Shoji, who crossed the beacon and manipulated the carriage's reins, took the horses.

From the mountain path, the religious city of Yorktoria was overlooked. Acer-shaped stone streets stretch beneath your eyes.

"Don't feel like a tough guy made it."

"Isn't it beautiful?

Leskia took her head out of her right shoulder.

Sidetail hair bundle hits earlobes and tickles. It also smells like a sweet woman.

Is the increase in physical contact evidence that you are quite forgiving, and I feel the new density is rising even in a few days of dating?

"Well, it seems so"

The city is covered by a circular enclosure, with the cathedral of the Demonic Church lying deep behind it. Sometimes present in alpine areas, thin muscles of the street ran like blood vessels over mountain skin.

It also serves as a relay point, connecting cities geographically.

Specialties are agricultural products such as goats, grains and spices, and daily necessities for travel.

Provide the traveler with supplies and prepare him for his next trip to the city.

It is only a small city inhabited by thousands, but it can be considered a sanctuary for the followers of the Church of the Devil.

Because of the thought, the two were to be checked at the detention center, but as harsh as I expected.

He was to be screened for admission at a round tower stuffer by the gate, and an inspector who had lost an eye on his ID blamed him as Shoji, who was being baggage checked, tried to kick the potion.

I warn you with a stern face.

"Those of us who are not officially recognized are prohibited from possessing psychotropic drugs"

"Oh? What would you do if I had a heart attack and I was dying?"

"Think of it as a lucky opportunity to get to God's knee as soon as possible"

Shoji naturally tried to resist the cold-blooded words, but from behind, the inflexible gendarmes have given him a glimpse. Before work, there's no way you can cause a commotion. It would be a bitter decision, but the potion in the ammunition belt decided to hand it over.

But his ability as a brave man on the corner (Street Braver) vanishes.

He slammed the storage platform flat in his hand and sought recourse with a weakened face to stimulate warmth and the reproach of conscience (kashaku).

"Well, how can I be officially recognized?

"Please be a state official. You just have to break through the annual exam."

"Well, I'm relieved it seems easy. Thank you kindly."

I put in the irony, but the inspector with his heel back walked away with a hard look.

Shoji, who dropped his shoulder, sent a sad gaze to ask questions when Leskia, who was in the process of checking the carriage's luggage, came back.

"Where's the underground guild here? Let's go first."

"Oh, you've been potioned...... well, you. Don't try to run into crime every time, remember patience."

"Don't get me wrong. To get information. So to speak, it's the same as getting a guide map."

"No, you can't. First of all, it's official business. Come on, get in the mood. I'm going to the Alchemy Institute first... because the potion will give you a little bit of a split."

I left the carriage in the stables (cusha) hut, and when the two entered the city, I admired the beauty of the little one.

Unlike the miscellaneous road plan of the error knife, it was neat, the road was cobblestone paved, and the alley unnaturally stuck, as is often the case, it did not become a trail. For the record, the error knife is made by the city's powerful on their own. Because I pinch my mouth in urban planning. In some cases, the Grand Aristocrat's mansion is connected to Main Street.

The shop signs standing on the streets of York Tria are not thinly dirty or blurry. The paint is clean like a new building.

The road hasn't lost any rubbish either.

I don't even see any hungry wild dogs.

Sometimes named after a religious city, the ethnic costumes of residents are often of white based courtesy.

The square is also vibrant there, with children and parents and children walking in the shade of the city.

The security apparatus is proof of excellence.

Patrol soldiers are turning more often at intervals, paying attention in a crisp motion and not sloppy.

"Sounds peaceful...... not nice"

"Tourism also seems to be a source of income. At least the street will make tourists feel safe. So what do we do?

"Oh, yeah. This way."

Under Leschia's guidance, when asked about the National Alchemy, it stood deep in the residential district, beside the enclosure.

My left hand is an orphanage, and my right neighbor is a nursing home.

As an administrative facility, Shoji deduced the mastery of city planning, saying you're being driven to a meeting place for snubbers. The more pleasant it is, the more elaborate it is.

I stepped into the entrance and exit.

As she tried to speak to the guard at the front door, the brunette ponytail woman who was walking down the hallway turned her eyes.

I'm wearing white research clothes, small and skinny. There are signs that you will not let people near you.

Slowly his cheeks were pounding and exhausting - but for some reason, his eyes sparkled as he glanced at Leskia.

"Captain! Oh no, you came to see me!? Ah, the thread of destiny! Thank you. Ugh!"

All of a sudden, I opened my hands and made an odd noise, and I was walking with a lot of momentum.

"Liquorice, I'm sorry, but stay away from me within two meters. Yes, there, stop there"

Tsusasa Sasa Come on, and the woman who put a sudden brake on the smoke from her slipper - Licorice is probably a former member of the "Blade of Silver Lights (Torch the Blade)" regiment.

I killed the momentum, but my rough emotional exposures weren't suppressed.

"Phew, Phew... Ah, it's been a long time since I've stopped"

He lifted his hands like bears and exhaled roughly as he swayed his fingertips loosely.

Fluffy moves his nose and Liquorice's glittering eyeballs twitch.

The beveled eyes turned into engraved swordswallows.

"That one, that's weird. From the captain, I smell a man slightly... it's a lie, right, who? Who am I supposed to dissolve? I won't tolerate this. This is absolutely crazy. I don't know where the horse's bone is, because it liquefies it from head to toe. Oh, the cuss there? Cunt put a stink on the captain? What's that? Isn't that the only death penalty? Feeling like you want to flow down the drain? Whoa, whoa, whoa."

