
There are countless players as angry as Zhang Yi.

Compared with other games, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" combines the plot with the levels and fps very well, and grasps a very perfect rhythm.

Coupled with the very intelligent AI performance in the game, it has subtly allowed players to substitute themselves into the protagonist of the game.

When the protagonist is under siege, they worry about it.

At this time, as a teammate in the game to lend a helping hand, this aggravates the player's impression of these NPCs.

It can be said that from the beginning of the game, various psychological cues have been continuously imposed on players.

For example, in the teamwork at the beginning of the game, the player manipulated Alan, who only lived for three episodes.

Will experience first-hand the task with Sheffield.

And on the battlefield, Sheffield was even more resolute, and even saved Allen's life.

In this case, the player will subconsciously feel that Sheffield is a very reliable officer.

Subsequent soaps and ghosts, one by one vivid characters, are slowly empathizing with players, rather than flattened NPCs in the game.

Instead, they are comrades-in-arms who are truly flesh-and-blood and can make them emotional.

Although in the middle of it, Sheffield made something that seemed a little out of place.

But thanks to Alan's level, in fact, all players have never had any doubts about this character.

Until the revolver fired that shot at the chest of Ghost and Xiaoqiang.

Unwillingness, anger, despair, and joy filled the hearts of every player.

Especially before this, how deep the player's feelings for Ghost and Xiaoqiang are, how painful and angry they are now.

In the end, Xiaoqiang stretched out his hand and grabbed Sheffield, and the "why" that he didn't ask was also an element that the players were unwilling to.

On the other hand, Price, who escaped from the Afghan dump, gave answers to all players.

It turned out that Sheffield had already colluded with Makarov.

Alan, the 141 agent who didn't understand how his undercover identity was exposed until his death, he was betrayed by Sheffield.

Sheffield, who is the 141st Special Forces, Shadow Force, Marine Corps Lieutenant General, is behind it all.

Allen was just a victim of his cooperation with Makarov to start the war.

Including the ghost and Xiaoqiang, all of them are his victims.

Whether it is the 141st special team, or Makarov, all are his tools.

And this time it was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

It can not only eradicate the 141st special team, but also get evidence of his collusion with Makarov.

That way no one would know that the war was actually started by Sheffield.

When in the end, he quelled the war, he was a true hero.

With his current status, he can become the most powerful person.

Do a real one-stop response.

A game must have a villain.

But Zhang Yi assures that he has never been so angry as he is now.

Even including the death of Gates and Griggs before, his sadness is greater than anger.

But now it's completely different.

Brother Griggs and Gates died tragically.

Because they were killed in battle.

But Ghost is different from Xiaoqiang, one is the protagonist controlled by the player, and the other is the player's trusted comrade-in-arms.

But in the end, he was betrayed by his own people.

There is no doubt that such an ending directly made the player's anger value rise to the peak.

Including the major game forums, it is already full of players' anger.

Especially what Sheffield once said was full of irony.

'We' won't attack civilians?

It can be said that the culprit of the massacre at the Russian airport is not only Makarov but also you Sheffield!

Almost every sentence I have ever said is full of irony.


And it's not just the players who are equally angry, but also Soap and Price in the game.

But they are not doing well now.

The entire 141 Secret Service now exists in name only, with no support, bruised and even framed, both Price and Soap have become wanted criminals.

At this time, Price made a crazy decision to assassinate Sheffield.

Although they didn't know how to turn the situation around, and they weren't even sure if they could survive, they were still determined to launch an assassination attempt on Sheffield.

Not just for themselves, but also to avenge their dead comrades.

And as Sheffield once said.

Since history is written by the victorious living, the one who was killed will naturally have nothing left.

So Price made a bold decision.

That is, adhering to the idea that an enemy's enemy is a friend, he approached Makarov and asked him about Sheffield's whereabouts.

Price believed that the other party would tell him.

Because at this moment, Makarov's end is not easy.

'Makarov, I know you can hear me, tell me where Sheffield is and we'll fix this mess or you won't last a week. ' Price went through Makarov's walkie-talkie, liaising with Makarov.

Makarov: 'So do you? ’

Price: 'Have you heard that old saying? The enemy of the enemy is my friend. ’

Makarov: 'Price, this sentence has two sides, Sheffield is at the h-b base, you should know where, see you in hell. ’

Price: 'I'm looking forward to it, if you go to hell first, say hello to Zakayev for me. ’

Both Makarov and Price understand that the so-called cooperation is only effective at this time.

Then with the help of Nicolai, Price and Soap escaped.

And now, they have to deal with the culprit: Sheffield!

Sheffield must die anyway!

'We only have one ump, they have thousands of troops, and we don't even know whether Makarov's intelligence is accurate. ' On Price's plane, Soap is on Price's way.

'Price? Price? ' Soap looked at Price, who was sitting at the table.

"Normal people don't wake up thinking that they're going to die soon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com ’

‘But I don’t think it’s a curse but a luxury, and it’s a relief to know that my time is short. ’

'There's not enough firepower, not enough manpower, and nothing to do, it looks like we're going to have to die with him. ’

'But the land that has gone through war will remember us because of this war, because even if we know that there is no escape, we still firmly embark on this road of no return. ’

'We were like a bullet that was fired, going forward. ’

'We are outraged, we have only one goal... we... must... kill him! ' Price said blankly, the scene of Xiaoqiang and the ghost in the past appeared in the memory, Sheffield must die!

‘I will meet you at the evacuation point in three hours. ' Send Price and Soap to the h-b base in Afghanistan, Nikolai said.

But it was rejected neatly by Platt: 'No bro, it's a one-way trip. ’

Nikolai: 'Then good luck, bro. ’

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