Although many players feel that "Detroit: Become Human" will have many endings during the game.

However, after completing the week-long objective by themselves, many players were shocked when they went online to search for related strategies to see what other endings there were and how to achieve them.

Because there are so many endings and branches, different choices and actions similar to QTE will determine the final ending of each character.

Of course most of them don't look very nice.

For example, there is a line that many players consider to be the true ending. In this line, Marcus will give his life during the parade.

And it was precisely because of Marcus's sacrifice that it also affected Connor later, allowing him to become an abnormal android and inherit Marcus's last wish, leading the androids to continue to fight.

There are many points in this line that impress players. Connor's grief in Jericho's cabin when he watched the peace-loving brother die.

And the spontaneous words that helped Kara leave.

‘I once hunted you, but at that time I was a robot and I didn’t understand! Now I understand everything! ’

This also reminds many players of the title of the game "Detroit: Become Human". From the cold-blooded robot when investigating abnormal androids at the beginning, Connor slowly became a real human being.

And it also makes players feel more emotional.

After all, both Marcus and Kara actually turned into abnormal androids in their early days.

But only Connor, the player has personally experienced how he transformed from a robot that only knew how to obey orders to an abnormal android.

Especially after the final struggle, the ending of standing on the speech stage to give a speech instead of Marcus shocked countless players.

In this story line, Connor still knows about the conspiracy of the model to control life.

They planned the android revolution, anticipating that Connor would be its leader.

And now this company plans to control Connor, the leader, to control the freed androids.

So Connor took out his pistol on the podium while he still had the ability to control his body.

Because he understands that he can still struggle now, but one day he will be controlled by the model-controlled life.

So in order to prevent the android from going back to the past again, Connor took out the pistol again and aimed it at his chin.

A bullet cuts the line between life and death.

Every time he died as an android, he would appear in high spirits again in front of his partner Hank a few days later and startle him.

But this time it was different, he would never come back.

Various route strategies and so on are constantly being mined and summarized by players.

In fact, the game itself does not have an official ending.

No matter which ending is in the end, it is closely related to the player's choice and is reasonable.

But for players, it is obvious that they still have their own favorite endings.

The ending in which most of them survived is called a perfect ending by many players.

As for the ending of the game that is more cruel, Marcus sacrifices and Connor uses a pistol to understand his life.

Although many players think this is the true ending, there are also many players who don't like it. After all, this ending is a great tragedy.

While the plot of "Detroit: Become Human" is popular.

Correspondingly, a background in the game also triggered discussions among many players.

As an interactive movie game, "Detroit: Become Human" not only tells a story to players, but also showcases brand-new brainwave technology.

The background in the game and the corresponding social relationships have also become a point of concern for many players. After all, the so-called artificial intelligence is accompanying the development of society, and it can be said that it is constantly entering all walks of life.

Transportation, medical care, games, etc. all have the shadow of so-called artificial intelligence.

It’s just that the androids in the game are obviously much more advanced.

In addition, the game itself does not allow players to assume the perspective of a human being, but from the perspective of an android.

This also gave players a sense of dislocation, and many players discussed the story online.

‘It would be great to have androids in real life! I won't abuse people like the people in the game! ’

'But if you think about it carefully, it's actually quite unreasonable, because the androids in the game are all very low-end products, the kind that can already be mass-produced. You can see bionics like Kara in magazines, and they only sell 8 phones each. It’s expensive! ’

‘To be fair, it’s probably because it’s too cheap, so there’s abuse, right? Think about how you usually treat your mobile phone. When you first bought it, you should handle it with care. You should treat the film, protective case and even charging well. After using it for a period of time, you can just throw it on the bed. The charging tube will not damage the machine. If it is out of power, you can charge it and unplug it when you want to use it. ’

‘Fuck, who are you? Did you install surveillance on me? ’

‘23333333, this is so true! ’

'But to be honest, I really want an android like North. ’

‘? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do you want an android? I won’t hesitate to tell you whatever you want! ’

‘Don’t be lewd! ’

‘By the way, many scenes in the game are very meaningful, have you noticed? ’

‘Yes, that’s right, at the beginning, the park and the square on the Marcus Line are really clearly demarcated. One is warm and the other is cold. It can be said to be the feeling of heaven and hell! ’

Many players online are discussing the topic of "Detroit: Become Human".

And it has been extended to more and more people, and even some universities and social magazines have discussed this aspect.

While these topics were spreading, Chen Xu was being interviewed by a media in the office of Nebula Games.

Media interviews, this is not a surprising thing for Nebula Games.

However, this interview was not with any economic or game-oriented media.

It is a domestic media that focuses on science and society and has a lot of popularity.

Of course, it's not really professional, it's still a bit of entertainment.

This is also the reason why Chen Xu accepted the invitation.

After all, this is the first time, quite fresh.

In the office, a girl reporter was interviewing Chen Xu with a voice recorder in her hand.

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of the future development of artificial intelligence? Is the future in your mind like that in "Detroit: Become Human"?"

After listening to the other party's words, Chen Xu smiled and shook his head: "Of course not. In fact, many people have a misunderstanding. Although the background of "Detroit: Become Human" is the future world, this is not a vision of the future. On the contrary, it is A reflection and exploration of modern society and the past.”

"If you think about it selfishly, in fact, the background of "Detroit: Become Human" itself does not stand up to scrutiny. It is just like some commercial science fiction movies. In the face of various advanced alien technologies, in the end humans rely on the physical body. It is very unreasonable to defeat the alien invasion with backward weapons."

"The same is true in "Detroit: Become Human". Why does Luther, who is set to carry heavy objects in the future world of the game, have to adopt a human form instead of a mechanical form that can better carry objects?"

Chen Xu smiled and said slowly to the reporter.

Listening to Chen Xu's words, the reporter sitting on the sofa looked confused.

The topic doesn’t seem to be going as planned!

Of course, this is also because she has come into contact with Chen Xu for the first time. If there are media in the game industry such as Game Star that have had close contact with Chen Xu, then you will understand one thing at this time, and that is - Mr. Chen is fooling you. .

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