Soon after the fall of Braavos, Rollas was also attacked by the White Walkers, but compared to Braavos' heavy losses, Rollas was in better shape.

The leader of the human coalition, Viserys, rode a dragon to Roras in time, blocked the Night King and his ice dragon from the air, and repulsed him, successfully relieving the pressure on the army and the people of Roras, and Braavos. The remnants of the fleet also played a vital role in it. They kept going back and forth between Lauras and the nearest land, transporting refugees and soldiers on the beaches of Lauras.

Therefore, although Rollas faced the fierce attack of the dead army in the end, it was inevitable that he would end up falling, but fortunately, most of the Rollas survived this battle of life and death and did not become a member of the dead army. .

They fled to the peninsula outside Loras Bay, and then some followed the Valyrian Trail to Andalos on the Upper Lorne, and some crossed the Norvos Mountains to what they thought was safe The inland city of Norfos.

Surrounded by mountains, Norfoss is in the center of the endless Norfoss Mountains.

Braavos and Loras were attacked by the White Walkers one after another and then fell. Now these terrified Loras people feel that the sea is full of danger. No one knows when the White Walkers will emerge from the bottom of the sea in the dark of night. , the ground is relatively safe.

The Braavos people are totally opposite to what the Loras think, because all the White Walkers in their eyes have emerged from the ground, so they are now on the way to escape, they are afraid of the White Walkers suddenly broke out in front of his eyes.

Because of Balerion's injury, Viserys temporarily rested on Lorazon Island for a few days. During this period, the White Walkers found him, but he did not command the ghoul army to deal with the injured dragon and the most powerful human being. The dragon knights launched a siege.

Because they probably knew that it would be useless for Viserys and the black dragon to start a siege, and Balerion was not injured at all, not unable to fly, but just resting here for the time being because of his hind legs.

The White Walkers watched from afar, not daring to come close, but the corpse wave still formed a huge circle surrounding Viserys and the Black Dragon, for some unknown purpose, as if they were watching.

If it was someone else who had seen such a scene, he might have been frightened long ago, but Viserys didn't care about these ghouls 'watching' from a distance, doing his own thing, anyway, they didn't have the slightest action, just silently 'onlookers'.

Even if Viserys relied on the dragon to temporarily close his eyes to rest, they did not move, as if he could not smell the breath of living people on Viserys and the black dragon.

This tacit understanding lasted for a few days, and Viserys was helping Bellerion recover from his injury while also taking a turn on the second-largest island of Rollas, Rollasson.

This is a well-known monument, although it is not listed as one of the nine man-made wonders, but that is because it is impossible to prove that this labyrinth on the island of Rollas and other islands of Rollas was built by humans. The largest labyrinth on the island is enough to cover three-quarters of the land.

According to legend, the people who built these ancient and mysterious buildings were people from distant ancient times. Judging from the corpses found in the labyrinth, their bones were huge and much taller than human bones, so some people speculated that these 'maze builders' were Descendants of humans and giantess, but there is no evidence that these 'maze builders' also perished later.

According to the legend of the Loras, the 'maze builder' was destroyed by marine creatures, such as mermaids, seals and walruses. As for whether the maze builder has anything to do with the weavers, and whether it was the deep diver who destroyed them, these are not allowed. And know.

So Viserys took advantage of Balerion's recuperation time to wander around this prestigious ancient labyrinth.

This labyrinth on Lorazon Island is all built with carved boulders, and it is because of this that it has survived countless years of ups and downs and still stands.

However, today it was smashed by Bellerion's fall from the sky, but the part destroyed by Bellerion is not worth mentioning compared to the entire maze.

This labyrinth has also suffered an attack in history, that is, the 'great man' Korron led the Andal army to attack Norfos, and Norfos asked the Valyrians for help, and the end was the Andal army annihilated. , Immediately, the Valyrian Dragon King continued to fly to the Loras Islands, spraying dragon flames to turn the Korlong Fortress in the center of the labyrinth on Lorasson Island into scorched earth.

Because the labyrinth has a long history, it may not look the same now. Viserys can also see traces of dragon flames on some stone carvings.

However, although this labyrinth was a step-by-step trap, it did not cause too much hindrance to Viserys, who had a power similar to that of 'Divine Consciousness'.

Afterwards, Viserys spent a period of time, seven turns and eight turns, and came to the center of the labyrinth, the place where the 'great man' Kerron built the fortress, but now there are only ruins left here, and there is no trace of the fortress. looks like.


However, not long after Viserys arrived here, he accidentally discovered a tunnel here.

According to legend, this labyrinth on Rolla Song Island does have a four-story underground structure, but not many people have seen it with their own eyes. As for what is below, even fewer people know about it. Viserys has only heard of Rolla. Matsushima's labyrinth has an underground structure, but it's also unknown what's underneath.

"Since everyone has come, let's take a look."

Viserys raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at this deep and then thought that, he is idle anyway, not to mention he has confidence in his own strength, so he ignited A torch walked towards the depths of the tunnel.

The tunnel of the labyrinth is very spacious. It is indeed as the legend says that it is likely to be a place built by giants. Viserys' height stands in it, and it looks empty. The top of the tunnel is even three or four meters high. Male giants can almost walk upright.

And then after Viserys walked to the second underground floor, he saw the giant humanoid skeletons scattered along the side of the tunnel, which indeed confirmed this.

"There was once a lost giant civilization here?"

I don't know why Viserys suddenly thought of the Children of the Forest and the wooden figurines of Yvellon, but the representatives of the wooden figurines mentioned that they were distant relatives of the Children of the Forest on Westeros.

Will the extinct giant civilization in front of me also be related to the giant race on Westeros?

Viserys couldn't help thinking as he looked at the large and small bones on the ground.

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