As the trend of Sekiro promotional videos began, more and more players noticed this game.

Then on the official website, Chen Xu and Nebula Games also released some new information one after another.

The game name and store interface are online, "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice".

Players can use prosthetic hands with various functions to assist in combat, such as shurikens, axes, firecrackers...

In addition, the original scenes of the game have also been exposed, including Ashina Castle, Xianfeng Temple, Aquatic Village, Source Palace, etc...

As more and more information is exposed, some mechanisms in the game are combined with promotional videos. Although Chen Xu did not mention it on the official website, it is not too secretive.

"This seems to be Mr. Chen's first time making an action game, right? This looks so exciting!"

"What does it mean to be the first time? Were the original "Monster Hunter: World", Dark Souls and Bloodborne all eaten?"

"Monster Hunter can barely count, but Dark Souls and Bloodborne are more focused on exploration and RPG elements, right?"

"By the way, do you feel a sense of déjà vu? I don't know if it's my imagination. Why do I feel that this game looks a bit like the Souls game?"

"I'm overthinking it. It looks completely different from the style of the Souls game, okay?"

"Yes, judging from the promotional video and information, the game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" is obviously leaning towards the action direction, and the wolves in the game can still jump on the spot. You can't watch the dead. Can Hunter and Blue Star jump?"

"That makes sense!"

"That's the way it is. Don't you think it's a Souls game when you see relatively large monsters, and if you don't see the protagonist in the game, can you still be resurrected? This also reduces the difficulty of the game. I think the gameplay should be It’s more of a scratch-like experience.”

"That's right, that's right. Have you discovered a detail? "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" does not support brainwave controllers."

"That's really it!"

"But if you prefer a fighting game-style experience, it's actually quite hardcore!"

"Indeed, I feel that pure action games are the most hardcore."

"What's the big deal? Don't you know how to choose the easy difficulty? And for the fancy operations, just watch the videos of the masters. Can't we just pass the level on our own?"

"That's right! "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" is the easiest difficulty for me to pre-order anyway."

As the promotion of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" gradually spreads, the topics discussed by players have gradually increased.

At the beginning, many players did have doubts about this game. After all, Mr. Chen had too many criminal records.

But soon, following the rational analysis of some wise men, many players suddenly felt that they were right!

The reason for this is mainly because the game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" is too special.

If players can see the map design in the game, such as the distribution of ghosts, Buddhas and monsters, they will immediately understand that this game is definitely not that simple.

But the key point is that only some combat content has been disclosed to the outside world, including sword and halberd movie-style fighting demonstrations.

So this creates a very strange illusion for players, that is, this may be a pure action game.

Coupled with the push of many smart people, this has also led to players always believing that "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" may be more hardcore at high difficulties, but at low difficulties it should be a lawn mowing game.

While waiting for "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice", many players are looking for a similar game while looking forward to it.

However, they all came back in vain. There is really no game on the market that shows the feeling of blacksmithing like the promotional video of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice".

But the interesting part is that the players who returned without success have actually made some war-themed games become popular.

After all, there is no way to forge iron, so if that doesn't work, just go mow the grass and experience it.

After all, many players of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" feel that it is a pure action game.

The high difficulty of action games is hardcore, but the low difficulty is just mowing the grass, isn't it?

So at a low difficulty level, Sekiro is definitely a game about fighting with swords and attacking monsters in a fancy way, so there’s nothing wrong with it!

Countless players carried this idea with them until the game was officially released.


"It's time, Lao Song, it's time." In the Nebula world, seeing that the time was about to reach the unlocking time of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice", Zhang Yi quickly called Lao Song via voice to remind him.

"You have to tell me, I've been waiting for a long time! But you said that this time "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" is different from the previous games, and it doesn't even support brainwave controllers." Song Ren has one question Diandian was puzzled.

When "Detroit: Become Human" was first released, he was not very used to this new control device.

But now, many game manufacturers' masterpieces support brainwave control. If he keeps using it, he feels that this thing is really convenient and comfortable when used with traditional controllers.

This time, "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" did not support adaptation, which made him feel very strange.

Obviously this is intentional by Nebula Games. After all, Nebula Games is the first in the industry to support this operating mode and there are no technical problems.

"Do you still need to ask? Didn't some big guys on the Internet analyze it before? Sekiro is an action game, and in this kind of action game, it is difficult to perform some high-end operations relying on brain wave control." Zhang Yi didn't think much about it.

In fact, this is also the main reason why many players think "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" will be an action game.

Because action games take into account the existence of repeated moves and combos, and unlike traditional games, the level of detail in action games is usually reduced to the point where frames are used as time units, so they are more suitable for traditional controllers.

"But I feel like it has nothing to do with us." Song Ren said confidently.

"That must be the lowest difficulty to get started!" Zhang Yi responded with a smile.


How can a challenge be as exciting as mowing the grass?

In the first game, you can mow the grass and experience the plot first, and in the second game, you can study some playing methods for advanced challenges.

If it's too difficult, then watch the video and achieve the achievement through the skull.

If you can’t perform beautiful operations with your hands, why can’t you still think of gorgeous operations in your mind?

Zhang Yi has already planned it.

The two chatted happily, and soon it was time to unlock the game.

The first thing that catches the eye is the Nebula Games logo.


Then there was a sound of wind in my ears.

The game screen gradually appeared in front of my eyes, and at the same time, a vicissitudes of male voice came from my ears.

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