Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 675 Humans will choose, but slaves will only obey

As Song Ren's game content continues to advance, the story of Paradise City and the questions that were previously difficult for him to understand have been answered.

For example, why did Paradise City become like this, and who are the little sister and the big daddy.

The earlier Paradise City was built by a wealthy man named Andrew Lane, the same person who first promoted the Submersible to the Paradise City.

Andrew Lane has always advocated completely free capitalism. He feels that capable people should enjoy the fruits of their own labor.

He also believes that human morality hinders the progress of technology and society, so the system of Paradise City focuses on the market economy, which makes the moral boundaries extremely blurred.

Thanks to its huge capital, Paradise City quickly became an extremely developed city, attracting countless elites and wealthy people to live there.

But soon the society showed its shortcomings.

In Paradise City, which is completely dominated by the market economy, all public industries have become private, and everything needs to be charged.

Public institutions are completely non-existent. You have to pay even to call the police. You also have to pay for a chair in the street park if you want to rest. Even every breath of air you breathe has to pay.

This is what the City of Paradise is like, with the gap between the rich and the poor widening infinitely.

And the more important point is that once you come to Paradise City, you will never be able to leave.

As a result, the conflicts in Paradise City began to intensify.

However, at this time, a talented female scientist named Tainan discovered a mysterious sea slug and extracted a substance called Adam from it.

Adam's substance can rewrite human genes, and Fontaine, the gang boss of Paradise City, immediately took a fancy to the potential of Adam's substance and fully funded Tainan's research.

As a result, the biotechnology of Paradise City soared. After the discovery of Adam's substance, the old, the sick, and the disabled seemed to be far away from Paradise City. The lives of a large number of human beings were changed, and social conflicts were temporarily alleviated.

However, Adam substances are extremely addictive. The greater the intake, the more unstable the cells will be. The only antidote is to continue to consume Adam substances.

At this time, people who could not afford Adam's material began to rob and kill people everywhere, and the social unrest in Paradise City became increasingly serious.

In this case, the little sister came to the rescue.

Through hypnotic implantation of Adam's substance extracted from sea slugs, the little sister was sent to various places in Paradise City to search for Adam's substance from the dead.

A kind of recycling is formed, and people die from excessive use of Adam substances. At this time, the little sister recycles these Adam substances, making the cost and price of Adam substances cheaper. This is why players can buy them on the streets of Paradise City. reason.

At the same time, in order to prevent the little sister from being robbed and attacked when she recycles Adam's matter, they also cultivated Big Daddy to become the little sister's bodyguard.

After working hard for a day, Song Ren finally had a preliminary understanding of Paradise City.

But even though he understood this, he still had many doubts.

That's why Elizabeth is so obsessed with saving Sally.

As for the person to trade with Elizabeth, Song Ren also knew it through the conversation.

That's Fontaine, the gang boss who wants to overthrow Andrew Lane.

But in Jack's line, he learned through conversation that Fontaine was dead.

So what about Elizabeth?

And about the trump card that Elizabeth was finally blackmailed by Fontaine to get, what was it?

The structure of the two-line narrative is dominated by Jack's side and assisted by Elizabeth.

But it also allowed Song Ren to understand it well, and from Elizabeth's side, Song Ren also learned some more information about the previous game Infinity.

That is, Daisy, the resistance leader who wanted to kill Booker and Elizabeth, turned out to be a good person.

What she wants to do is to seduce Elizabeth and kill her, thereby bringing about a change in character, because only in this way can the fate and rule of Comstock be changed.

This is the decision Daisy made in Parallel World No. 3, because she has no way to possess the ability of space rifts like Elizabeth.

So Daisy chose to sacrifice herself and perform a play from the source to transform Elizabeth's heart.

Next, Song Ren's game perspective returned to Jack's side, and the 'wife and children' who had been guiding his partner Atlas were all killed by Andrew Lane.

So the other party asked Jack to help him take revenge. Through a ridiculous circus performance, Song Ren finally got to meet the final mastermind Andrew Lane.

But at this time, Song Ren had a very bad feeling.

Based on the plot twist at the end of "BioShock Infinite", Song Ren knew very well that the final plot of this game, Paradise City, would also surprise him.

But what Song Ren didn't expect was that even though he had tried his best to think about it, the truth was still beyond his expectation.

As Jack passed through the secret passage, he took a wrench and went to assassinate the city lord of Paradise City.

In a small room in the passage.

Song Ren had an unexpected expression on his face.

This room is filled with important characters from Paradise City.

Fontaine, Dr. Yi, Andrew, Tainan.

But the most important thing is that Jack is among them.

Seeing this, Song Ren suddenly felt goosebumps rising all over his body.

Why is Jack included in the photos of Paradise City?

Isn't he an outsider?

And on the wall, there is a line of phrases.

‘would, you, kindly’ (Can I excuse you!)

What exactly does this line of phrase mean?

At this moment, Song Ren thought of Atlas, who had been guiding him.

Isn’t this what Atlas often said?

Could it be that Atlas is Andrew Lane, the city lord of Paradise City?

For a moment, Song Ren's mind was filled with mysteries.

Manipulating Jack to leave the room.

Like Jack in the game, Song Ren already felt that something was wrong.

In the dark hall, the voice of City Lord Andrew Lane sounded.

In the stage-like passage in front, City Lord Andrew Lane stood there quietly.

'The assassin has broken through my last line of defence, and now he comes to kill me. ’

‘What is the difference between a last man and a slave? ’

'money? right? ’

'No! Humans choose, slaves obey. ’

Andrew Lane, who was holding a golf club in his hand, looked at Jack walking towards him and smiled contemptuously.

'Do you think you really have memories? ’

‘A farm, a family, a plane, a plane crash? ’

'You end up in this place, but do you really have a family? Was that air crash an accident or a man-made hijacking? Was it actually a non-human being who forced the plane to land? ’

Listening to the words of Andrew Lane in the game, Jack in the game and Song Ren who was playing the game suddenly trembled in their hearts.

"No way!?"

"Could it be..."

Combined with the previous game content and Andrew Lane's words, Song Ren already had a guess about the truth in his heart.

A desperate guess.

‘This existence has been living in a dream all its life. ’

'Waiting for his kind master to wake him up with a simple command. ’

'Then the person sent to kill me was a human being or a slave? ’

‘People will choose, slaves will only obey! ’

‘Can I help you? come in! ’

Following Andrew Lane's words, Song Ren's scalp went numb.

Because after saying these words, he discovered that Jack in the game was acting uncontrollably.

And he didn't perform any operations at all. Brainwave control and simple controllers were completely unable to control Jack in the game.

‘Can you please stop? Could you please help me? How amazing this sentence is! ’

‘Sound familiar? Could you please sit down? Could you please stand up? ’

‘Can I help you run away, can I help you stop, can I help you turn around! ’

‘Humans choose, slaves obey. ’

‘So kill me with this. ’

‘Men choose, slaves obey. ’

‘Can you please obey! ’

Following Andrew Lane's words, Song Ren was completely unable to control any of Jack's actions in the game.

Just like a puppet.

Jack does whatever the other person says.

Watching Jack smash Andrew Lane's head in with the golf club in his hand.

Song Ren, who had regained his freedom, just swallowed his saliva.

This truth is really too shocking.

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