Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 144 Players will finally understand their hearts

After completing the explanation of the concept draft of "Two of Two", the entire team began to operate efficiently.

Such as characters and related actions, these art materials have been produced years ago.

At present, the main work of the team is to focus on scene levels and plot performances.

My own warehouse, the big tree in the courtyard, the corroded garden, the snow globe of my first love, the medieval castle built with Lego toys...

Chen Xu explained to Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue the characteristics of each theme scene in the game.

These themed scenes are not just a single scene in the game, but also symbolize the different changes in the hearts of the two protagonists Xiaomei and Cody in the game.

"The level of the cuckoo alarm clock needs to have a sharp sense of metal, and the special props in this level are all time-related, suggesting that Cody and Xiaomei can start over."

"The snow globe is a metaphor for the relationship between Cody and Xiaomei. The relationship between the two used to be as fiery as flames, but now, like the scene in the snow globe, it is completely frozen."

"But at the end of the snow globe level, the end of the glacier burst, which is also a metaphor, indicating that the ice layer that has frozen the relationship between Xiaomei and Cody has hope of breaking."

"The magnet of the same level shows that the relationship between Cody and Xiaomei has begun to get closer and closer from repulsion to attraction at the beginning."

Chen Xu explained every scene in great detail to ensure that Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue could understand the effect he wanted.

The requirements of the scene, as well as the meaning of the plot, are fully displayed.

There is no need to rack your brains to consider too many things, just follow the existing requirements and make some detailed revisions through Chen Xu's brief.

There is absolutely no need to do the second and third editions, and then push the previous work again.

Even if it's not the first time I've felt it, I've already experienced it when I was developing "Dark Soul", but the employees of the art team are very emotional.

With this kind of work experience, let alone Nebula Games' salary is not low, even if it is lower than the average, there is no reason to leave.


While the development process of "Two Together" is advancing little by little, many players in the major player forums and communities after the year are also a little confused, and there is no way to fall into the game shortage.

Although some game companies also launched new works during the period,

However, the "Dark Souls" and the two VR masterpieces of Tenghua and NetDragon a few years ago have already whetted their appetites.

"Boring! Do you have any new game recommendations?"

"No, the few models that have been launched recently don't look that good!"

"No way, although some studios under Tenghua and NetDragon have new works, I don't think the quality is very good."

"Yeah, at this time last year there was a "Fucking Kitchen" anyway, and this year there is nothing."

"Don't mention 'The Kitchen Wrong', because I've washed the dishes for a year in The Kitchen!"

"By the way, it's been a year, why hasn't Chen Xu moved?"

"Yeah, the manufacturers in the previous annual game events all had new previews, but Chen Xu didn't make any noise. Except for the new mode of "Dark Souls", he hasn't held back a single fart."

"I guess I'm waiting for the big move, and the sequel to "Dark Soul" may come soon!"

"Dark Souls is too difficult, but I want to play some family-friendly games, such as "Jelly Bean"."

Not only in the discussion among players in major communities, but also in Chen Xu's official blog every day, there are various Aite inquiries about the project news of the follow-up Nebula game.

Among them, there are quite a few players who are looking forward to the sequel to "Dark Souls".

Looking at various Aite's own players, after thinking about it, Chen Xu decided to reveal a wave of news.

Then he sent an official blog, the content is as follows.

‘The new game is already in the works, a cooperative game for couples, a game that allows you to feel the warmth and friendship. There will be the latest news on Valentine’s Day, so look forward to it. ’

Then Chen Xu also attached a picture of a clay doll and a wooden doll holding a dandelion floating in the air.

This official blog exploded as soon as it was released, attracting numerous replies from players who were following Chen Xu's movements.

'Fuck, look what I've created! New game is coming! ? ’

'and many more! Couples working together? Valentine's Day! WTF! Chen Xu, do you know that I just found a girlfriend and can't wait to make me single! ? ’

'Judging from the pictures, the cartoon style is very friendly, but the blood and tears of "Kitchen Mischief" tells us that this is a big pit! ’

‘Once a year, this year’s Valentine’s Day is here again, right? ’

'It's time to bring up the old meme once a year again, let's fill in the blanks, Chen Xu's nickname is ____? ’

'Last year's "Naughty Kitchen" made me wrap up the bowls at home, this year you want me to wrap the clothes, right? ’

Players have exploded. It was this time last year that there was a game with the same rhetoric that impressed them too deeply.

But to say the least, but on the game media website, the topic of 'Chen Xu' new game is still rising.

In the game industry, the news also spread.

'Have you heard? Chen Xu's new game is another type of two-player cooperation. ’

‘Not a sequel to Dark Souls? ’

‘Should be like last year’s “Horrible Kitchen”, it’s an over-the-top mini-game, right? ’

‘I don’t know if this year Chen Xu doesn’t know the name of this game, can he play it? ’

'What do you think? Two-person cooperation is nothing more than changing the theme and mode like last year's "Naughty Kitchen", what else can you play? ’

Regarding Chen Xu's new game, the industry and player groups are discussing it, but the main impression is still concentrated on last year's "Naughty Kitchen".

After all, it's really hard not to think about it at this point in time.

However, Chen Xu was not affected. When the game is officially launched, all the 'grievances' will be washed away. At that time, players will finally understand their hearts and know why they are called: warriors of love!


In the case of eager discussions among players, the time soon came to Valentine's Day on February 14th.

At noon that day, Chen Xu and the official blog of Nebula Games released an official blog message at the same time.

The content of the message is very simple: a trailer.

Three words, and below is a video.

A wooden door appeared on the screen after a brief black screen after clicking on it.

As the wooden door opened, a book with facial features appeared in front of the camera.

It says 'book of love' at the top

'This is a story about a magical country. ’

The Book of Love stretches out its hands as if to welcome the player watching the video, while the camera quickly pulls back.

The art style of lighthouse, clock tower and cartoon makes the whole picture look like a dream.

'There are many wizards and warriors among them. ’

The camera came to a room, two dolls, one of clay and one of wood, each wearing wizard clothes, holding a burning sword with armor, and then fighting a cartoon monster in a place similar to a gladiatorial arena.

'This epic legend took place on the sea. ’

In the form of a small sailboat like a building block, it is on the sea, avoiding the sharks that open their mouths, and the octopus monsters with huge tentacles.

‘And it’s a journey through time and space. ’

The road made up of countless gears looks like it is inside a wall clock.

‘biubiubiu! It'll even include winter dreams, going on a sleigh ride or something. ’

Inside the icy and snowy track, a sleigh car moved fast.

In the next moment, countless fragments of scenes flashed by, the rails were running through the tunnel, the spiders were avoided in the forest, and the bats were faced on the platform.

‘Wait… did I mention there’s going to be a big bang? ’

Similar to the platform built by copper pipes, with a roar, a huge flame burst out, and the two dolls were pushed up by a powerful shock wave.

‘Wait a minute, look at these dolls… almost forgot they were humans. ’

The camera freezes on the two dolls that were blown up, and a photo appears at the same time.

Men and women in wedding dresses and suits stood in front of the cake with smiles on their faces.

But this photo splits in half, separating them.

'Okay alright... do you want to know what the subject of this story is? ’

'This is the story of Cody and May. ’

The camera shows two panicked dolls.

'Want to change back? Then you have to repair your relationships first...'

'This is a story about passion...'

'It's a story about glamour...'

'It's a story about collaboration...'

Along with a series of game screen flashes, finally the LOGO of Nebula Games flashed.

The title of the game is online: "Two Together"

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