Originally, today’s Imperial Council was discussing the population and health issues of King’s Landing.

The night watchman army began to expropriate the Northern Territory, and the people living in the northern borders of the Seven Kingdoms, including King’s Landing, should return to their hometowns. However, some people have the habit of living in the warm and comfortable South and don’t want to return to their homes. Because I need to rebuild my homeland when I return to the north.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this group of people staying in King's Landing, but they generally have no assets, no permanent homes, and no jobs.

When they stayed in King’s Landing, they became a black hole of public security, fighting, stealing, robbery, smuggling, etc. The Metropolitan Defense Team was busy catching these criminals, and six out of ten people were wandering northerners.

And the most important thing is the problem of urban population carrying. Although the city has been able to accommodate a very large population after several rounds of expansion during the three hundred years of King’s Landing, it still cannot accept the pressure of an explosive surge in a short period of time.

The sultry climate brought by midsummer has been shrouded in the entire King’s Landing city, which makes this ‘city on the dungpit’ smell even more unpleasant.

Even the nobles living in the Aegon High Hill and the royal family in the Red Fort could not bear this stinking smell. In addition, in recent days, we have received news from nobles from all over the country that the spread of small-scale epidemics has been reported, which has strengthened Wesai. Reese's determination to rectify the health problems of King's Landing.

He was prepared to allocate funds from the national treasury, and the Imperial Council provided a huge budget. He entrusted a doctor of architecture in Xuecheng to make suggestions and find the best craftsmen from all over the kingdom to guide the work. One way is to expand the scale of the city, and the other is to transform underground sewage facilities. The two roads go together to completely solve the pollution problem of King's Landing.

However, it is a pity that the issues that should have been discussed by the Royal Council this week were interrupted by the news of the arrival of Her Royal Highness Princess Reness Targaryen.

This is a major event that is enough to attract the attention of the nobles across the country, because the girl's identity is extremely prominent and her blood is noble.

"His Royal Highness is coming. This is a good thing, Your Majesty."

"In fact, before the menarche of His Royal Highness came, I didn't know how many nobles wanted to marry His Royal Highness the princess."

On the Imperial Council, the Minister of Intelligence Varys shook his bright head slightly, put his hands in his sleeves, and then spoke.

Veserys divided the three dragons evenly among the two girls with noble blood in the family, one was his niece Renise, and the other was his sister Dany.

Her Royal Highness Princess Daenerys is still young, and her bloodline is extremely pure, with silver hair and purple eyes like her majesty. Of course, her hair is not as shining as her majesty, and her eyes are not as pure as Viselis.

While the power of the bloodline of Her Royal Highness Princess is slightly lacking, but she still possesses a dragon and can be used to fighting.

She once rode the giant dragon Lei Ge and burned the West for three months, leaving a deep psychological shadow on all the nobles and people in the West.

In addition, the girl has reached the age of marriage. Therefore, the voice asking to marry Reness has never stopped in the kingdom.

In the Imperial Chamber, Varys sat in his seat with a light cough and continued to speak.

"However, we have to learn from the past and the lessons of history, Your Majesty."

"His Royal Highness the princess can't marry outside to prevent the outflow and dilution of the true dragon's blood, so..."


On the other side, Marvin, the academician sitting next to Varys, also nodded and said. The two seemed to have been in contact before, and Marvin was the one who knew Valyria the best among all the people present.

The Bull Bachelor spoke in a rough and dull voice.

"The Dragon King is the title of the ancient Valyrian Forty Family. They competed for the right to rule the Valyrian Freedom Citadel, and the Targaryen Family was among them."

"However, the reason why the Dragon King is called the Dragon King is precisely because of the ability to control giant dragons. This ability comes from their mysterious and pure blood."

"Therefore, in order to maintain the purity of the bloodline, the dragon kings will choose to marry close relatives. It is more common to be brothers and sisters or siblings, and it is not impossible to marry multiple wives at the same time."

The Marvin Fellows are telling the tradition of the ancient Valyrian dragon kings, who chose to do this in order to keep their bloodline pure.

"As for the front..."

On the other side, Varys took the words again, and he became more cautious when it came to the bald-headed **** in the past. The former dynasty here refers to the Targaryen dynasty. Although it is nominally divided, there are still many things. Varys considered his own language and spoke.

"I have communicated with the Bachelor of Malvern University and the Bachelor of many colleges."

The Bull Bachelor wearing a Valyrian steel chain nodded slightly.

"The extinction of the dragon and the decline of the Targaryen family can be counted as mainstream. It is because the Targaryen family frequently intermarried with foreigners for political reasons after the Seven Kingdoms were unified. The power is declining."

"The ability to control the dragon has declined, and the dragon has lost its partner and became extinct."

Varys' words caused the officials of the Imperial Council present to nod their heads and say yes.

Except for Oberon, the Minister of Justice, his brows are frowned, because his brain is smarter and he thinks of more things.

The Dorn's brows were twisted into a lumps, and his brown face was a little serious, and then his brows were slowly stretched.

And some of the people present also noticed that Oberon's complexion was slightly unhappy, and the reason was well known, but they did not point out.

The issue of heirs is always a taboo that cannot be easily touched in any world, in any era, in any country. A little carelessness is the price of breaking the bones, and may even affect the entire family.

On the other side, Veserys also had some headaches about this, he rubbed his temples, and then spoke.

"Everyone~www.readwn.com~ this matter... don't worry."

"I'll discuss it later."

The Valyrian Dragon King does need to marry close relatives to keep his bloodline pure. This is the way they live and reproduce. He understands why the officials are anxious for him, because Veselis does not have a suitable male heir.

However, Renesse's age was still a bit young, and because she was too familiar, Visiris couldn't accept it psychologically.

"hold on..."

"hold on..."

The common cultural custom in the kingdom is monogamy, and Veselis already has his legal wife Arianne.

Although Aegon, Meige and others have set a good example for him, marrying a second wife and granting the position of queen is still a bit secular hindrance.

Certainly not to hold a wedding with fanfare, the best result is to act in a low-key manner.

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