Shoji twisted his neck when he was struck by the sight of a murderer.

It was weird and powerful, but it's routine to talk to extremely bad people and serial killers.

"Ah," sighed Leskia.

"Yes, don't say things that don't make sense, turn your back around. Show me to the discussion room. Just in case, it's official business. Stop standing around with men and women. 'Cause I'm dull."

"Captain, why don't you hold hands anyway? Oh, come on, finger, can I lick it? Really, you can lick one. It's the afterlife, so if you let me lick it at least once, I'll be like a cow for a week or so."

"No, just walk."

Shoji, who was watching the exchange, slapped Leskia on the shoulder.

Poke her index finger at her own head arm where she turned around and make her jump.

To interpret it, it's "puffy, that woman".

"Well, he's not a bad kid. Just being gay."

"I'm not prejudiced about homosexuals, but I think it's a bad thing they want to lick their fingers."

"Shoji crawled into me at night, too."

"Of course, that's a bad thing too. I won't do it again. Let's talk about work."

"Say no. That's it, but if you're a man, the spirit of challenge matters."

Ignore Leskia, who stirs it up while it's tearing up, and walk out side by side.

Oral me with more passion, it's not bad to be asked, but my bones are about to break.

Shoji turned his attention to the laboratory until he was guided.

Alchemy must also contain potion making.

I ascended the stairs upstairs and was walking down the crossing - I could see down the staff working through the glass window.

The facilities of the workshop (atelier) that line the floor of the antiseptic sheet are first-class.

There are distillation towers essential for state-of-the-art purification, centrifuges needed to squeeze moisture, and even demon-conducting machines for cryogenic fermentation.

Placement is helpful when industrializing.

Even if potions are forbidden, they're built here.

There are many machines I have never seen. I can't tell what device to do.

Upon entering the conference room, Liquorice reached into the library shelf and removed a bundle of paper from the envelope.

Magnets will be fastened to the white boat one after the other, stretching out several pictures and descriptions.

"This... is a request from a certain noble man. You'll be surprised to hear your name. 'Cause that's what you tell everyone to fear."

Wild Jack the Alchemist.

"Captain, did you talk to him?

"I'm sorry. With... Shoji. Keep your mouth shut about your client."


Liquorice coughed, looking sorry.

For alchemists, Wildjack's name is also an object of vision. Maybe he wanted to brag.

"Honey, so, the requested" Chapter "exists in the underground library of the Demonic Church. On the face of it, it's a public and private building, but on the lower level, the supposedly forbidden books are rolling gobbly. What I want you to get is what they call" elixir potion. "

"Whoa, that's a polarly rare potion. Seriously, it existed?

It is a potion that is considered a panacea.

A potion that cures every difficulty that people never stop looking for more than in ancient times.

If it can be produced, medicine is also a substitute for the end.

Liquorice is annoyed that she was pinched by a couch in the middle of an explanation, or she rests her hands on her hips.

"You must be a newbie to The Blade of Silver Lights, but don't be so aggressive, huh?

"He's a street brave."

"It's Shoji Quick. Nice to meet you, little one."

"I, twenty-eight."


"Oh, really. It's a child's face, but it's eight times better than mine."

The subtle air flowed, but the small researcher went on to explain. The entrance to and exit from the underground library is inside, where guards guard during business hours. I have an alarm on, and I don't have any information on the internal structure. Officials belong to the Demonic Church, and they don't give in to bribes.

"They also have iris authentication, right? If you get caught in the Magic Line alarm, heavily armed religious knights will pack it."

Shoulder on back, Shoji put his hands together by the belly.

After thinking about the facade and power of the facility in a relaxed position, he turned his hand flat so that there was no such thing as

"The intrusion itself doesn't seem difficult. You can go at midnight, and the iris certification is... eyeballs? It's a hassle to take a living human, so I'll steal it somewhere. However, the fact that the library is named means that we have to look for the" Chapter "and the" Chapter "from a huge number of books."

"There was a hint, and he just needs to talk to the Chapter."

"... I'm seriously talking about work right now"

"I'm talking. By shaping it as a magical creature (homunculus), I think it was a mould that prevented the paper from deteriorating. Normally, it's forbidden by kingdom law, but the ancient alchemists seem to have crossed a pretty shitty bridge..."

Explanation continues.

The number of pages in the Chapter is three.

It could be sandwiched in some kind of book, or maybe it's incinerated. He said he wouldn't know unless he tried. The list of officials was picked up and Shoji stared with a fierce eye at those with access permissions - access permissions.

"You need to wash it out. Some guys like to sleep with their kids, even if they don't get bribes. Or look for fools who are taking risks in women's relationships, or those who are in debt. Even if he is as clean as snow, he may have weaknesses in his wife and children. How to find a breakthrough is my specialty."

"Captain, isn't this guy a very bad guy?

"This kind of work, right?

"You mean the right material...... Ha, well, was it Mr. Shoji? It's a reward for results, but they told me to give you something like this."

I was given a letter of entitlement with a photo fastened with a clip.

Northern Gerd region. Five vineyards exceeding ten hectares, fertile barley fields, a lead mine, a specialty, a mansion suitable for nearly three hundred farmers and local classes. The number of servants that could be prepared and their rights as landlords were noted.

Because it is currently a cold village, there are few natives, but as a national project, people who want to be relocated.

After looking at the specific rewards, Shoji thought about the life to walk and old age.

This is a hundred percent, and the end can lead a perfect life.

"A little less than I expected, but I'll do my best."

I answered in a flat manner, gripping a trembling fist under my desk.

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