“The witch is true, the situation is fierce, the other party is too fierce, and our people have encountered a lot of losses. This kind of strength is by no means a sage dynasty.”

Middle -aged men are very dignified.

Looking at their soldiers and horses, they can infer some of the power of this dynasty.

“Ben Sheng knows.”

Wuxian Zhensheng looked at the Zhuge Lian crossbow on the battlefield, and suddenly shocked: “Those crossbow are not simple. Those forbidden inscriptions can not be cast by ordinary people, from the hands of the heavenly Saint!”

The true sage of heaven is more scary. It has the creation of the heavens and the earth, and then stepped on the heavens, breaking the heavenly heaven, and becoming the supreme true sage.

Just like Sirius to Sirius Mountain, it broke the heavenly heaven.

“Tian Sheng!”

The middle -aged man’s eyes are cold: “They have the sanctuary!”

“It is not easy to create this kind of equipment, and it is very rare in Shenzhou. Those ancient sanctuary must also be regarded as guests. What opponents we encounter this time!”

He fully understood the hardship of the clan.

The magic of the Witch took a step, the power of the Holy Tao rolled, and drank it as before: “The Sheng Naixu Tianmao Zongsong Wu Ji Zhen Sheng, who comes, dare to report the name!”

“Danan dynasty, Huo Qubu!”

Huo Qubing responded.

He certainly dares to report his name.

This time, the large -scale attack of the Dagan dynasty was to fight the country.

“Dagan Dynasty!”

Witch is really sacred.

He has never heard.

Xuan Tian, who was deserted, did not do the power of the dynasty.

The land of Shenzhou does not seem to have this Dagan Dynasty.

And when they saw their troops, the wisdom of the sages suddenly understood.

“Is it from the Eastern Wild!”

Of course he knew the East Wilderness.

However, the East wasteland is too far away, and it is the place where the civilization of Shenzhou is difficult to radiate.

Let them not understand the situation there.

And the only information about East Wilderness.

It is reported that in a million years ago, there was a very brilliant history in the Eastern wasteland.

However, it seemed that it suddenly encountered a blow to destroy and sever the saints. In this way, there was not much information about the East wasteland.

What kind of blow, hundreds of millions of years, time is too far away, it is difficult to sophisticated.

He thought, was the Eastern Wilderness Civilization recovered again?

Although the land of the Eight Wasters is not as good as the four poles and the land of Shenzhou, they have their own glory. For example, inflammation is a stronger period.

The dynasty has a strong reincarnation, and naturally there is.

Only the land of Shenzhou is full of prosperity.

And this Huo Hua.

It feels like an invincible God of War, with terrible extreme power.

One of the people next to Huo Qubu, such as a god of heaven, and domineering, all control the power of the world.

“General Li, this time they just dispatched two true sages, hahaha, just one person, you and I shot together!”

Huo Qubu.

“I think so too!”

Li Cunxiao.

The two true saints stepped out and built the sage battlefield.

Compared to Wu Qi’s defense, it is not anxious, Huo Que’s illness is more directly, and he will directly open the sage battlefield.

To them.

Play with the sages to sharpen their holy way. There is no need to wait slowly.

The strong attack of the two also changed the sanctuary of Wu Xunzhen.

The other party is too direct.

Of course he would not be afraid.

Although he was just a true saint, he became a sacred for nearly ten thousand years.

“Blocking these two people, let’s see how strong the real saint is.”

Wuxun Road.

He was released from the magic, and behind him created an eight -armed magic magic method.

Chapter 312 This world, those who have strength get it

Huo Huo!

Li Cunxiao!

Two great gods, shot at the same time!

The power of true sacred power has been released sharply, forming a rolling stress, to defeat the opponent with absolutely strong power, and to prove his invincible power.

At the top of the heavens and the earth, the sage battlefield is formed, waiting for them to shoot.

The two of the Wuxian True Saint suddenly felt strong pressure.

Very strong.

It’s terrible.

“Crush them, be invincible!”

At this moment, the opening of the sage battlefield has undoubtedly inspired countless soldiers, bathing in the glory of the sages, and launching a more violent killing charge.

They turned into war, sweeping madly, and swallowing each other.

The most sharp sword, the enemy of the road, and do the most brilliant thing.

Da Gan’s uniqueness!


Even if they are in the desert, they will become an absolute hegemon.


Huo Qubing was a shot, and he suddenly worn the sky in the sky. In the strangling fluctuations of destruction, he suddenly appeared in front of the Wuxian Saint, and the strong power was forcibly pulled into his own field.

The sage can be hand in the sky and more controllable.

Facing Huo Qubing’s strong blow, Wu Yan was stressed from the soul.

The eight -armed demon and eight arms were furious at the same time.

In this sanctuary, each hand holds a sword to form the power of the sword array.

“Huh, take out all your strength!”

Huo Qubing’s illness was surging, and he had burned golden light.

Guanghua rushed hundreds of millions of miles, as stars took pictures of the air.

As soon as he hit, he was the rolling fire smoke.

The god gun waved, constantly tearing the sky, and the violent golden thunder split endlessly.

He launched a Thunder offensive, fierce.

Witch was attacking by Huo Huo, and he even retreated again and again. The opponent’s strong offensive suppressed him to greatly, making it difficult for him to perform all power.

“This person’s attack is fierce and must not fight hard. I use the Eight -arm Demon God to perform magic sword array, offensive and defensive, prevent the Quartet, and slowly consume his strength to seek flaws.”

Witch is stable.

He practiced many great magical powers.

Eight -armed devil.

Magic Sword Array.

All from the inheritance called the Demon Dao Dian.

It is rumored that it was created by the overlord.

The land of Shenzhou, although the competition is cruel, the strong is like a cloud, but at the same time, the inheritance there is also surprisingly. As long as you have the ability or atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to reach the peak.

Their Daxu Magic Lord is more interesting, grabbing the site from the hands of the Holy Yan Dynasty.

The eight -armed magic god continues to resist.

Huo Que was sick, accompanied by a special voice, like the god of war, and it was bright.

The god guns in the hand contain the ultimate power, directly impacting the eight -armed magic god.

The witch is fully resisting and maintaining the formation.

But the golden torrent hitting the witch, a strong shot was an unstoppable force.

Boom! That is, the witch can not resist this power. The magic gods in the eight -arm are cracks, and the sages in the body are also in a state of cracking.

The witch flew down, and it was shocked.

He has made every effort to resist, but he is still difficult to stop Huo’s disease.

“His strength!”

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