Although he is not a game designer, as a review reporter, Li Yue is well-informed and has played many games.

But now the prologue of "The Last of Us" really stunned him.

The short prologue of the game completes the three tasks of guiding novices and explaining the beginning of the plot and the narrative background.

But the more critical thing is not these three links, but using an emotion to motivate it.

At the beginning, the emotional interaction between Joel and Sarah, the father and daughter, made the player feel warm.

Then the disaster begins, and the player sees Sarah looking around with curiosity and nervousness in her father's conversation, as a little girl of her age should.

At this time, the player is brought into Sarah's emotions, which is why the focused perspective in the game at the beginning is given to Sarah.

But what follows is the most daring mode in the game, where Sarah, whom the player just fell in love with, dies immediately in the commotion.

And he died sadly.

At the same time, before this sad emotion even broke out, with the black screen of the game screen, I immediately entered a new world.

Are you listening to the narration of news reports, introducing the background of the world after the disaster?

Li Yue has not yet recovered from the shock of Sarah's death and the transition.

He couldn't even imagine how shocked the players would be then.

Although it was only the beginning, he had already gotten a glimpse of it. It could be said that Nebula Games was too bold in this game.

Because "The Last of Us" will be a game with an emotional theme.

This emotion does not refer to the theme in the game, but to the empathy with the players.

Instead of focusing on the gameplay and levels, which are easier to make a fuss about, focus on and control the player's emotions. Can this game called "The Last of Us" do that?


With doubts, Li Yue quietly watched the next development of the plot.

The expected viral infection was not controlled, and thousands of humans were infected, and once infected, they were guaranteed to die.

Bodies piled up on the streets, and the city was declared a martial law zone.

Residents rioted and were suppressed, and the order of the entire country was on the verge of collapse.

Food and other necessities were strictly distributed, and some armed groups launched riots.

At this time, Joel also appeared on the scene again. It had been 20 years since the beginning. At this time, Joel was wearing shabby and dirty clothes, his half-gray hair was full of vicissitudes of life, and he still had a broken piece in his hand. table.

That was the birthday gift Joel’s daughter Sarah gave him that night twenty years ago.

Li Yue, who noticed this detail, suddenly felt that the wound where he had been stabbed seemed to start bleeding again.

After all, that scene was so heart-wrenching.

Then a character from the previous promotional trailer appeared in the room, a woman named Tess.

Through the conversation between the two people, Li Yue also gained a deeper understanding of this post-disaster world.

Although the infection has not yet been completely controlled and is still spreading, official forces still exist.

Things such as food are strictly controlled and require the use of ration cards to redeem them.

Most of the city seemed to be in ruins, with broken Stars and Stripes flags hanging on the tall buildings on both sides.

There are soldiers patrolling the rooftops and streets, and there are mountains of garbage in the corners downstairs.

There are also various graffiti full of despair on the walls of the building.

‘There is no future! ’

‘Burn it all down! ’

'Only Fireflies can save us! ’

But you can see it when you come to the streets. Wanted notices for the resistance organization called "Fireflies" can be seen everywhere.

Armored jeeps patrolled the streets, and loudspeakers reminded people that they must carry their new ID cards with them when going out.

On the way there were two people discussing some issues about being selected to work.

Tess reminded Joel that the distribution line has not been opened yet, so there should be no inventory left.

But it can be seen that even so, there are still people lining up in front of the distribution line with a glimmer of hope.

Li Yue controlled Joel to wander around the city and see what the apocalyptic world in "The Last of Us" was like.

Soldiers cordoned off a building in front of the building. Two heavily armed soldiers wearing protective suits drove four people out of the building and asked them to kneel on the ground and raise their hands to be checked for infection.

These people were all escapees hiding in the blocked building. The first and second people were tested and found not infected, but when it came to the third person, the detector sounded an alarm.

Without the slightest hesitation, the soldiers wearing protective clothing directly pushed the opponent to the ground.

Even though the person kept shouting and asking for a rescan the test was wrong.

But the soldier behind him showed no mercy and directly injected the drug into his body with a syringe. In less than two seconds, his body twitched and disappeared.

When it was the fourth person's turn, he did not choose to be tested for infection. Instead, he was shot dead by the soldiers in an attempt to escape.

During this period, Li Yue was a little curious and wanted to take a closer look, but the next moment he was brutally pushed to the ground by the soldiers.

And if he gets close again, he will be killed with one shot.

It can be said that the performance is quite realistic, and let alone the end of the world, even in this free land where the air is filled with the smell of gunfire and gunfire during peacetime, you can definitely eat a peanut if you are so close.

Except for this inspection scene, this is true wherever there are soldiers.

It fully demonstrates what it means to be in the apocalypse. The most worthless thing is human life.

Although so far, the game has not shown many bloody scenes about the end of the world.

But there are strict rules in this city, as well as some surrounding environments.

It has completely shown in front of Li Yue what a post-disaster world where civilization has collapsed is like.

There are no big scenes, not even battles.

But even this simple opening of the game made Li Yue feel the apocalyptic atmosphere.


It’s not just Li Yue who is lamenting, it can be said that the rest of the media participating in this closed evaluation all feel the same way.

The almost bold knife design at the beginning, and when the strongest impact comes, the instant transition makes players recall the shock just now.

This clever design can be said to be just right in terms of rhythm.

Moreover, the background and world design of the game also surprised them.

Because the world of "The Last of Us" is not a world where a disaster has just happened or has completely collapsed in a typical post-apocalyptic game.

It is a world that has passed its initial stage and the entire civilized society has begun to transform, a world with a high degree of reality.

In twenty years, has civilization been destroyed?

It has been destroyed. Judging from the conversation between Tess and Joel, we can get a lot of information, such as smugglers who use the gray area to make money, and the so-called hunters outside the quarantine area.

But there are still some remaining civilizations in this world, such as currency, the army, etc.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another point that makes the reporters present during the evaluation curious and expectant.

That's about Sarah's death.

The pain of being loved and then destroyed is truly shocking.

But similarly, many of the previous small details also indicate that this will not be a simple tool man.

The relationship between Sarah and Joel, and the broken watch that has been worn for 20 years but still has not been taken off.

Everything seems to be hinting at something, but what it is, I believe everyone will learn about it in the subsequent plot.

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