and 5. Okay. Let’s start right away.”

Do-hyeon, who got a hint from the viewers, left the camp that was fixed and started to go through the flood.

The road to the floodplain, where all kinds of trees were entangled, was very complicated, but it was not difficult to move because I had been there before.

He also collected various items while moving.

Fruits blooming on the roadside and insects attached to trees were collected, according to the opinion of viewers that they will be used in the future.

‘Dumbak’ sponsors ‘10,000 won’!

[Are you aware of the large-scale project that Dum Dum is currently working on?]

“Dumdum-nim? Well. I don’t think it’s a story I know. By the way, it’s a large-scale project. What are you trying to do again?”

-I was squealing a lot.

– It’s not just a large scale, it’s an extra large scale.

-ah···. about to be annexed;

-There’s no way Dumdum doesn’t call him big ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just looking at the last time ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

“It’s an invitational scale? That means that we’re preparing really big… Oh, traces!”

Do-hyeon, who was walking through the flood while chatting with viewers, suddenly shouted.

This is because they found traces that appear to belong to Takesouk.

It was a pale blue viscous liquid, and when he reached out his hand, a blue energy gushed out and seeped into it.

A blue line that soon begins to appear.

It was only now possible to trace through the longan.

That meant that there was no need to rummage through the flood waters, so Dohyun’s blue eyes twinkled.

“I’ll speed up and go fast.”

Do-hyeon, who spoke briefly, kicked the ground and started running.

Relying on the blue line in front of him to move quickly, he was able to find Takesouk in no time.

This was possible because Takesouk was not far away.

“That’s Takesouk.”

– It looks like a dragonfly.

-Dragonfly in English. Dragon······· Dragon! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

-no fun;;

-It’s so much fun, let’s get him a ban

The many eyes dragon ‘Take Sok’.

As a dragon with an appearance resembling a dragonfly, as its name suggests, its biggest feature is that it has so many eyes.

It was also a dragon with a rather tricky pattern of attacking while flying in the sky with four translucent wings.

Of course, it was a story that did not apply to Do-hyeon, who was able to attack not only from close range but also from long distance.

“Let’s see-“

Do-hyeon, who saw Takesouk tearing the tree fruit, cut the angle.

In order to prevent troublesome flying, the wings had to be destroyed first.

To be honest, it didn’t seem like it would be that difficult to fly, but it seemed better for a quick hunt.

Do-hyeon, who took out his spear and sword, smiled.

Then he lightly kicked the tree and jumped up.

When he became a dragon hunter and his physical abilities were added to his physical abilities, it wasn’t that difficult to climb to the height where Takesok was floating.

“Churuk, chump.”

As if not realizing the sign of a hunter quietly approaching behind him, Takesouk was busy tearing up the berries.

In the meantime, Do-hyeon, who approached right behind, kicked off a tree and ran towards Takesor.

“Churr ruck!”

Takesouk, who had made a bizarre sound and flapped his wings, flew away.

To a height that Do-hyun can’t reach.

Do-hyeon, who was about to attack from behind, had no choice but to panic.

-Information) Dragonfly’s eyes can see almost all 360 degrees.

-The dragon flew, so it’s a dragon fly hahahahahaha

-Why doesn’t that bastard know giving up?

– Hold on tight! Falling down


Dohyeon, who landed on the floor with a fairly heavy sound, looked up blankly.

Takesouk was spinning round and round in the sky, gurgling as if mocking him.

It was his mistake that he did not think that he would even have a 360-degree field of view just because he looked like a dragonfly.

However, in any case, Takesouk had to come down to deal with him.

Although the first surprise was a failure, there was nothing wrong with him.

“You don’t have to panic. I’ve got a bow for a time like this.”

Naturally, Dohyun, who had his sword and spear on the floor, drew the bow he was wearing.

It was to hit Takesok, who didn’t even think about coming down.

And after thinking about it for a while, the arrow he chose was none other than a javelin hanging from his waist.

A short spear that is too short to be called a spear and too thick and long to be called an arrow is hung on the string and pulled.

– I hope so, really hahaha

– Expected hit

-A bow is made to shoot arrows, right?

– Will you use the javelin as an arrow??

“Yes. It was written like this in a video I found about DeHun.”

Dohyun, who remembered one of the videos he had been looking for when learning about Dragon Hunter: Regalia, answered the viewers like that.

The reason he chose the sword, spear, and bow, which can be said to be his main weapons in the first place, and even picked up a javelin was for this ‘one shot’.

Naturally, the audience couldn’t understand it.

-? In what video?

– What the hell did you see?

-Who is it! Who told him such a absurd thing? Very well done!

Dohyun didn’t know.

The video he saw had the title of ‘De-Hun Entertainment Collection’, and he went through dozens of failures to shoot properly once.

In the first place, the javelin is not a weapon with a structure designed to be used as an arrow.

Wouldn’t it be easy to hang it on a protest and shoot it?

‘It’s a little inconvenient, but what…’

Do-hyeon, who was not aware of such a thing, pulled the demonstrators and aimed straight at Takesouk.

He didn’t mind the slight discomfort.

His excellent sense was changing even that into a suitable posture.

The longer the protest was held, the more blue energy gathered into the spear, and eventually it covered the entire spear and shone.

Dohyeon took a deep breath and looked straight at Takesouk.

As I concentrated my mind, the noise around me disappeared as if it had been muted, leaving only Takesouk and me in the world.

The Takesouk floating high in the sky appears large as if it were in front of her.

As always, I never thought it was going to go wrong.

The javelin that was shot while tearing the air soared straight up and pierced the wings of Takesouk as it flew in and out of the sky.

The power contained within it was so strong that it tore the pierced wings to shreds!

[Take Sok – Part Destruction ]

A system message announcing the destruction of the part appeared in the corner of Do-hyeon’s field of vision.

At the same time.



Taking out a scream that sounded like a scream, Takesouk fell to the ground.

Even when one wing was completely torn, it was only natural that it could not fly as well as before.

Watching Takesok struggling with the shock of falling to the ground defenselessly, he pulled out the sword and spear that Dohyeon had left on the floor.

I don’t know if it’s when I’m flying in the sky

One wing had already been completely torn, and Takesouk, who had fallen to the ground, could not stand against Dohyun.

On the ground, Artasha said that she was weaker than Dorcas.

He slashed Takesok lightly, as if resenting for avoiding his first surprise.


– Cut bugs!

– But when you look at it up close, it looks like a bug;

-You look creepy

– That’s why a lot of people don’t like him. It’s creepy hahahaha

Takesok, who had suffered from a flurry, lay down on the ground, and naturalization continued.

As Takesouk’s corpse slowly disappeared into the air, only two translucent fragments that were presumed to be wings.

Since he didn’t expect much from the materials that were dropped, Dohyun picked them up without hesitation.

“Hey, I’m late…”

It was then that I heard the voice of a begging man.

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