And in the Red Fort.

Aegon is now a little upset. The reason is that the news of the War in the Bay came not long ago. The Dothraki and the Dorn army defeated the enemy. They went down several cities and defeated the High Court Tyrell family. Breached the old town again.

However, this was the trouble. The uncle was recuperating in the high court and did not personally go to the battlefield. When his dragon broke through the old town and burned down the Starry Temple with dragon flames, the statues of the seven gods collapsed.

This incident caused an uproar in King's Land, which is dominated by the belief of the Seven Gods.

Someone claimed that the dragon, which was instructed by His Majesty the King, did this and despised the gods.

Some people argued that the king did not appear on the battlefield at all, but his mount flew to the old town to participate in the war and committed the sins.

Have the ability to punish the dragon?

Varys’ Little Bird and Rams’ Ministry of Internal Affairs did not interfere throughout the entire process, but silently monitored the public’s opinion of the incident.

Then got two similar reports and presented them to Viselis.

The Iron Throne and the Imperial Council seem to be taking this incident to test the public’s response to this, and the result is that the Seven Gods Church’s grasp of public opinion is indeed declining significantly.

The inaction of the Church of the Seven Gods in the Ghost War, and the prophecies of the Red God Church in this war successfully reduced people's belief in the Seven Gods.

The collapse of the Stars Temple is also a serious provocation, which can prove that the response of the people to this is indeed declining, and the proportion of royal power in people's hearts is rising.

Because the seven gods did not save the world at the most dangerous time, but mortals stepped forward, relying on flesh and blood to stop the terrible enemy.

However, although most people’s belief in the gods has begun to waver, there is still a group of fanatical believers who are extremely dissatisfied with this. They organized to try to attack the Red Fort, but they were repelled by the Red Fort’s guards of the Unsullied Army. .

The Unsullied Killers did not blink, and loyally implemented the master's orders, and naturally showed no mercy to these mobs.

This group of people wanted armor, no armor, weapons, and no weapons, so even the formation of the Unsullied could not break through. Although the momentum was huge, it was like a worm shaking a tree, which was a one-sided slaughter.

The corpses of the mob piled up like a mountain, and the blood stained the steps of the Red Fort. They were then dragged away on a cart to the outside of the city and burned. They were cleaned up overnight, without even the slightest trace of blood.

And this night, Aegon was shocked to hear the news and drove out of the Red Fort. He saw a few familiar faces from these corpses. It was his former partners, the sparrows who led him.

Aegon's inner fear became more intense, and even his face was slightly pale.

The maid in the Red Fort who was in charge of taking care of Aegon thought that the little prince was frightened by the **** scene, and had no idea what he had done.

But now, his uncle suddenly sent someone to look for him, and Aegon's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He knew instinctively that this incident had already happened.


The silver-haired boy suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster. He followed behind the guard of the Unsullied, and his brain went blank when he walked through the garden of the Red Fort towards the Imperial Conference Hall.

The cold sweat on his forehead was so cold that he didn't even know which leg to take. It was too early for his age to participate in the court conspiracy. He did not have such ability and skill.

If Aegon has been acting in a low-key manner and not igniting it, there may be a glimmer of life, but if he shows up slightly, he will be suppressed...

How could he be the opponent of these people who were born in King's Landing, grew up in King's Landing, and spent the whole year in the court, who were accustomed to seeing lies?

Later, when the silver-haired boy walked into the imperial council hall, he saw the adults present and the uncle sitting in the first place, and finally couldn't help feeling out of control.

Before Viserys asked why, Aegon plopped and fell to his knees, confessing everything with his nose and tears.

"Uncle, I was wrong..."

Including how the big sparrow instilled his thoughts, using the title of heir to the iron throne to lure him to the bait.

And Aegon's words caused all the important officials of the Imperial Council present to look at each other.

Nowadays, there are not many people in the Imperial Conference, and most of the seats are empty.

Aegon’s biggest backers are his adoptive father, former Prime Minister Jon Clinton, and Chancellor of the Exchequer Illio Morpatis, both of whom are now on the opposite shore of the Narrow Sea.

As for his backer on King's Landing, the Intelligence Minister Varys had already been affected by Viserys's spirit and turned back quietly.

At the same time, it was this bald **** who confessed Aegon.

War Secretary Cargo and his army have not yet returned to King’s Landing. Maritime Minister Geoffrey Brecken is in Seagull Town, commanding the army to attack the valley, and Justice Secretary Oberon is escorting Taiwen back in the west.

While the bachelor's position is vacant, Viselis intends to be Dr. Malvin who is now in Pantos, and hopes that he will concurrently serve as the dean of the seminary in the future. He has already sent letters to him, but he still needs to seek his own opinion.

Therefore, the only important ministers sitting in the imperial chamber are Tyrion Lannister, the personal adviser of the king, Varys, the intelligence minister, Rams Snow, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the archbishop of the Baylor Church, Yulin Tiewei. Horsewoman Mia.

Rams made great contributions to the Targaryen family, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was so powerful that he was also eligible to sit on the Imperial Council.

But Skinner wouldn't show up here on weekdays, and now it happens that Viselis needs to track down the Sparrow and find him, and the archbishop sitting opposite him is also for the same reason.

The silver-haired boy knelt down in front of his uncle and wept bitterly, reporting how he had been deceived by the big sparrow, while the several important ministers in the council looked at each other with different expressions.

The female knight Mia and Tyrion, the king’s personal adviser, both showed unbearable expressions. The Minister of Intelligence Varys lowered her head and remained silent. The little skinned Rams' cheeks darkened under his hood showed a sneer, while the archbishop was The most angry, even filled with righteous indignation.

He denounced the fact that hemp sparrows encouraged believers to attack the Red Fort and deceived the prince. He immediately expressed the hope that the king could send an army to suppress the mob, and refused to admit that they were followers of the Seven Gods.

The performance in the Imperial Chamber was comparable to Oscar. Veselis helped up his nephew, who was kneeling in front of him, crying and crying, while the silent intelligence minister Varys finally coughed slightly at this moment~www.readwn .com~ Then he looked at Aegon and said with a complicated expression.

"His Royal Highness Aegon."

"In view of your devotion to the gods, and to prevent you from being deceived by a traitor again, the archbishop wants to personally accept you as a disciple and teach the doctrine of the seven gods."

"I don't know what your highness is like?"

Varys spoke, and the obese archbishop sitting beside him nodded slightly, looking at Aegon with satisfaction.

A pure Targaryen royal child is willing to abandon his surname and join the church religiously. How great is this honor?

And with the addition of His Royal Highness Aegon, who would dare to say that the king doesn't value the church? Despise the gods as a mortal?


Aegon, who was helped up, heard Varys's words and suddenly looked at a loss.

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