As for the game "dota", although it is a new work produced by Nebula Games.

But before that, both players and the gaming industry were a little unsure.

Mainly due to multiple reasons, such as the World of Warcraft RPG map and unclear gameplay mechanics. It can be said that if it were not produced by Nebula Games, it would basically not be able to make much splash in the gaming circle.

But one week after "Dota" was launched, the strong growth has surprised many designers in the game industry.

Multiple promotions have allowed "Dota" to completely spread to various game player audiences.

Moreover, the free play mode, coupled with the teaching that is more friendly to novices compared to the previous game, as well as the mechanism and strategy of giving away various accessories, have made many players fall into this big pit.

Especially one week after its launch, Nebula Games unexpectedly received a wave of reverse bounces in the eyes of all players, saying that it would seamlessly and officially open the game after the non-deletion test was completed, and that it would be updated later. Additional related activities suddenly gave players a feeling of anticipation.

In addition to the promotion of Nebula Games, more importantly, more and more players are experiencing the charm of "Dota".

Putting aside competition and various tactical points, I will only talk about the positive feedback brought by the game. In fact, "Dota" and MMORPGs such as "World of Warcraft" are the same.

That is the stimulation of achievement, social interaction, and novelty of exploration brought by numerical values.

As a traditional mmorpg game, the main core points are these.

Players grind dungeons for equipment day after day, as well as various camp and gang activities. These are the fun of mmorpg, but for a game like mmorpg, it takes quite a long time.

"Dota" is different. The duration of a game is about 25 minutes to 45 minutes, and all these positive feedbacks are gathered together.

For example, the numerical stimulation in traditional mmorpgs is to buy equipment in a dungeon, which is just like the players in "Dota" operating their own heroes to buy equipment.

The vast majority of players, when playing games like "Dota", basically have a situation, that is, whether they are auxiliary or core, sometimes they see a wave of soldiers and they can't move forward.

Or maybe I see two or three waves of wild monsters in the wild area, and sometimes I want to clear them out. In addition, the sound of gold coins appearing after killing the minions is all the stimulation brought by the numerical value.

Watching your hero go from being unarmed at level 1, and may not even be able to defeat two waves of soldiers, to being upgraded to a wave of soldiers with the next two skills as you farm money, this is the most direct numerical stimulation.

At the same time, it condenses the numerical stimulation of mmorpg, which takes time to develop and collect, directly into the time of a game.

The second is the social attribute. Just like the arena of "World of Warcraft" and its dungeons, "Dota" also has very high requirements for teamwork. Coupled with the existence of the fog of war, effective communication with teammates is an inevitable need. situation, thus also adding social attributes to the players.

It can be said that a well-coordinated team and teammates who can effectively provide various information can definitely increase the winning rate of the game by a large margin.

The last and most core point is freshness.

For a traditional mmorpg like "World of Warcraft", in addition to the surprise of seeing the dungeon for the first time, in fact, what follows is more about the equipment output brought by the dungeon. Simply playing the dungeon cannot be considered fun. .

Because the boss and mobs of the copy itself will not change.

The route of play is also predetermined. Even if something goes wrong, it can only be in a bad direction. For example, a certain tank is not as good as a tank, a certain output is missing, or the position is not moved well, and the hate group is destroyed.

But "Dota" is different. There are too many inaccuracies in the game.

Many players can play hundreds or thousands of the same heroes without getting bored.

On the one hand, it is the fun and playability of the hero, and on the other hand, it is the uncertainty brought about by each game.

Different heroes, different opponents, different teammates.

This time I might start the game 10-0 and lead the whole game.

It may also start 0-10 and turn into a crying Adou in Zhao Yun's arms.

Or it could be a hearty fight between evenly matched opponents, and then a narrow victory or defeat in the end.

Each game is a new experience, which also makes players look forward to the next game experience.

Those who lost in the last round thought that they might win in the next round, and I went to bed after winning one.

Those who won the last round are thinking about winning the next round.

Players who were Zhao Yun in the last round but whose teammates were four Adou would think that if Adou ran to the opposite side, all of them would be Brother Yun.

This gives the game a sense of expectancy and addiction. In addition, "Dota" itself is calculated based on the duration of a single game, so there is no so-called follow-up in this game, and there will be no such thing as mmorpg. After not playing for a few days, I was already far behind the mainstream troops.

Various core factors suddenly made the "dota" fire become popular.


From testing without deleting files to officially launching with reverse bounce.

It can be said that the popularity of "Dota" is getting higher and higher day by day, and it is also dominating the charts on major video and live broadcast platforms.

And as players explore, more and more tricks are discovered.

For example, some basic skills such as blocking soldiers, hooking soldiers, pulling in wilds, and hoarding wilds have not been discovered by the main creative team of Nebula Games before.

But just because the base is not large, and now that the game is being studied by players around the world, these little tricks are being discovered by players little by little.

This is also different from the previous life. After all, when "Dota" was popular in the previous life, video websites were still in their infancy, let alone live broadcasts.

At that time, the place where many Dotaers learned technology was the Tieba forum community.

Including watching game videos, you need to find the corresponding video files before you can learn through the videos.

In "Dota" developed by Nebula Games, on the one hand, the novice tutorials are detailed enough; on the other hand, any little trick in the Internet age can spread immediately as long as it is discovered and put on the Internet.

Therefore, in this parallel world, the skills of Dota players improve much faster.

Although the game has only been online for less than a month, there is actually a big difference between experts and ordinary players.

Chen Xu in Nebula Games can be said to be the clearest about this.

In particular, the emergence of one situation made Chen Xu feel a little emotional.

That is the performance of some masters in supporting roles, roaming ganks, and the development and positioning of various heroes. In fact, in Chen Xu's opinion, these are still far behind.

Moreover, at 53 seconds or 55 seconds, you pass by a wild spot and grab a wave of wild spots to expand the team's economy. This behavior is rarely done.

But one thing is the same as in the previous life.

That is to help save your own money and save it to buy big medicine, and then put stickers on the core of your home.

You can just rest assured while I go to work and buy big medicine to support you.

I don’t know which assistant first discovered that big brother can use big medicine and little blue.

Various tactics and hero development have not appeared in the game, but the support has been rolled up.

Do you take good care of your eldest brother?

My money is my big brother’s medicine, how can you fight with me?

"It's so hard. Are the players already starting to get bored while playing the game?" Looking at the relevant data in the office of Nebula Games, Yang Xin couldn't help but sigh.

"Sister Xin, you never bought me any big medicine when playing support! And you often replenish my sword!" Ruan Ningxue complained next to her.

"Ahem... I'm afraid you won't be able to make up for it!" Yang Xin coughed twice.

"Okay, let's get ready. It's almost time for the new version to be released to players." In the project room, Chen Xu smiled and said.

Plans for the new version and new activities have been completed long ago.

The reason why it has not been released is mainly to wait for players to become familiar with the gameplay and content of "Dota".

And this new version will not involve numerical content, but more welfare activities and a new ladder mode.


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