In the face of doubts from some players, there is also FOW's "Wasteland 1".

A picture instantly boosted the popularity of "The Last of Us".

This is a picture of Joel and Ellie walking into the distance under the ruins of a post-apocalyptic road at dusk.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the content of the picture itself, but the words on it and the logo surrounding the picture.

Game Space, GameSpot...

It received perfect reviews, with even the lowest-rated media giving it a high score of 9.5.

And the most critical point is that these game media can be said to be all well-known game media at home and abroad.

The simple score and logo shocked everyone who saw it.

Players who had paid attention before were shocked.

In the past, Nebula Games would usually release a new game, and then media reviews would come out a few days later.

But this time, Nebula Games apparently secretly invited various media to conduct a preview review of the game!

After Chen Xu released this rating chart, various media outlets were already prepared and posted the ratings of "The Last of Us" by various reviewers.

Among them, the most authoritative one gave a very high evaluation of "The Last of Us":

“The unparalleled atmosphere design, impeccable plot performance, and extremely exciting gameplay interactions make “The Last of Us” one of the greatest games. ’

‘There is not a large enough open world, nor are there any thrilling scenes. This is a pure post-apocalyptic adventure-themed game, but it is extremely shocking. ’

'In the game, Chen Xu showed us a real and cruel apocalypse, with all these protagonists and supporting characters connected together. Its appearance can be said to have redefined the upper limit of game interactive performance, combining plot performance and game experience. This makes it a masterpiece without any doubt. ’

The rest of the media, whether domestic or foreign, gave similar comments.

This also left many players confused.

Collect money?

It would be fine if it was one or two game media, but the key point is that so many game media seem to be blowing "The Last of Us" to the sky, and this is not a matter of collecting money.


The sudden pile of perfect reviews can be said to have attracted the attention of the entire gaming community.

For players, especially fans of Nebula games.

This is simply not enough to boost morale.

As these reviews came out, countless players took screenshots of the scores evaluated by well-known media and posted them to various forums and communities.

On the other side, Alex and Grayson, who were also beating gongs and drums, were completely confused.

Today's situation can be said to make both of them unable to recognize reality.

The media all gave perfect reviews! ?

what's the situation!

Grayson's idea is that "The Last of Us" might be a pretty good work.

But as a game with threaded gameplay, at least judging from the content of "The Last of Us" so far, it doesn't seem to have very attractive elements.

Regardless of the gameplay or background, it doesn't look that great.

At least it cannot be used as a publicity stunt, otherwise there is no reason not to promote it.

These factors directly make the success or failure of "The Last of Us" entirely dependent on the plot.

Although this is the core of linear games.

But who can be sure that "The Last of Us" will be excellent in this area?

So Grayson also discussed with Alex and decided to prepare "Wasteland 1" in advance to give Nebula Game some eye drops.

But now, as soon as the ratings of "The Last of Us" from major media came out, Grayson and Alex instantly understood what Nebula Games was planning.

There is no doubt that it is following a media propaganda model, but media propaganda is also on the one hand, and you have to be hard-working.

This perfect score also confirms one thing from the other side.

That is the quality of "The Last of Us" is outstanding enough.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the major media to unite the front like this.

But the question is, can such a game that focuses on the plot really deserve the honor of the so-called 'masterpiece'?

Alex and Grayson actually still had their doubts.

After all, a game that can be called a masterpiece must have many aspects that can reach the top level of the industry. At the same time, it can surpass the current level of the industry from a certain angle, or bring comprehensive innovation to the industry.

But the game "The Last of Us", judging from the current external publicity of Nebula Games.

Obviously, in terms of gameplay, it can be said that there are not many breakthroughs. At most, it can maintain the top level in the industry.

The remaining key is the performance of the plot, but how can it be done so that various media can give full marks to it?

This kind of question is not just a question for Alex and Grayson.

This is also a question for game designers in the industry who are paying attention to "The Last of Us".

Where is the god in this game that has been given perfect marks by countless media?

Only when you actually get started can you understand it.

But although it is only two days away from the actual launch.

But for players who are looking forward to this game, it is simply a torture.

There were no big revelations before, but now various media outlets have given it full marks. It looks like it is another masterpiece like "The Witcher: Wild Hunt". How can we not let people look forward to it?

“Damn it, Mr. Chen’s propaganda model is getting better and better!”

"+1, now I understand what it means to live like a year."

"The game has been pre-downloaded. In addition, the theme of "The Last of Us" can be loaded into the Nebula world, but it cannot be played yet! I really want to see where the god is in this game!"

"Mr. Chen is really becoming more and more of a Riddler now! And so are the media!"

"That's right, it means it's a perfect masterpiece, it means it's incredible, you can tell me where it's so incredible!"

Many players are both excited and depressed.

Although all major media have given "The Last of Us" full marks.

But for most players, they still don’t know what story this game is telling at this moment.

Moreover, all major invited media have also signed confidentiality agreements, including external evaluations, which are mostly described in terms of performance and general direction, and do not involve detailed evaluations of the plot and background.

Such a situation creates a spectacle like the Riddler.

All the media is praising "The Last of Us", but players have no idea what the content of this game is.

The only thing that is clear is that the plot is a major core of this game.

It can be said that all the Riddlers make the players stomp their feet in hatred.

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