There was an excessive bend, but Shoji returned to the error knife. When I look at the rough streets, I get the real feeling that I'm back on the platform.

I was worried about my job, so when the band hadn't set foot in a long time with a tenant they had defined as an office, they had been given a roommate they'd never seen before and had become an alchemist. The glazed office is paperwork at the desk by young clerks. You were in business or there was a merchant going in and out sitting in a chair waiting in order.

When I was describing it as “Ajito” - the gloomy dark atmosphere of gangs of rogues who are sellers smoking and tripping on the couch kicking off their psychic pills is no longer beautiful and refreshing.

What's the matter, he runs as a legitimate company.

I hesitated to enter the store thinking it was a mistake, but the clerk looked up as the fearful Shoji stepped in.

I tried to ask him about the band, but he controls the tip of the plane.

"Good day, Mr. Quick. The president is waiting for you."

"Oh, oh..."

Though upset that the other one somehow knew his face, Shoji was led to the back.

Stand in front of the door where the plate of the president's office is covered.

The band sitting at Sandalwood's desk looked at the product catalogue with a hard face, but when he confirmed Shoji's appearance, he exaggerated his hands.

"Oops! My friend, it's been a month!

"What happened to you?"

"No, well, how about whiskey? What about the high potion?"

The band in a good mood approached the liquor rack as soon as they stood up from the chair.

Remove the glass and whiskey and remove the ice cubes from the ice box to make the liquor.

New brand suit with blue silk trousers. The wrist-wrapped watch is also a luxury piece. Undoubtedly, the wings are good.

When Shoji received the booze, he sat down on the couch. The band sitting face-to-face starts explaining happily as they tilt the glass.

"The supply of Perfect Potion got me so worried while I went on vacation. I'm sorry about the customer's inability to supply even though there is demand. So, after reflecting on how I could be honest with the customer waiting for the product, I came up with one answer. I thought I'd dilute my inventory with water and sell it. It's called a scab."

"That's an honest answer."

"But at the same time, I thought about the danger of finding out. I'm afraid to discredit my customers. So I thought, why don't you mix up the commercial recovery potion instead of water? Vanilla essence was added to the flavor and nutritional drinks and raw cream were also mixed. I decided to compete with potency and flavor."

"Step away from the perfect potion."

The band rattled their fingers patsy.

"Yes, I thoughtfully changed the product name as well. Vanilla potion. Pretty good selling because I used fresh milk that wasn't heated. And when I asked the Alchemists Association for authorization, I went through. Oh, my God, I patented it! I don't know a millimeter about alchemy, but I could handle it by offering a mistress to an official and bribing him. I mean, I got one of the regular routes."

"Wow, you."

"It's also a result of understanding that it's not a good idea to rely solely on perfect potion. Pinch is also a chance, Shoji. Not only did I do the back business, but I also did the surface business. Once upon a time, you were right. That's right. The guy with the money and the ability to act wins. The winning equation."

Listening to the high tension band brag, the door opened and an intelligent-style man with glasses came in. Bring the tea to the tray and hand it out to the pedestal in front of the couch.

Shoji was stunned because he was the blushing face I remember seeing.

"Is it Dold?"

"Hey, Quick. Welcome back."

"What happened to you in a month!

I couldn't help but be surprised or compelled by Shoji.

Dordo was no longer Dordo. Specifically, the giant luxury meat, which had been one hundred and twenty kilometres, had been lost.

He has become a skinny young man everywhere since he was fat.

Dordo scratching his cheek replied like there was no such thing.

"I dieted."

"Wait, wait, wait, you don't lose that much weight in such a short time! That's absolutely crazy!

"Do the potion taster at the request of the band. I recovered all the time, so my health was almost infinite. I ran around town on that occasion and I lost weight. I just had to drink for business, and I didn't feel tired at my ankles. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but I feel bad when I'm fat."

Ha, and laugh.

Shoji held his head in a mood like a natural mutation had occurred.

There's too much going on while I'm away.

"Next time, I'm going to come up with a guide called" Psychopharmacological Diet "for our products. Shaw, you want a taster too? Tasting."

"... Stark? What's going on with Stark?

The two lined up looked at each other.

He looked lonely with a profound attitude, but also seemed slightly happy.

