Chapter 124: The Death of Taro Yamamoto, a Difficult Battle!!

“Stinky boy, hurry up and let me go.”

Taro Yamamoto panicked.

The Flame Bird has completely gone violently and will come over at any time.

If he was hypnotized by hypnotic powder, once the flame bird approached, he would not be able to fight back.

Never faint here.

Gu Yuxuan didn’t care about Taro Yamamoto.

The last time he let Taro Yamamoto go, he was already very face-saving, and now that Taro Yamamoto is looking for death again, he must not be let go.

Taro Yamamoto struggled a bit, smelled hypnotic powder, fell drowsy, and eventually stopped growing.

Kenteiro followed and passed out beside Taro Yamamoto.

Gu Yuxuan was holding the knife and was hesitating whether to stab or not.

He didn’t seem to have killed anyone yet.

Forget it, first control Taro Yamamoto’s Pokémon, the battle here is so fierce, it depends on whether Taro Yamamoto can live.

It is estimated that it will not survive, after all, the flame bird is so crazy, holding the calculation of destroying everything.

And the Pokémon was confiscated by him, and Taro Yamamoto did not have Pokémon in the future, how could he become a champion.

Taro Yamamoto will be a waste in the future.

Gu Yuxuan threw Taro Yamamoto to the ground and ran in the direction where Gu Dahai was.

Not long after Gu Yuxuan left, a flame flew over and burned Taro Yamamoto.

“Dad, hold on for a while, don’t work hard, focus on stability.”

“You stinky boy, how did you come here, who let you come.”

Gu Dahai was anxious, and Gu Qinglong was very panicked.

Gu Yuxuan is the hope of their Gu family and the champion of the Gu family in the future.

And definitely the strongest champion.

“Stinky boy, why are you here? It’s so dangerous here, don’t leave quickly. ”

“Dad, no need to worry, I’m just here to watch, you guys remember, you must delay time.”

Gu Yuxuan stared at the flame bird in the sky.

Just hold on until the arrival of Czechoslovaki, a little flaming bird, no need to take it to heart.

The flame bird flew around, did not find the lightning bird, looked down, and saw a lot of electric Pokémon.

It probably understood, it must be these humans who wanted to do something to him.

His eyes turned red, and anger welled up in his heart.

Gu Qinglong was really helpless.

Who would have thought that his Pokémon was so lucky, two thunderbolts, and all hit the flame bird head-on.

“Electric shock monster, electric dragon, thunder.”

“Electric shock Warcraft, Thunderbird Dragon, Thunder.”

Several champion-level Pokémon moved together, and countless thunderbolts attacked the Flame Bird.

The Flaming Bird spews out blazing flames.

Thunder and flames intertwined, causing a huge explosion.

Gu Yuxuan stood far away, and he could feel a wave of heat erupting from him.

It is worthy of being a divine beast, even if it is only a third-level god, it has the power to destroy the sky and the earth in the face of several champion-level thunder, and a jet of flame can be suppressed to the bottom.

“Damn, the flame bird is too strong, my door is not an opponent at all.”

Gu Qinglong’s face was ugly, he regretted it, he had known to let the Kabi beast explode.

This is the trouble that the Kirby Beast causes, and it has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, the current flame bird regards him as a life and death enemy, which is clearly trying to talk to him desperately.

“Dad, you must hold on, and when the people from the alliance come, you can control the situation.”

Gu Dahai gritted his teeth and insisted.

The people of the alliance may not be able to defeat the Flamebird, and the old horse can control the rear.

After all, it is only a third-level god, and it is a big deal to pay some price.

But even if you pay the price, you must control the flame bird.

“Yes, my Lord Mengante.”

What else can Gu Qinglong do, he must insist at this time.

“Gu Champion, and a few of us, united together, will definitely be able to hold on.”

“That’s right, our purpose is to protect the Demon Capital, how can we abandon our faith and a few Heavenly King trainers with a firm face.”

They have received the grace of the country in the world, naturally they want to serve the motherland, how can they do something to escape.

“Okay, let’s join forces and defeat the Flame Bird last time.”

Gu Qinglong was deeply inspired and full of faith.

Gu Yuxuan watched from a distance, his Pokémon were useless, and he went up to deliver food.

Just wait for the arrival of Czechoslovaki Roma and all troubles will be solved.

In the sky, the Flame Bird is in a state of rage, and its attacks are very crazy.

The two champion trainers, many Heavenly Kings, and Heavenly King alternates, even if they are united, they can’t stop the Flame Bird.

He was also beaten and retreated.

Gu Yuxuan clenched his hands, and for the first time, he felt powerless.

Although he became a quasi-heavenly king trainer in one year, he was much worse than a divine beast.

This time the Flame Bird crisis made Gu Baoche Xuan’s heart full of desire for industrial change.

It is not enough to have one Tianchy, it is necessary to let the small nebula hatch as soon as possible.

Once Little Nebula grows thoroughly, even if it is a real first-level god arrogant, he is sure to suppress it.

But now, it seems that the flame bird should still be done, and it will take a long time for the small nebula to hatch.

Magic Capital City.

The entire demon capital panicked, after all, the flame bird completely stormed.

Once the Flame Birds are about to run out, their demon capital will definitely suffer heavy damage.

All the high-end forces in the Demon Capital, and even the high-end forces nearby, all converged together.

The Flaming Bird must be suppressed as soon as possible.

Many people don’t want to participate, but no way, if they don’t suppress the flame bird, something will definitely happen to their family.

Fortunately, there are two champion trainers, plus many Heavenly King alternates, and they still have the power to fight.

“I don’t know what happened to the sea.”

Su Fenfang looked at the secret volcanic realm, and her heart was full of worry.

Not only was Gu Dahai not there, but even Gu Yuxuan didn’t know where.

These two people are the most important part of her life, and suddenly, Su Fenfang raised her head and stared at the thunderclouds in the sky, her face solemn.

She has a father-in-law of a Thunder Champion Trainer and a husband of a Thunder Champion Trainer.

The power of thunder and lightning is well known.

In the sky is definitely an electric Pokémon, and it is not a big Shen Pokémon.

Su Fenfang stared for a moment, and a blue figure came into view.

Sure enough, it is a powerful electric Pokémon, but I don’t know what kind of Pokémon it is.

Not only Su Fenfang saw it, but many people nearby saw Crom in the sky.

Czechrom ignored these people and flew to the direction where Gu Yuxuan was at the fastest speed.


The jet flames engulfed the electric dragon.

The flames dissipated, and the electric dragon lay on the ground, losing its ability to fight.

Fortunately, the power of the jet flame was partially dissipated, otherwise the jet flame of the third-level god was definitely not something that the electric dragon could resist.

Gu Qinglong’s face was gloomy.

He already has two champion-level Pokémon defeated, and many King-level Pokémon that have been knocked down.

The Flame Bird is still so strong.

At most, the breath is scattered, and they still know how long they can be strong.

If it goes on like this, it won’t be long before they will all be defeated…

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