< Dragon Hunter - Tutorial (3) >

Episode 145

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. There was a commotion here too because of the rush.”

“By the way, we didn’t even talk to each other.”

“First, let me introduce myself. My name is Kalek. I am currently the captain of the 3rd unit of the Dragon Slayer.”

“What’s your name?”

The man, Kalek, looked at Dohyun and said.

Hearing his self-introduction, Dohyun blinked blankly.

He only looked at Kalec’s face despite the system window popping up in front of him to enter his name.

It’s because I never imagined that the NPC who deceived the player from the moment he appeared and ran away would be a person with a grand title of commander of the 3rd corps.

“Isn’t it a high rank if you’re the commander of the 3rd corps of the Dragon Slayer?”

If it had been done, Dohyun would have asked the viewers like this!

-ㅇㅇ It’s right for someone with a high dragon squad.

-There are a total of five units, of which 3 are unit commanders hahahaha

– Actually, the top three, right?

-Excluding the commander-in-chief, it is the highest hahahaha

“No, why did such an NPC appear for the first time…”

‘Developer Said’ Sponsored ‘10,000 Won’!

[Do you know the philosophy behind the appearance of this NPC? Little Hunters?]

Of course, no one knew the philosophy contained therein.

Even while Dohyun was chatting with the viewers for such a short time, Kalek just waited for his answer like an NPC.

Dohyeon shook her head and filled in the blank with her stage name.


“Yes. Is it ‘Kratos’?”

Kalek, recognizing the name that Do-hyeon had entered, continued speaking.

“As I said in Harpen Village, Kratos, you have the qualities of a dragon hunter.”

“Not only did I survive against Dorcas, but I also stole his left eye.”

“If you accept dragon blood, you will surely become one of the best dragon hunters among us.”

“Of course, it’s not forced. Becoming a dragon hunter is something you can only do by your own will. How about it. Would you like to join us?”

│Join the Dragon Slayer

│Do not join the dragon squad


In front of the second option, Dohyun stroked his chin and was in trouble.

This is because, unlike the options that appeared in the tutorial, this time it seemed to contain quite important content.

Perhaps this choice may be the first turning point.

“Does anyone know what happens if I choose not to join here?”

-I don’t know

– different root sense

– I’ll go to the Shinryongdan instead of the Dragonslayer.

-Shinryongdan’s story is cancer-causing, so let’s just kill the dragon

“Oh, right? It’s cancer-causing… Then I’ll just join the Dragon Slayer.”

After asking viewers for opinions, Dohyeon chose “Join the Dragon Slayer” option.

If one or two people said he didn’t like it, he would have picked whatever he wanted, but the way he clamored enough to cover the chat window seemed to dislike the story of ‘Shinryongdan’ quite a bit.

Also, he doesn’t know anything about the game Dragon Hunter: Regalia yet, so it was to prevent it from becoming a no-jam content by taking a different route for nothing.

When he chose the first option, Kalec’s face brightened significantly.

“It’s a good choice, Kratos. You will surely become the best dragon hunter.”

“Follow me. I have prepared a ritual for the dragon hunter for you in advance.”

“I’m glad my consideration didn’t go to waste.”

– Answer you shhh

– Do you have any preparations in advance and ask?

– Consideration

-Did that guy jump out of his mouth? hahaha

Following Kalek, Do-hyeon headed to the barracks on one side of the base.

From the outside, it looked like a barracks that looked no different from any other place, but as soon as you went inside, you could feel a suffocating energy.

Do-hyeon realized that it was starting with a bowl in the center of the barracks.

A bowl of clear liquid.

Kalek, who walked briskly, looked down at the bowl and opened his mouth.

“This is dragon blood. To be precise, it is a special dragon blood made by refining dragon blood.”

“A dragon hunter is completed by taking this dragon blood into his body. By absorbing it, he can exert his power beyond human beings and be able to handle the Dragon Dragon.”

“The only thing you need to know is that the dragon hunter steals the dragon’s power, so it leaves a clear mark. Like this.”

Kalek gently rolled up the sleeves of his clothes.

On his exposed forearm, scales like those of a dragon had sprouted.

“And one more thing.”

“Those who possess dragon blood receive unparalleled hatred from dragons. When they see a dragon hunter who was chasing ordinary people, their eyes turn to death.”

“Well, it doesn’t really matter because it’s our job to kill dragons anyway.”

The explanation ended there.

