The emotional blessing of six years of waiting, coupled with the reputation of my own Nebula game in the minds of players, and my own Chen Xu also conducted a pre-promotion of "World of Warcraft".

Coupled with this movie-level animated CG promotional video.

The popularity of "World of Warcraft" instantly reached the top of the hot search list, and it never went down.

Players are also discussing various types of games as to what type they are.

But soon they got the answer they wanted.

On Chen Xu’s official blog, there is no response like before.

Faced with various enthusiastic discussions among players, Chen Xu informed global players on the official blog that afternoon that this game was: mmorpg.

This also stunned many players and manufacturers concerned about the gaming industry.

As for the players, they didn’t think too much about it.

Although mmorpg is unexpected, many players have actually guessed it before based on the content in Nebula World.

But for practitioners in the game industry, they are confused about the type of "World of Warcraft".


This was something they had never thought of.

Before this, many game manufacturers would have thought that "World of Warcraft" might be an ARPG.

Or a game like "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", which is an open world but more RPG-oriented.

After all, judging from the background story of the game, this is very possible.

But mmorpg has caused confusion among many game manufacturers and designers.

The main reason is that the situation of mmorpg is a bit embarrassing.

There are indeed some MMORPGs on the market that continue to operate, but they are basically MMORPGs that have been operating for a long time.

As for new mmorpg games, there may not be one out in a year or two.

Because mmorpg games have two endings.

Either succeed and operate in the long term and become a stable cash cow.

Or he would be half-dead and become a loser.

It can be said to be very extreme.

And now Nebula Games is going to make an mmorpg.

Or the IP of World of Warcraft.

Such news directly attracted the attention of the gaming industry.

After all, mmorpg can be said to be difficult to make.

The difficulty is not just in charging.

In mmorpg, there are too many things to consider.

For example, numerical values ​​and level design, as well as the balance of professions and skills, as well as the plot and tasks in the game and the allocation of related resources.

There is also development progress. If we talk about the maps of "Red Dead Redemption", "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", they are very large.

So any mmorpg map will be larger than these games if the various maps are accumulated.

The development cycle is naturally lengthened, which is why generally speaking, the graphics of mmorpgs are not as good as those of the first-line stand-alone echelon.

It can be said that mmorpg games are the most difficult among many game types.

Of course, this difficulty is measured based on the excellent horizontal line.

If we just talk about making an mmorpg instead of making a good game, then it is naturally different.

And can "World of Warcraft" succeed now?

At least looking at Chen Xu’s promotional CG, it’s definitely a huge investment!

After the news of "World of Warcraft" was announced, it undoubtedly occupied the top spot on various hot search lists.

Even now there is just a CG promotional video.

But it is different from ordinary games. First of all, this is a new game produced by Nebula Games.

And it had appeared frequently in the Nebula World before.

Add the IP of World of Warcraft.

There is also Nebula Games’ first MMORPG.

Each of these tags is enough to be on the hot search list.

Although the mmorpg genre has not had any outstanding games either abroad or domestically in recent years, it has officially strengthened the topic of "World of Warcraft" because of this.

Not only players are looking forward to it, but the gaming industry also wants to see what Nebula Games can do with "World of Warcraft."

Judging from the specifications of the promotional CG and the scene art in the Nebula world, it is obvious that this project has been prepared by Nebula Games for a long time.

Chen Xu, who is located in Nebula Games, is unaware of the various discussions from the outside world.

Now, Chen Xu is working with the operations team to determine the follow-up operation plan for "World of Warcraft".

Regarding this matter, Chen Xu has already made a decision.

And the operations team is not a fool either. After all, Nebula Games does not exclusively produce single-player games, such as "Fall Bean Man", "Three Kingdoms", "Rainbow Six: Siege", "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", etc., but they are all ongoing. In the process of operating games, the team has also accumulated sufficient experience.

First of all, the game will not have a built-in shopping mall.

Because "World of Warcraft" is a game that focuses on pvp and pve.

In the game, the sets produced by PVE copies are not only rewarded with attributes, but also appearance and glory. This in itself is a part of reward and positive feedback.

I won’t talk about the attributes that affect balance, just simple fashions and mounts.

If you want to sell costumes and mounts, they must be better-looking than the suits produced in dungeons, otherwise what's the point of selling them.

But if it were released, the reward content brought by the copy would be cut in half.

Think about it, players keep swiping the Demon King day and night in order to make their mounts invincible.

As a result, you become invincible day and night. Just when you want to go to the main city to show off, the person in front is riding a black dragon, and the person behind is riding a phoenix.

Isn’t this so silly?

So Chen Xu never considered the option of charging for props.

In summary, only the purest point card system is most suitable.

When it comes to playing cards, Chen Xu adopts the same structure as the Chinese server after changing agents in his previous life, instead of the US server's buyout and monthly card structure.

The game will simply adopt a time-based charging model of point cards and monthly cards in parallel.

Different charging models such as quarterly cards and half-yearly cards will be launched in the future.

As for the charging standards, the minute-by-minute billing model is adopted.

The fee is 0.045 yuan per minute, which is equivalent to 2.7 yuan per hour. Players can directly choose to purchase the entire face value of the point card, or they can also choose to recharge it on an hourly basis.

As for the monthly card, it is 200 yuan per month.

In addition, there will be no official mall in the game, but there will be corresponding exchanges.

Players are allowed to use in-game gold coins to trade with monthly cards or card points, but a certain service fee will be charged, which is equivalent to time badges in previous lives.

As for allowing players to exchange gold coins directly for cash, this is unrealistic.

It’s not that it’s technically impossible, the main reason is that after doing it, Mr. Chen, who is beloved by the players, may have to cry behind bars.

As for wealthy players selling point cards to obtain more gold coins, this is completely unsolvable.

Even setting the number of sales actually doesn't have much effect.

Because there are offline channels, and "World of Warcraft" itself is an MMORPG, trading itself is a way of playing the game.

It is not possible to trade in the game, but players outside the game can also trade.

In this case, it is better to guide through the official launch.

For some players, it is not necessary to spend their own money to play in the game.

You can simply earn gold and buy point cards sold by others.

As long as you are willing to make yourself suffer a little, you can definitely achieve the feat of free prostitution.

After all, there are other players willing to ‘pay the bill’.

As for the gold mining group, a normal gold mining group manually mines gold based on their abilities. Is there any reason to care about this?

As for the gold-making software, there are no technical experts who can bypass the closed World VR system and the protection of Nebula Games. But do people with such skills just want to make a script that can automatically make money?

In addition to these measures, Chen Xu also specially formed an economic research team, mainly to deal with the economic stability in the game.

There will be no inflation or ‘financial crisis’ in the game.

An mmorpg is actually a small country.

What affects the balance of the game is not just the gameplay, values, and the game's monetary and economic system. It can be said that it is also crucial. To a certain extent, the economic system is even more important than the values ​​and gameplay.

Because this kind of game requires continuous operation and is equipment-oriented.

Its core point is cultivation, and cultivation means value.

The collapse of the economic system in the game may very well mean that your character who spent a long time in the game has changed from an apartment in the center of a first-tier city to an apartment in the center of a three-county county.

After all, if players are not satisfied with the gameplay, they can re-modify the gameplay. A certain professional sewer can be corrected through numerical patches. If it is too strong, it can be weakened.

The economic system is irreversible.


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