Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 781: Promotional video

With a lot of doubts, not only players, but everyone in the industry opened the promotion video under the official blog of Nebula Games for the first time.

Just by virtue of a name and the gameplay of the game mode, if you want to judge what the game is like, then obviously it is either a blind or a fairy.

But in the video, the content is enough to reveal, a lot of content can be learned from the video.

With a lot of doubts, countless people in the industry, as well as excited players, opened the video below Yang Chen's official blog for the first time.

Like the previous video of Nebula Games, the official logo of Nebulas Games and the names of some other manufacturers' studios in the game development are the first to come out.

Ordinary players have no reaction. Grayson in UEgame, looking at the logo of the Nebula game in the video, can't help but smoke.

Before this, this was their UEgame logo, and it has now become a Nebula game.

After a short LOGO interface, a long-distance picture appears on the screen, with blue sky and white clouds, sparkling ocean, and an island covered with lush vegetation in the ocean.

Then the camera slowly zoomed in, and various buildings on the island also appeared in front of the player.

Small bungalows in the wilderness of wheat fields, small towns, big cities, ports, container construction sites, abandoned airports.

At the same time, a large plane in the sky was moving towards the island.

As the camera zoomed in, a total of 100 passengers were sitting in the cabin, wearing various costumes and waiting for the final destination.

Along with the aircraft's speed halt, an alarm sound came from the cabin.

‘Various vehicles, various weapons, and medical items and armor, I believe these materials will enable you to survive in this game. ’

‘But it’s important to note that in addition to your competitors, the approaching current and the targeted bombing may become your biggest threat. ’

‘Whether or not you are participating in this game for the first time, I sincerely wish to the end! ’

With the opening of the cabin door, people who had already carried their parachute bags jumped out of the plane.

Wandering towards various target points on the island.

Airports, fishing ports, container sites, small towns, cities, lumber yards, power plants, and the scene swept across scenes on the island.

Then came a series of short shots.

At the container site, a young lady in white clothes holding AK in her hand is looking at the goods on the container into the backpack behind her.

But just when she was happily choosing supplies, a man with a greasy mask holding a machete in his hand, had slowly touched behind her, and then suddenly chopped off the machete in her hand.

‘A fatal enemy may appear at any time behind you. ’

As the screen plunged into darkness, the narration sounded.

The camera screen was switched, and inside the dark power plant, a team of four people with guns in their hands slowly explored the front. Then the gunshot suddenly sounded, and the sparks from the firearms in the dark room shone brightly.

A member of the squad pulled out the grenade from his pocket and pulled the ring away, but he didn't wait for him to throw the grenade out at the next moment. A bullet passed through his forehead.

Bang, bang.

The grenade fell heavily on the ground with his body, making two different sounds, but then it was covered by another louder sound.

‘What you need to watch out for, maybe not just opponents! ’

With the spark of the grenade explosion, the screen switches again.

A handsome uncle wearing a black hood suit kicked the toilet door open with one foot. The bullet in the shotgun was ejected, killing the enemy in the toilet with one shot, and then immediately turned around and pulled out the UIZ submachine gun from the waist. The two enemies rushed down the stairs to kill them neatly.

‘Yeah, I’m just... uh! ’

Before the words were finished, a scream fell and the camera instantly switched to a tall building. What appeared inside through the sight were broken windows and a golden box.

Putting the sniper rifle in his hand, a young lady who looked harmless to humans and animals showed a smile on her face.

‘Never let your guard down, hunter? Or prey, maybe just for a moment. ’

In the forest, holding a dark green sniper rifle in his hand, wearing a black old steel helmet on his head, a fully armed figure is running in the wind.

The next time the gunshots sounded.

People, fell.

In the grass next to him, a man with a dark green helmet and no backpack was slowly climbing from the ground.

‘Hidden, just for better hunting! ’

But the next moment the camera turned to another high mountain. This mountain peak was covered with a blue shield similar to the current, but there was still a figure in this deadly current.

He took a needle from his pocket and stuck it in his arm, then calmly aimed at the front with a sniper rifle.

A figure in a green helmet was squatting in front of a golden box, locked by the gun's quasi-heart.

At the next moment, the gunshots sounded.

‘Forbearance does not mean that there is no sharp edge! ’

The follow-up video is a series of hot shots. Missiles fell in the sky, and a burst of fire and black smoke erupted from the bombing.

The convertible jeep drove quickly on the road, and the people in the car protruded their heads from the window and started shooting at the blue car ahead.

There was also a fierce chase on the bridge leading to the airport, but this time it was a jeep that was shot. With the bullet shooting on the **** of the jeep, I saw that when driving to the normal, the jeep exploded, leaving only A large group of fire lights, and four boxes of different colors.

In the forest ~ ~ a huge blue box with red smoke, surrounded by a pile of colorful boxes, a figure wearing auspicious suit with a black old steel helmet slowly disappearing into view.

With the disappearance of the figure, the picture of the video gradually fell into darkness.

At the end of the video, four large characters appear in the center of the screen.

"Survival of the jedi"

The three-minute promotional video instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the players.

Before this, what kind of game is the new game of Nebula game, players are curious and anxious.

After all, the hidden reality is so good.

And now this promotional video has given them the best answer.

Although there is still no official announcement, in fact, through the content of this promo, some players have already a little guessed what kind of game is the game of "Jedi Survival".

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