Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 450: Frostwolf clan

Arranging the elite squad of the Grand Guild to rescue the orcs was just an episode of the port battle. The large squad moved forward firmly and quickly, and soon approached the harbor area.

The Murloc sentry seemed to have reported this to the Naga. Of course, Vazera could not allow it. The road to the port was reopened by the orcs, because that meant that the master's command and plan had failed!

Thinking of the scenes of the sisters falling into the abyss, Vazera shuddered, and shouted sharply throughout the sea, and countless naga emerged from the coral bushes on the seabed and the wreckage of battleships.

"The orcs want to destroy the master's plan, can we watch them move? Order the murloc army and stop them outside the harbor!"

The horn sounded again, but this time it was much harsher, and even Thrall, who was guarding the interior of the harbor with the tribe, could vaguely hear the echo of the elements.

"Is it finally here?"

Thrall sighed, he didn't quite understand Warsong and the Blackstone clan, why the rescue came so late.

In his opinion, when the orcs are in trouble, they should unite and cooperate to temporarily set aside their past grievances and differences of opinion. If the Frostwolf clan guarded the west of the wetland and hated the orcs in the kingdom of Kul Tiras, I am afraid I tried to invade this land a long time ago.

And in the ruins of a wrecked port, countless Frostwolf Orcs, tortured by hunger, thirst, pain, and coldness, are reporting to the group for warmth, and they have nothing to do with the arrival of the tribe.

Orc wars, they are the objects of being expelled, and the time struggling in Alterac's ice and snow has caused them to torture the fellowship of other clans.

Because of this, after the Black Gate War, large areas of the eastern and southern wetlands, fertile soil with natural irrigation, turned a blind eye, and chose Menethil Harbor, which was destroyed once during the war, in order to stay away from the tribe.

Of course, many of these are the far-sightedness of Saar's grandmother Gaiaan. After several years of work, this abandoned harbor has become the Gromte Harbor that the orcs are proud of.

The natural disasters ruined all of this and destroyed many Frostwolf tribes’ hopes for the future. On the ruins still soaked in water, they recalled the whispers of Frostfire Ridge that were sung in the snow and ice:

The frosty plateau snow ridge, the slow flowing volcanic fissure of blazing rock;

The warm wind of Goldron whistling among the thunder blades;

The biting cold wind grinds the warrior's heart;

Fingertips remain warm, and Goron's head is glorious;

Swear by a tomahawk

Pain and suffering;

The expectation of the souls of the ancestors of Washu Valley;

Battle and honor;

The hope that Lagos carries;

May the spirit of the elements give direction;

May victory be with the Frostwolf;


These fighters endured the pain and stood up again. They lacked food and could hardly hold their weapons;

Take out the only flesh-colored lumps that were hidden under the waist and abdomen, which were once the clansmen and companions; bite them fiercely, letting the **** and sour salty taste infiltrate every corner of the mouth.

The Frostwolf has never given up, the cold winds of Frostfire Ridge and Alterac Valley are not good, the mighty Gronn is not good, the erupting lava is not good, and the fate of the Latosh people is to be guarded!

With a sharp whistle, the frost wolves who were alert to the highest part of the harbor also got up.

Even in the hardest time, the Frostwolfs rest in the driest place; because the Frostwolf clan knows that their strongest strength comes from their partners who live and die together. As long as man and wolf are one, no one can share One battle!

Thrall waited for the response of the elemental spirit, and the water element told him that the naga could no longer control this water area, and the support of the orcs was mighty, and they must prepare as soon as possible to join the tribe.


At this point, the player army can already see the faint blue wave flag on the old clock tower of Gromte Harbor in the distance.

As he approached the swamp, the pressure in front of him suddenly increased.

Under the sharp yell of Vazera, the murloc did not dare to retreat, and was killed by an orc, but escaped at this time, and finally returned to the ocean.

And Naga will let those murlocs who escaped taste the most painful torture. They will use the whisper whip with corruption, pain and healing magic to beat them for hundreds of times.

Most of the murlocs will not die due to physical trauma; it is the pain of the spirit and soul that after death, they will become corrupted demons or other corrupted creatures, and they will never be free from suffering!

