Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 610 No one understands bionic people better than me

On August 15, 2038, the current time was displayed on the advertising screen in the elevator in front of me.

Then the camera slowly zoomed out, and Song Ren saw himself, a very young and handsome young man, wearing a black suit and tie, with an indifferent expression.

However, the round marks on his temples proved that he was not a human, but an android.

"The incarnation is human, so the player in the game plays an android?"

Song Ren guessed.

The elevator is rising continuously, and Song Ren has not yet gained control of this character.

I saw the young man's hands playing with a coin very skillfully.

When the elevator reached the top floor of the 70th floor, he put away the coins in his hand, straightened his tie, looked straight ahead and waited for the elevator door to open.

After the elevator door opened, a heavily armed soldier holding a gun communicated with his superiors via radio.

‘Negotiators arrive on scene, repeat: Negotiators arrive on scene. ’

So I'm an expert negotiator? But it does make sense.

After all, negotiators are actually a high-risk profession because they have to negotiate with vicious gangsters who have hostages.

Once the robber is angered, the hostage in his hand will definitely not be killed, and the negotiator will suffer.

And as for androids, there is definitely something unusual about being a robot, so it is very suitable for this profession!

Song Ren showed a surprised expression.

Then he didn't move forward in a hurry, but studied the operations in the game and observed the surrounding environment.

The house he is in now should be a mansion, covering a very large area and even having a huge aquarium.

On the table on the right side of the corridor are photos of the owner of the house and his family, as well as some documents and potted plants.

But what surprised Song Ren the most was that he discovered that everything around him was interactive.

After getting close to some obvious objects, the corresponding interactive observation UI can pop up.

In addition, there are some items that do not have interactive UI, but can still be interacted with in the game.

For example, when approaching the water tank, Song Ren was able to get close and observe the things inside.

As for the control mode of brainwave reading, this unique operation method made him a little uncomfortable at first.

It's like a player who is used to playing with a mouse and keyboard suddenly uses a controller to play games.

But it is indeed more convenient, especially when combined with the immersive experience of the VR experience cabin and full-body force feedback, giving him a feeling as if he is really doing these things.

While Song Ren was still experimenting with the new operating mode, heavily armed soldiers in the corridor were bringing out a middle-aged woman with tears on her face.

"Please, please, you must save my daughter..."

After the middle-aged woman saw the young man, she grabbed the young man with tears on her face and told him her request.

But then he noticed the flashing mark on the young man's temple, and immediately performed a series of face-changing tricks.

"Wait a minute! You want to send androids? You... you can't do this! It will kill my daughter... Why don't you send real people?"

"Don't let that thing get close to my daughter! Why waste time sending an android to negotiate!?" The woman wailed as she was taken away by the guards.

Song Ren was left with a confused look on his face.

Did the android mess with you? Have you eaten your rice?

I’ll let you know what a negotiation expert is later!

Do you know what an expert is?

Why let the androids come?

Just because everyone is an android, no one can understand androids better than me!

Song Ren cursed in his heart.

Keep walking forward, and a line of prompts will appear in your field of vision.

[You can start scanning at any time to find target information]

At the moment it was turned on, a light blue data stream swept across everything in front of Song Ren's eyes.

In this mode, all surrounding sounds disappear and everyone's movements become still.

The space was divided into small squares by light blue lines, and the current mission goal was displayed on the left side of his field of vision: looking for Captain Allen.

This feeling is like Arthur Morgan in "Red Dead Redemption" turning on the Eye of Death time, and also adding the eagle eye perception function in The Witcher and Assassin's Creed.

In the digitalized world, Song Ren could see a dark yellow humanoid silhouette behind the wall not far away.

Obviously that is the target of his mission - Captain Allen.

After turning off the scanning function, the time flow in the game returns to normal.

Song Ren controlled the character and walked towards the room.

At this time, the police officers in the room were actively preparing.

The corresponding basic information is also displayed above the heads of these people.

Apparently there is information about them in the android database.

Arriving next to Captain Allen, Song Ren lost control of the character and triggered a cutscene.

‘Captain Allen, I am Connor, the android sent by Model Control Life. ’

Song Ren also learned the name of the character he was currently controlling from this introduction.

Captain Allen in the game didn't give Connor a good look. Faced with Connor who stepped forward to introduce himself, he only told him some simple situations very perfunctorily.