Kalek took a step back and opened the way to Dohyun.

“Now, absorb this dragon blood and become a dragon hunter. Kratos.”

There was no need to waste time, so without hesitation, Dohyeon dipped his hand into the bowl.

The clear liquid seeps into his hand in an instant as if it were sucked into his hand.

After a moment of crushing blur, the only thing he saw was himself.

A figure of herself standing with her eyes closed.

Seeing this, Dohyun blinked.

[Please set the appearance]

[However, at least one characteristic that appears due to hemolysis must be set]

[If nothing is set, it is applied randomly]

“Ah…. You’re asking me to do a kerma.”

– See the build-up hahaha

-Wow! Karma!

-Suddenly, the mood is sooga

– It’s amazing how this game progresses even if you watch it again.

Come to think of it, I was also talking to Kalec to come up with a name.

So it wouldn’t be too strange to do customization now.

The second system message would mean to put the dragon scales Kalek showed you when customizing them.

“Appearance kerma will go over moderately. There is not much to change….”

-Is this Jonjal’s confidence?

-Kratos-sama is the coolest as it is haha

– Barely kick it!

-The Big Brothers and sisters are originally both good-natured;

What Dohyun set up were the characteristics of hemolysis.

The customization that can be set as the hemolysis feature was more diverse than I thought.

It was possible to change the shape of the eyes to resemble a dragon, to make scales to the body like Kalec, and to create horns if desired.

He chose eyes and horns.

It’s a pity it’s a feature that doesn’t show up well.

There wasn’t much to set up, so it didn’t take long for the customization to finish, and he returned to the barracks.

Kalek smiled as he saw him with his hands removed from the completely empty bowl.

“Congratulations on becoming a dragon hunter, Kratos.”

Dohyun quietly clenched his fist and opened it.

Perhaps it was because he had absorbed the dragon blood, and he felt that his physical ability had increased tremendously.

It’s embarrassing to even compare it to before.

If he had this kind of power when fighting Dorcas, he was convinced that he would be able to kill him without difficulty.

“Now, let’s go to the training ground to find the destroying dragon that suits you.”

It was said to be a training ground, but in reality it was an empty lot in a corner of the base.

It was a place where a large wooden pole was erected as if to be used instead of a sandbag in the center, and various weapons were displayed around it.

From general long swords to large swords, spears, sickles, assault spears, mace, battle hammers, bows, and crossbows, there were many different types.

The strange thing is that Do-hyeon felt a strange sensation from the weapons on display.

It was resonating as if something inside him was resonating.

Kalec lifted up one of the windows on display.

“When you kill a dragon, the dragon’s power remains only in a part of its body. The weapon made with it is the Dragon Dragon.”

“The Dragon Dragon reveals its powers in response to those with dragon blood.”

woo woo-

The spear Kalec was holding began to tremble, and the blade of the spear burned red.

A stream of power that could not be ignored was felt from the bright red spear blade.

one stab.

I thought that the power I felt from the spear blade would extend forward, and then the wooden pole that was far away flew away! and split

Kalec shrugged and said as he hung the spear where it was originally displayed.

“All of the weapons here are sulryonggi. If you hold them in person, you will naturally know how to use them.”

“Kratos. Let’s try to choose the one that suits you best.”

– Let’s unconditionally use a sword!

-Swords are double swords! This is the soup rule haha

– A man’s weapon, the Mersword Hershel??

– No, why not a bow?

-If you go around breaking your head with a hammer, it’s hilarious hahahahahaha

As soon as Kalek finished speaking to choose the destroying dragon, viewers’ chatting streamed up in the chat window.

Among the dogs, the one that seemed to be the most frequent was the double sword.

Starting from the days of Samurai Hearts, it was often associated with two swords, so it was the reason that viewers wanted it the most.

“I’ll try it all once.”

It’s Dohyun who doesn’t even know exactly how many types of weapons exist in Dragon Hunter: Regalia.

So, after making that declaration, he glanced at the weapons on display.

Twenty types of weapons that seem overkill.

Among them, the first thing he picked up was none other than the twin swords.

It was the weapon the viewers were most looking forward to, so I decided to try it out first.

[Annihilation Dragon – Dual Swords]

[Weapon Difficulty: ★★★]

[A very aggressive style weapon that hunts dragons based on fast attack speed and large number of attacks]

[View video]

In the video, he was shown fighting a dragon as if he was trying to show how to use a double sword.