What's more, the mistress has already brought her naga tide hunters, rushing from the sea, layer after layer of tides, with their arrival, rushed into this wetland again, as the water level increased, fish people renewed Take courage, maybe we are not strong on land, but this is our home court!

"This murloc mage has something, the Frostbolt hit me for more than 300 damage!" A warrior player retreated with lingering fear and said as he looked at the blood bar filled with milk again.

The scores awarded before, the murloc’s very good experience, and the overall smooth situation have made many players red eyes and become more unrestrained.

Especially the soldiers, relying on their own charge, sparks along the way, leaving the healers behind.

But after retreating all the way, the murlocs also arranged a wave of ambushes. Thousands of white-fin spellcasters were hidden in the deep water. When the soldiers rushed to their eyes, they suddenly gave them a wave of surprises!

"This time I really can't blame us for releasing it! The tank ran to a place more than 50 yards away. Our two legs were still in the water and couldn't keep up!" Numerous treatments also complained.

The guild commander also commented: "This murloc actually knows to ambush like this. It seems that the battle behind it is not easy to fight!"

Several elite members beside him heard the words, but their eyes revealed excitement, "The stronger the enemy, the greater the battle in this scene, our reward..."

The members of the four major guilds glanced at each other, and everything was silent.

This mood did not last long. Soon, the wrinkles on the brows of the guild commanders continued to increase and deepen, and the resistance they encountered in front of them became stronger and stronger, and they had reached the point where they could not do anything!

"The loss of the third elite regiment has passed halfway. The nearest Miss Angel is 2 hours away from here; our tanks have suffered the most serious losses, so it's not good to go on like this!" Bad news kept coming from ahead.

In fact, you can easily see that the war ahead is not good without reporting.

Under the singing of the Naga Tide spellcaster, several buffs are generated under the murloc's status bar. Tide armor, elemental protection, siren weapons, torrents...

You don't need to look at the effects, from armor to magic resistance, from attack to recovery; with these special effects, even the not-so-strong murlocs have become difficult monsters.

Coupled with the advantage of the number of murlocs, the swarming murlocs, and the white-fin casters who hurt and explode in the back, the guild players can resist it, but the scattered players, even if they are not afraid of sacrifice, will still suffer heavy losses.

Surrounded by players, Shen Chen looked a little anxious. He especially missed the priest's group dispersal at this time; no matter how bad, the totem of the little milk cat will be here, and the effect will not be small!

But most of the orc players have not even reached the level of learning to dispel, let alone go through a series of missions, and get the magical skill of dispel.

"Tomorrow, this scene of the battle will not be used to pit our orc players?" Even the Lionheart Dynasty commander who stayed with Shen Chen and waited for him to issue a new task couldn't help but wonder.

With the collapse of the scattered players, especially the sacrifice of the tank players, the flanks of the four arrows were instantly penetrated by the murloc's counterattack. The players were like moths, pounced layer by layer, and stopped the murloc. Offensive.

But looking far away, the wetland in front was flooded by the white "wave", and I don't know how many murlocs were waiting for them in front.

Shen Chen showed a sardonic look. He smiled and said, "You are watching me as a human being, and your own stupid brain surges up."

He looked at the battlefield ahead, recalling the obedient players in the Western Wilderness, and once again sarcastically said: "Yes, you have never seen the real main story! I want to tell you that the world of gods and demons is more than you have entered before. Other worlds are bigger, more difficult, and more mysterious; but! The final reward is also eye-catching!"

"In the Westfall, human players and guilds can get so many rewards because they are willing to obey my command and follow my strategy; otherwise, the fear of the corrupted army would have caused them heavy losses long ago, let alone behind. Harvest!"

Unconsciously, Shen Chen brightened the equipment he had obtained from the Western Wilderness, and continued:

"You orcs, you probably won’t believe it, I really want to help you! After all, it’s not a race, who would be so kind? But I want to say that our immediate interests are the same, you want to get equipment from the scene battle, and I also want to further narrow the relationship with the high-level orcs by regaining the port!"

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