"Stark bought the ship. As a bowman, he's taking his crew to pelagic fishing. I had no choice but to do it because the traffickers are bitter. According to the newspaper, the lack of fishing in recent years is also being eliminated. Everyone has something they want to do, Quick. I shouldn't put it away. Stark has always been our friend. That's all right."

It was a Dordo-like compassionate word.

It was also a gentle consolation.

Shoji closed his eyes with a grudge.

"... oh yeah. Exactly. It fits, Dold. You're right."

Shoji went to "Percivel's Atelier" in a depressed mood that was not comparable.

I was going to reveal the story of becoming a brave man in the Royal Palace (Guardian Braver), but it was hard to say, and I didn't set out the guidelines for the future. I was worried about how to cut it out, but I also feel like I got a counter punch in that place.

Somewhere in my mind, my acquaintance - the world, maybe I was overconfident that nothing would change.

I tried to change.

But scattered, I didn't get the key motivation for you wanting glory.

It is strangely lost.

Are you saying you still have untrained things to do as a gang? Stupid. That can't be right. It is decided that I want to live a full life.


When I entered the store in search of the girl, the ancient alchemist remained intact. As clean as ever, but with few guests.

Percibel, the shopkeeper, noticed the sound of the doorbell, leaving the curtain and appearing slightly at the counter.

When I found Shoji, my eyes opened wide. Keep the movement pitched.

After shivering his shoulder into a mess, he comes at me with a dash of everything he can.

"Brother, oh, my God!


I fly with the momentum running through - hugging me to my chest and rubbing my cheeks around. My face was messed up with tears. Shoji turned his hand around his little back and waited until the hangover subsided. Girl plush is loving.

Percibel may have had a lot of things too.

"Ugh, I thought they dumped me. Sorry, I said selfish... I'll give you the recipe... please, forgive me!

"The recipe is fine. Looks like we won't have to produce a lot for a while."

"Ha Ugh. Wow, does it feel like my usage value is declining? I'll do my best with eclecticism and stuff, so, you know, I've managed to get to know you in depth in the future! Oh, I love you so much, love, love drives me crazy!

"Calm down..."

Don't leave with a hug and touch brought your passion to your neck.

Percivel keeps a slightly sloppy face and points his palm toward the man's groin.

It makes me feel better when I'm gripped - though.

"I need you to look into something for Bell."


The elixir potion I stole - shake the golden ornament chappy in front of Percivel.

Then I was concerned about what lurked behind the gold.

Even though it has the advantage of a panacea, there must be a reason why it has become forbidden. Vermond was laughing at their ignorance. The question is left like a lump.

Shoji sat on the edge of the atelier with his hands together at the tip of his jaw to watch Percibel do the analysis.

Unlike the National Alchemy, the equipment is analog.

But this girl's skill is certain. He is also an honest man whose roots are honest.

It has been mixed with several chemicals since extraction or dipped in a test strip.

The found ingredients will be written on square paper, and the smelting formula will be summarized based on the reaction. It seems to take a while, as it will be in the form of a reverse reckoning. After an hour, Shoji waited quietly. It wasn't the pain of waiting, I even felt safe. The sound of copocopos and flasks boiling seemed comfortable music, and the stirring sound of liquids mixed by rotating spheres utilizing magnetic force was rare and enjoyable.

"That's a lot of old material. It's a rare poison of sasori or something."

"Anything else?

"Hmm... maybe you have some plant material or something you shouldn't use. It's an endangered species."

Suck the liquid in the spot, drop it into the chalet and peek in the microscope.

The demon stone was shredded in a rink bowl and the liquid was brought to check the discoloration.


Percibel, who should have been working well, suddenly held hands.

Secondly, he puts one hand on his mouth and puts his eyes in a punch as he realizes something serious.

"What's up? What was in there?

"No, it could be a mistake"

I looked down in a wolf. Signs of concealment. Shoji rose from the edge and approached Percibel.

"Say it."

"It's a nutrient-rich moisture," I thought first. Fresh magic was flowing, stingy, and condensed. So I wondered what kind of stuff would be the source. There is something that serves as a coloring... so I didn't know when I looked at it... "

"Bell. Say it. Tell me."

Percivel was lost, but his shoulders were grabbed by the approaching shoji and his face raised.

White skin is losing her mind. The blue-white lips moved painfully, even frightened.

The girl began to shed even hot tears.

Silver stings fall on round cheeks.

"It's the blood of many children."

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