Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 563: My wife will die at the beginning! ?

Song Ren looked at Mia in the game with surprise.

In the previous game, Mia was actually very beautiful.

But Song Ren felt that the taste was still a little bit lacking.

But now Song Ren finally understood what the difference was.

Mia, who was holding the baby in her arms, had a gentle smile on her face. This sense of maturity as a first-time mother was simply full compared to Mia's previous temperament.

If we were to give a perfect score of 100 points, Mia in the previous game would be given 90 points.

But now it is definitely 98 points.

As for the two points left, that is room for improvement in the future.

What a happy family!

Song Ren sighed with a smile on his face.

'Look...she's asleep. ’ Mia looked at the baby in her arms and said softly. She could feel the tenderness and love for the child from between her eyebrows.

'Why is this story so dark? She's only half a year old. ’ Ethan next to him couldn’t help but talk about the fairy tale just now.

Mia stretched out a hand and gently closed the fairy tale book with a black cover, and handed the fairy tale to Ethan: "The people in the bookstore said this is a traditional story that has been passed down for a long time. Besides, Rose didn't seem to care." ’

Gently stroking her daughter Rose's head, Mia smiled lovingly.

'Because she just doesn't understand, thank God. We moved here just to get her away from that, remember? ’ Ethan was a little helpless.

Mia frowned after listening to Ethan's words, and her voice suddenly became louder and interrupted Ethan, full of displeasure: 'There is nothing wrong with my memory! ’

A sudden change of face made Song Ren in the game suddenly convulse, thinking of Mia's physical breakup in "Resident Evil".

"No problem, no problem. Why are you shouting so loudly?" Song Ren complained in a low voice, not daring to breathe.

But fortunately, Mia in the game didn't seem to have any intention of transforming, just like the two couples were quarreling. After a brief moment of impatience, Mia showed understanding of Ethan and sighed softly: 'You are the one who is suspicious. ’

'I'm not...forget it, I'm sorry. ’ Ethan wanted to say something, but he took the initiative to apologize, and then added: ‘But this is not called being suspicious, it is called being cautious. ’

‘Then carefully carry the child to the bed. ’ Mia looked at her husband and joked.

‘I’m going to finish cooking. ’

At the same time, he carefully handed Rose to Ethan.

Ethan took the child from Mia's hand and spoke softly.

'It's okay Rose, it's not your mother's fault she wants to forget everything. ’

'What did you say? ’ Mia in the kitchen didn’t hear what Ethan said clearly and thought he was talking to her and asked curiously.

‘Nothing, I’ll take the baby to bed. ’ Ethan said as he carried Rose to the room upstairs.

Putting Rose on the crib, Ethan gently touched Rose's head.

‘Sleep peacefully, daddy is downstairs, daddy won’t let monsters from fairy tales get close to you. ’

Listening to Ethan's words, Song Ren in the game couldn't help but sigh.

It’s not easy, it’s really not easy for Ethan.

In that accident three years ago, Ethan rescued his wife and had a happy family. This was really hard-won.

But as a game with a male protagonist, how could it not have follow-up content?

After searching the room for a while, Song Ren also found some things, such as Rose's clothes and Ethan's diary.

It's just that as a modern person, Ethan writes his diary not on a notebook, but on a computer.

"Who would be such a serious person to write a diary?" Looking at the diary in front of him, Song Ren couldn't help but sigh.

There is another diary under Nebula Games.

Amid Song Ren's emotion, Ethan returned to the kitchen on the first floor. Mia was cooking with her back to Ethan. When she heard the noise, Mia turned around and asked, 'How is she? ’

'She was fine, sound asleep, a sleeping baby. 'Ethan thought for a long time and described it.

Listening to your words is just like listening to your words, but you are leaving it here and here!

Song Ren in the game couldn't help but complain.

Mia couldn't help laughing and took the soup off the stove.

‘It smells so good, what is this? ’ Saying that, Ethan wanted to take a bite first, but Mia knocked his hand back with a spoon.

'Don't touch, sir. This is vegetable and meat diced sour soup, a local dish. ’

‘Wow, you have become a local? ’

‘Uh-huh… there’s also local wine, but if you stay in a mood all night, it won’t be your share. ’

Mia and Ethan were flirting and chatting while bringing red wine and dishes to the table.

This is like food for people to eat! This is a harmonious and warm family!

Looking at the soup, red wine and steak in the game, Song Ren couldn't help but sigh. Compared with the large intestine sashimi in the previous game, this was much more normal and warm.

He almost forgot that he was playing a horror game.

'You really don't have to worry anymore. ’ Mia poured red wine into the goblet.

'But...finding you in Louisiana, the pregnancy...Chris making us move, the military all happened so fast, didn't it? ’ Ethan still felt that it was a bit unrealistic, or that he had not adapted to the current life.

‘Yes, but at least we are together. ’ Mia looked at Ethan with a smile: ‘You, me, Rose. Now everything will...'

But before he finished speaking, Ethan interrupted.

‘True? Do you really think we can just forget about Louisiana? ’

Listening to Ethan's words, Mia seemed a little unhappy and impatient, and did not want to continue discussing those unpleasant things.

'That's all in the past. I just, I really don’t understand why you are so...'

Before he finished speaking, the sound of breaking glass sounded.


Mia's shoulder instantly spattered a bunch of blood.

The sudden change caused both Ethan and Mia to freeze on the spot, and the next second the lights in the room went out.

Ethan reacted and shouted: ‘Get down! Mia get down! ’

But it was still too late. Gunshots rang out in the darkness, and amid Mia's screams, countless bullets spattered her with blood.

The original dining table was stained red with blood.

In the blink of an eye, Mia fell into a pool of blood.

After a while, the gunfire stopped, and a dull sound of footsteps came.

They were stunned when they saw Ethan and Song Ren in the game.

Because the other party turned out to be Chris!

Chris who saved Mia and Ethan in the previous game!

Isn’t he a good person? ?

How could it be him! ?

For a moment, Song Ren's cerebellum felt like it was about to be overloaded.

I can’t figure it out at all!

Didn't Mia and Ethan move because of Chris' request?

Why did you kill Mia? ?

'I'm sorry, Ethan...' Looking at Ethan who was questioning him, Chris, who was holding a pistol in his hand, glanced at Mia next to him who seemed to have not completely died, raised the gun in his hand, and pointed it at Mia's head. Five shots.

The wife I finally saved in the previous game is dead now! ?


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