Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 106 Game Evaluation and Dark Soul's Progress

More and more players online and the industry game media are discussing the game "Braveheart: World War" one after another.

In terms of sales, "Braveheart: World War" is obviously not comparable to games in the mode of "Jelly Bean".

On the line for three days, with only 20 yuan, the sales volume was 310,000.

That's only 20,000 more than last year's trip to the moon.

In terms of price, the impact is actually not big, after all, it is only 5 yuan more expensive.

Mainly, it was a good time card when I went to the moon to go online last year, which happened to be a stage when players were very concerned about Nebula games.

During the launch of "Braveheart: World War", not many players paid attention to this game.

Except for Chen Xu's mention on the official blog, it is basically the recommendation position of Nebula Games' own platform.

Being able to have such a sales volume also proves one point.

That is, the influence of Nebula Games is much stronger than last year.

Some media have also reported on Braveheart: War of the Worlds, a unique anti-war game.

After all, in some anti-war themed games in the same period, there is really a little pull.

Only the game "Braveheart: World War" can do it.

For many ordinary designers who are committed to this tour, it is a completely different feeling.

In some designer forums in the industry, designers who have played this game are full of complaints.

"I vomited! I finally made a game, but this Chen Xu actually participated!"

"That's it! When the expedition event was announced, you said something, but my game was almost ready, and this guy came out!"

"Who would have thought of this? The Dark Souls has been warmed up over there, but suddenly joined and made a game!"


"The key is that the game "Braveheart: World War" is very top in terms of content and story!"

"And compared to last year's "To the Moon", this game is also very rich in decryption gameplay."

"I feel that there should be no suspense in this expedition!"

"In terms of sales, I feel that there are still a few games that can compete with "Braveheart: World War", but for this award... forget it."

Two weeks after the launch, the selection of the expedition activity officially started, and "Braveheart: World War" also won the first place in this expedition competition without a doubt.

In the official game store, "Braveheart: World War" is also recommended on the homepage, and there is also an award-winning evaluation of the game written by the game department:

‘As a World War I game, this game does not reflect the war with grand scenes, but reflects the pain caused by the war through the encounters of the little people in the war. ’

"By depicting the various hardships and joys and sorrows experienced by several ordinary people of different nationalities, ethnic groups and identities in the war, it deeply depicts the tragic scene of the war and the deep suffering it brings to people. ’

‘Without the pursuit of on-screen performance, the 2D horizontal cartoon graffiti style makes this game the same as the historical story he reflects: old but deeply rooted. ’

'Although it is a war theme, the game's depiction of bloody scenes is not bloody, and war scenes such as cannonballs falling and stormtroopers falling one by one are only shown in a cartoon style, but it is a bit funny. And isn't this effect the greatest irony of this war, which has no 'justice' at all? ’

'This is a war theme work that completely subverts tradition. An ordinary person sacrificed for an unjust war. This is the biggest indictment of war. ’

It can be said that the evaluation is very high.

But the main focus is an achievement of the game in the core of the plot.

However, the matter of winning the tour award this time has a relatively large influence on the fan group of small-scale games such as independent games and Chen Xu.

But for more ordinary players, it didn't actually cause much of a stir.

The main reason is that the situation is not the same as last year. During the same period of the expedition, the players did not fall into any game shortage.

On the contrary, there are many masterpieces on the market that they look forward to.

The latest VR titles from NetDragon and Tenghua, two of the top domestic manufacturers, are being warmly promoted.

At the same time, on the PC platform side, the Nebula game that stirred up the situation in the independent game circle last year, the first PC masterpiece "Dark Souls" to set foot in a real big production is also warming up, and there are also works by two other game manufacturers in the same period.

Unlike last year's game shortage, this time of year can be said to be quite lively.

Therefore, for ordinary gamers, although "Braveheart: World War" is very good, it is obviously impossible to make a big splash.

Just like last year, I got the trophy from the game department. At the same time, I met with the relevant leaders of the Magic City game department again. Chen Xu has also submitted the review of the title of game designer. Basically, the problem of getting a senior title is not a problem. big.

The resources available on the official game engine side have also increased by 1 G of available resources compared to the previous ones.

Nebula game.

He took the certificate and trophy from Chen Xu, and put them in the wooden cabinet next to him. Ruan Ningxue looked excited: "There is another certificate and trophy, and I feel like we can open an exhibition just like those big factories in the future. The offline store will put all the honors the company has won in it.”

"There must be such a day!" Yang Xin was also a little longing.

"Let's discuss this kind of thing later." Chen Xu smiled.

After chatting with Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue for a while, Chen Xu stood up and prepared to go to the project team to see the development progress of Dark Souls.

At the same time, according to the progress of the game, and the market operation side to determine the promotion mode and time of the follow-up game.

For a game, especially a 3A level game.

This can be said to be quite important.

Including past lives, there are quite a few examples that can be used as models.

Therefore, Chen Xu also attaches great importance to this piece.

There will be no such thing as the marketing department blowing the game to the sky and drawing all kinds of big cakes for the players. As a result, the game on the project team is still a semi-finished product.

When he came to the project team of "Dark Souls", Qin Yi looked at Chen Xu who was checking the game-related content and he was speechless.

"Mr. Chen, isn't the difficulty really going to be lowered that much, or add an optional option to the player?" Qin Yi watched Chen Xu design the game map, and finally couldn't help but speak.

At present, the combat system of the entire "Dark Soul" and various related values ​​have basically been completed.

The rest is to add to the game, such as the arrangement of various monsters.

Through the corresponding values ​​and core gameplay concepts during the period, Qin Yi and some developers in the team have almost understood the charm and characteristics of "Dark Soul". UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's not the same as normal ARPG games.

In this game, it will not let you touch weak enemies step by step, and then fight monsters and upgrade along the way.

but more real.

In the past ARPG, no matter how powerful the player is, it will still be limited by the numerical constraints. You can never use a level 1 account to defeat the last powerful BOSS.

But that's not the case in Dark Souls, although there are still numbers.

But as long as you are strong enough, even if you are only level 1, and you don't have any equipment but a small wooden stick like a chicken leg, you can still defeat the final boss.

This is the charm of Black Soul. There is no monster that cannot be defeated. If there is, it is just that your skills are not in place.

Equipment, levels, these are just used to assist your existence.

But the charm is the charm, and the design of this map Qin Yi already felt malicious enough.

But now, what did he see! ?

In the early stage of the game, there were so many powerful monsters added.

And in this small room with the high wall of Lothric over the Flying Dragon Bridge, the first treasure box that the player came into contact with turned out to be a monster!

Not to mention those traps.

Even the tips written on the ground to give players are all true and false.

For example, next to the drawbridge in the catacombs, there is a hint.

It says that the suspension bridge will break, which naturally reminds the player that the suspension bridge will break when walking to the middle.

But in fact, it requires the player to manually cut it to break it.

And if the player is worried that the suspension bridge will break if he walks up the bridge and walks another way, countless skeleton 'jugglers' will tell you that any salary king is garbage, and their soldiers are the strongest!

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