Feeling the weight of the twin swords in both hands, Do-hyeon carefully watched the battle of the dragon hunter with the twin swords in the video.

Dragon Hunter: Each of Regalia’s weapons, the Destroying Dragon, has a special usage to find out.

To be precise, it was how to use the gauge in the corner of his field of vision.

“It’s like attacking enemies to build up gauges and using them to strengthen weapons.”

-ooh, that’s madam

– How fast you fill the gauge is important

-Double swords… This fight is won!

– Some velvung patch;

Do-hyeon, who found out how to use the Sword Dragon – Dual Swords through the video, approached the wooden pole.

There is a difference between seeing it with my own eyes and trying it with my own eyes, so I intended to try it myself.


Dohyeon narrowed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

Before long, his two hands begin to move, and the two swords dance splendidly.

Two sharp swords crossed each other, sometimes passing each other, and slashing wooden posts dozens of times.

The more that happened, the faster the gauges visible in the field of vision filled up.

When it reached the end, a burning effect appeared, and Do-hyeon, who saw it, quickly collided with the two blades.


As the two swords he was holding were engulfed in red energy, Do-hyeon, who exclaimed briefly, moved again.


The power has grown so powerful that it can’t be compared to before the red energy was created!

It was almost as if the wooden pillars were cracking and cracking.

The gauge decreased at a fairly fast rate, but the reinforcement was maintained for quite a long time as the amount of continued attack was offset.

However, it was impossible to keep it indefinitely, so the red energy slowly faded away.

“Are you okay?”

-Then double sword a?

-I’m afraid to be a swordsman;

-Are you going to try everything else hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

– What are you going to use next?

“Like I said, I’ll use them all. Just to see what kind of weapons you have.”

And Dohyun kept what he said.

He used all the types of destroying dragons on display once and checked how to use them according to the weapon.

Longswords, Greatswords, Axes, Shortspears, Longspears, Assault Spears, Maces, Battlehammers, Hammers, Bows, Crossbows and more!

Including the first pair of swords, he used 24 types of weapons.

The surprising thing is that he seemed to be very good at handling weapons.

Not just one or two, but all 24!

‘You’re a big cat’ sponsors ‘10,000 won’!

[Have you ever learned a weapon technique?]

When the viewer asked about the nonsensical weapon technique, Dohyun shrugged.

There has been talk of this once before.

What did he say then?

“I often looked for videos on how to handle weapons. It wasn’t because of the mission, but because I wanted to use a variety of weapons.”

-video?? can this be done with that??

-Ah haha, reminds me of Samurai Hearts hahaha

-The time when the black cow man went out hahaha

-Information) It is possible to learn a weapon technique just by looking at it

Viewers who have been watching Dohyun’s broadcasts since the early days giggled.

Because the mission to use the spear at the time that turned Mission Man into a black cow was one of the earliest legends.

After that, the hidden achievements were a little buried by the impact of breaking the water, but anyway.

After a brief chatter, Dohyun scratched his cheek as he looked at the dragon flags on display.

“Now I have to choose a weapon….”

-Double sword a? double sword a?

– Murgum was hungry…

– If you break the pot with a hammer, it’s fun.

“This time, I’m going to try using a variety of weapons. I think it’ll be fun.”

In response to Dohyun’s opinion, viewers filled the chat room with the word ‘ㅇㅇ’.

To be sure, Dragon Hunter: Regalia was a game where there was no reason to use only one weapon.

There is no specific level for each weapon, and it was a game that recommended hunting using various weapons in the first place.

The only problem was the player’s proficiency in each weapon, but even that had no meaning to Dohyun.

“This and this, and this too…”

However, when Do-hyeon started picking up the dragon flags on display, the audience’s reaction changed.

They started to paint ‘?’ in the chat room.

Do-hyeon, armed with a spear in his left hand, a long sword in his right, with a bow on his back, and a javelin at an angle to his waist, was enough.

It was something that viewers couldn’t understand.

– what the hook collector;

-Uh~ What if you have so many weapons?


– It’s really versatile hahahaha

Only then did the viewers, realizing the true meaning of the phrase ‘use a variety of weapons’, giggled like crazy.

Because that was a method that only Dohyun, who had a crazy physical ability, could try.

Do-hyeon shrugged her shoulders as if looking at such viewers.

“I told you. I’m going to try using ‘various’ weapons.”

A confident smile spread across Dohyun’s lips.

As if to show you what the real variety is.

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