Chapter 300 Summoning the Crack Empty Seat Battle!!

“Very good, you and I come really, then don’t blame me for being unkind, don’t think that I only have one Mewtwo.”

Gu Yuxuan was angry.

Originally, I wanted to give Deochisis a face and give Daiochisis a chance to negotiate peace.

But I didn’t expect Daio ~ Chisis to be so excessive.

Then he couldn’t be blamed, he could only teach Daiochis a lesson and beat him up fiercely.

Hit Daiochisis does not dare to be arrogant, hit Daiochisis to change back to his original form, see if Daiochisis still dares to be so crazy.

It’s endless.

Gu Yuxuan took out the scales of the split empty seat and began to summon the split empty seat in his heart.

In the sky, in the ozone layer.

The rift seat was resting leisurely when he was suddenly summoned by Gu Yuxuan and opened his big eyes.

After sensing a little more carefully, the Rift Seat actually felt the breath of Daiochis.

The same Daiochisis who had been defeated by him.

He didn’t expect Daiochisis to appear again, and he was still planning to make a move against Gu Yuxuan.

Sure enough, Deochisis should still be destroyed, and Daiochisis should not be allowed to stay.

The rift seat suddenly accelerated, but in a few moments, it flew from the sky to the ground.

Roar roar…

Before the Pokémon arrived, the sound of the dragon chant of the Rift Seat had already resounded in the sky.

When Gu Yuxuan heard this voice, he felt a lot of excitement in his heart.

The rift seat has finally arrived.

The Pokémon who defeated two Daiochis in the anime is now under his control.

He wanted to see who Daiochis was, who dared to be so arrogant and dare to do something to him.

Then let the rift seat destroy Deochisis.

It is better to unload Daiochhisis into eight pieces.

Daiochis heard this dragon groan, and his body trembled slightly with a familiar voice, could it be a cracked empty seat?

Gu Yuxuan just noticed Daiochis’ expression and was thinking in his heart.

Could it be that reality has a certain relationship with the anime world.

Otherwise, how could Deochisis have such a feeling about the sound of the rift seat.

Daiochis turned his head, and sure enough, a black dragon swooped down from the sky.

This is the rift seat.

In the distance, the leader of the rocket team, who had been watching the battle through the monitoring equipment, suddenly changed his face.

“Damn, why is the Rift Seat here, did you find Deochisis so quickly!”

The leader of the Rockets felt uneasy inside.

He knows the identity of the Rift Seat and the relationship between Odichi and the Rift Seat.

When the original Ochisis was defeated by the Rift Seat and turned into a crystal, he happened to be next to him, taking the opportunity to obtain the crystal of Iochisis.

Then after such a long period of research, he finally recovered Daiochis.

Still thinking of Daiochisis to eliminate Gu Yuxuan, who thought that the rift seat suddenly appeared, and this time he hit him with ten strokes, and the leader of the rocket team had a murderous look in his eyes.

No, this time must be successful, otherwise Gu Yuxuan knows his identity and is likely to do something to him.

Being targeted by a divine beast, he now felt a magic in his heart.

Fortunately, the Rift Empty Seat should have nothing to do with Gu Yuxuan, but he had a feud with Daiochisis and specially came over to take revenge.

It’s just that the timing of the rift seat to take revenge is not right and disturbs his plans.

The leader of the Rockets clenched his right hand.

What to do now, whether to shoot the final trump card again.

He has only one trump card, and if he doesn’t use this trump card, then he will definitely be finished.

Gu Yuxuan must die.

The rift seat flew to Gu Yuxuan’s side, and did not hurry to move, but just watched with blank eyes.

It is now really curious about how Gu Yuxuan met Daiochisis and why he fought with Daiochisis.

As for losing, it is absolutely impossible, and it is impossible to lose to Deochis.

This is suppression in strength.

“Crack empty seat, you came just in time, this bastard will start without a word, he actually dares to sneak attack me, give it to me, and teach him a hard lesson.”

Gu Yuxuan can be said to be furious.

He couldn’t bear it, and Daiochis actually did it casually, obviously he didn’t do anything.

The rift seat twisted its huge body and quickly flew forward, staring at Daiochis with two big eyes.


A dragon chant sounded, and the rift seat suddenly accelerated, and the huge body crashed towards Daiochis.

Daiochis had long been familiar with the strength of the Rift Seat, and at the first time it became a defensive form, and his body became quite swollen.

A dragon god swooped down and crashed into the Rift Seat in the form of a defensive liver.

The fat defensive Daiochis was knocked out and glided through the sky.

Mewtwo didn’t do it.

To deal with a Daiochis, there is no need for two divine beasts at all, the rift seat is enough, he only needs to look at it from the side.

“The battle will be over soon, I want to see what is so crazy about Deochis, he actually dares to do something to me.”

Gu Yuxuan’s face was quite ugly.

He played a day of competition today, and he was very tired and in a rather unhappy mood.

As a result, Daiochis also came to trouble him, and he did not agree with him, and even wanted to kill him, and he was naturally very unhappy.

Without teaching Daiochis, it is difficult to vent the fire in his heart.

In the face of the fierce attack of the Rift Seat, Deochisis was defeated and was not the opponent of the Rift Seat at all.

Not even hyper-evolutionary.

The strength of the Rift Empty Seat is strong, and among all the divine beasts, the pig is one of the best.

In the distance, the leader of the rocket team watched the battle silently, and had already expected the end before Odochisis could not defeat the rift seat, let alone now, there is only one, how to deal with the rift seat…

I just don’t know how long I can hold out.

“Chief, it seems that you are going to lose, what should you do next.”

A cadre next to him was very concerned.

He is the most loyal subordinate of the leader of the rocket team, so even if he knows that the leader of the rocket team wants to deal with Gu Yuxuan, he still follows behind.

Firmly believing in the strength of the leader of the rocket team, as long as the leader of the rocket team is willing, he will definitely be able to defeat Gu Yuxuan.

Just looking at the way it is now, Daiochisis is not the opponent of the Rift Seat at all, let alone killing Gu Yuxuan.

“Don’t worry, there is still a chance, I still have an ace, as long as I use this trump card, I will definitely not lose.”

The Rockets leader is confident in himself.

He does have an ace, as long as he uses this trump card, then he will definitely not lose.

The cadre next to him changed his face slightly, lowered his head, and did not show it.

He had followed the leader of Team Rocket for so many years and knew about Deochis, but he did not expect that the leader of Team Rocket still had secrets.

Unexpectedly, even the leader of the rocket team did not believe him.

Thanks to him, he also thinks he is the most effective assistant of the leader of the Rockets.

“Then chief, it’s time to do it.”

The leader of the rocket team nodded, it was indeed time to start, and Xiao had to destroy Gu Yuxuan.

Taking advantage of the current fierce confrontation between the Rift Empty Seat and Daiochis, he had to find a way to sneak attack Gu Yuxuan.

As long as he can successfully sneak attack, Gu Yuxuan will undoubtedly die, and this world is his after all.

Thinking of this, the leader of Team Rocket became excited in his heart, and the city wanted to move.

Immediately you can dominate the world.

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