At this time, a line of red values ​​appeared in front of Song Ren's eyes: success rate 48%

Obviously this is the success rate of direct negotiation.

If you insist on going your own way and just negotiate without caring about anything, then you are just betting on luck.

There is a 48% chance that the negotiation will be successful and the hostages will be rescued.

But there is also a 52% chance that it will develop into Russian-style negotiations.

So the next step is to collect clues to learn more about this incident, and then negotiate to rescue the hostages.

Looking at the tasks on the UI interface of the android, Song Ren basically understood the situation.

Using Connor's android abilities to search the room, he soon found clues from the suitcase.

By analyzing the suitcase and small box, it was possible to discover that they originally contained a pistol and bullets, and the data also reconstructed the models of the firearms and bullets.

[MS853 Black Hawk, capacity: 17 bullets (.335 caliber), total length: 22 cm/barrel: 13 cm]

[.335 caliber bullet, speed: 3 per second: quantity: 115g/firepower coefficient: 414k]

After parsing these clues, a prompt called Reconstruction was displayed, and then Song Ren's eyes widened.

Composed of data streams, the previous scene is recreated.

Song Ren clearly saw how a bionic man made of data lines took down the suitcase and took out the pistol.

This is what has happened here before.

"Damn it, there is such a black technology!?" Song Ren couldn't help but be amazed.

After finding the first clue and piecing it together to restore the original scene.

Song Ren also discovered that the previous 48% chance had increased to 54% this time.

Obviously, it is necessary to continuously analyze what happened at that time, and then improve the success rate of negotiations.

Standing up, Song Ren controlled Connor in the room and continued to search to see if he could find some useful information.

In the hostage's bedroom, there is other information via the tablet.

Song Ren learned the name of the other party in this incident: Daniel, a bionic man who had an abnormality.

Then he went to the lobby of the first crime scene. A middle-aged man who was hit in the chest was lying on the ground. Obviously this was the poor victim.

Just like the box containing the guns was scanned before, it was accompanied by Connor's scan.

Data begins to change. From Connor's perspective, the entire world becomes digital.

In this digitalized world, the scene at that time was once again reshaped.

However, Song Ren noticed that the victim seemed to be holding something similar to a tablet in his hand at that time, especially since the camera gave a close-up of the tablet.

Apparently this thing should be a useful clue.

Song Ren searched on the ground and soon found a blood-stained tablet.

Swipe gently to open it, and the order information displayed above.

‘Your order for ap700 bionic man has been registered, Model Control Life thanks you for your order. ’

So this android is about to be replaced?

While Song Ren wrote down this information, he continued to search for useful information in the room.

At this time, a burst of gunshots came over.

Turning the camera to the direction of the gunfire, we saw a police officer who was shot being helped out of the house by his companions.

At the same time, Song Ren also saw the body of a dead police officer on the ground but had not had time to deal with it.

In addition to the corpse, there was a pool of blue blood on the ground. As we all know, human blood should be red, so this must be the blood of an android.

Through the blood of the android on the ground, Connor has obtained all the data of the android from the database of model-controlled life, including his model and so on.

In addition, Song Ren also found a pistol on the ground and put it away. It was obviously the pistol of the dead police officer before.

After searching for information, Song Ren found that the success rate had reached 78%.

Either there were clues that he hadn't discovered, or he had to wait until he was negotiating with the android later to perform a real-time lift.

However, he did not continue the search because the situation on the field was very tense and people were constantly being shot and injured.

Following the system prompts, Song Ren walked outside, preparing to have a good talk about life and ideals with the android who was taking the hostages.

He pushed open the curtains and came to the open-air balcony. As soon as he walked out, a gunshot was heard.

For an instant, Song Ren's perspective shook, and the UI interface of the android in front of him also glowed with a burst of red light.

Apparently he had been shot, and blue blood splattered on the nearby glass door.

But fortunately, the hit was on the shoulder and was not fatal.

Next, an option appeared in Song Ren's field of vision: [Shout the name of the abnormal android].

Obviously this is a reasoning and text decryption game.

Collect corresponding clues and then trigger subsequent plots through dialogue.

A brain game? He was so good at this.

Negotiation, right? Leave everything to me.

No one understands androids better than me!


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