Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 398: Game Manager first appeared

Shen Chen is not satisfied with the team's state, but fortunately, everyone is not what Shen Chen thinks. They are just because the previous dungeons were all once, and the first time they met Shen Chen's boss, they were a little uncomfortable. .

However, Shen Chen's idea is also correct, this is not a pure game world, and battle command is one of the required courses in college!

In the corrupted land of calamity, it is easy to lose the team due to sudden factors, and the basic law of the corrupted land is to hinder vision and perception!

Once such a situation occurs, each team member must have a plan for their own state and ability, looking for partners to reunite or return to the camp alone; they must solve the enemies and battles they face individually, and the influence of the power of corruption on the body and spirit drop to lowest!

According to the statistics of the Eastern Empire, at least 65% of the teams on the Northern Frontier were destroyed in the corrupt zone because of this, and they could not return to the world of order! Even if they can successfully return to Order World, these teams will have at least a 50% casualty rate!

However, if you have experienced separation and can be completely safe and thorough, it almost means that this is a team with legendary potential!

Shen Chen shook his mind thinking about it, and to improve each team member's ability in this area, not only for himself, but also for the team's future battle against disasters.

He quickly recovered, shook his head and thought: "Agat must be solved quickly in front of him! At most five attempts, too much, the failure of the mission will have too much influence on subsequent actions!"

Thinking of this, Shen Chen left and said to Minerva: "Minerva, bring up the battle data just now, I want to see the detailed ability of Agat."

"Okay, come right away!"

Minerva is worthy of being a calculator among the forerunners. Soon, a very detailed icon was displayed in front of Shen Chen, and each skill and damage of Agat was judged in detail; not only that, the members Our injuries and treatments, outbreaks and rescues are also clearly displayed, and there are also simultaneous battle images, which can be described as extremely powerful!

"Wow!" Liu Wei exclaimed, and then whispered in Shen Chen's ear: "This is your biggest gain in the college entrance examination world!"

Shen Chen smiled, did not answer, made a boo gesture, and then looked at it carefully.

Many players who watched the live broadcast at this time also saw this extremely detailed data and graphs, although in the game world, there are also guilds such as the Game Data Analysis Association and the Royal Database of Disasters.

But most of them need to summarize, sort, and analyze the collected data and submit it to the game strategy association, the royal family and other higher institutions in the form of reports. One is not real-time enough, let alone ordinary players can't get it!

"Is this the truth about the accurate Raiders dungeon tomorrow? Fuck, this function, this data is too good, it will not be the legendary ability of any legendary power!"

"How is it possible, the legendary **** still has time to deal with your little silver; besides, there is a law that prohibits frying fish ponds, plus the development of the world; it is impossible for the legend to go to this new game world to waste their precious time! "

The players hilariously, but they didn't know that Minerva was indeed a legend in a certain game world, and he was a top figure with three legendary rules!

At that time, she was completely composed of data, limited by the size of the Assassin World and the magic capacity of the temple, and could not continue to improve. She was taken out of the game world by Shen Chen, with more possibilities, and finally able to escape cultural fragments. Limits and cages, yearning for a higher realm and exploring the reality of this world!

Many guilds who followed Shen Chen's strategy progress also saw these graphs projected in the copy. They saw more deeply than the people who eat melons. While surprised, they guessed the identity of tomorrow and the power behind them.

Many top guilds have their own data divisions behind them; and each university has a game data major to support games and disaster strategy; the data architecture guild has always been in an academy, second only to the strategy professional. The most popular guild!

This hand that Shen Chen suddenly revealed, aroused greater movement than the record of the stormwind prison strategy; if the latter is a stone thrown into the water, then this Minerva chart is more like a depth bomb !

"Speed ​​contact will work tomorrow, and see if we can cooperate. With this, are you afraid of getting stuck in the ashes to bury the Baron?" This is the view of the guild~~ but they don’t know, the hardware is not good, there is peace There is no difference! !

"Tomorrow should be the candidate of this year, can you find his real identity! Give him conditions, no matter how many points in the college entrance examination, our data department will unconditionally admit him, even if he doesn't like the data department, as long as he is willing to establish a data group, The strategy department is fine too!" This is the reaction of a certain university president after watching the video provided by his subordinates.

However, his assistant immediately said: "Uh~~ This will work tomorrow. It is the top player in the rankings of the world of gods and demons, the first kill of the dungeon, and the real-time combat power. He took the college entrance examination... (the assistant thought: It is estimated that he is a champion again, even if the exam fails, the key universities will rush to ask for it, but it is our turn?) The score is too high, we can't afford it!"

At this time, Bai Jian was lying on the hammock at home, watching Shen Chen’s live broadcast half-adventure. Her powerful analytical ability was also based on her sensitivity and love for numbers; and the appearance of the Minerva chart happened to happen. get to her g. point.

She escaped from the hammock again excitedly, and then turned down.

"Fuck~~" She sat up expressionlessly, her eyes still not leaving the undissipated live broadcast, but her heart was surging and her index finger moved, "This team of tomorrow seems very interesting!"

Shen Chen didn't know, he began to promote Minerva, the slight waves that set off in the world of Gaem, and the stormy waves in the world of gods and demons; he only knew that his business opportunities were coming!

"Old Shen, you are not kind. We have cooperated so many times, and there are good things that do not call me? Still the same sentence, the price is easy to talk about, I hope we will consider our business university next time!"

Classmate Ma was the first to contact him. He was also promoted from Shangdu to Shangda at this time. As the heir with the strongest money ability in Shangdu, he was directly promoted to be the swordsman of Shangdu University, Economics and Trade, Strategy and Strategy Student Association.

It is also interesting to say, because the merchants are far from the front lines, they are also important port cities in countries such as the West, elves and dwarves.

It has become the norm to use economics and trade to obtain cultural fragments, use money to clear the way to improve strength, and hire talents to attack copies.

The upgraded classmate Ma needs a deed to enhance his influence and prestige in the guild. Shen Chen’s Minerva came to him, apart from anything else, he picked up a whole car of high quality from the warehouse. Magic Stone, ready to go!

Shen Chen is also waiting for classmate Ma to solve his most urgent funding problem. What's more, he needs a helper to help him promote Minerva's ability in the game world.

Student Ma and the University of Commerce need influence and the ability to guide the copy; Shen Chen needs funds and promotion, and the two complement each other, and they think of one piece!

So Shen Chen said: "Of course I think of you. This time I not only plan to provide this to you, but also plan to cooperate. The ability of the V0.01 version of the game world manager of the goddess of wisdom is not only on the surface, but also Including task analysis, task chain item information...guild assistant, shared warehouse, etc. powerful functions! How!"

Student Ma was taken aback, he was really amazed by the power of Minerva, which is not worse than the Data Analysis Association! (Of course, legendary ability + system~~)

What’s more exciting is that Shen Chen still intends to take him. It’s almost doze when someone passes a pillow. However, he feels more and more that Shen Chen, who continues to surprise him, has greater potential and can keep up with him, even if It’s for some soup. Our business family in Shangdu can finally seize the opportunity to get ahead!

So he involuntarily planned for Shen Chen and said: "Cooperation, of course, is good. I don't know if you have found a good third party, preferably a legendary asylum or top power!"

"Yeah" Shen Chen admitted that he did ignore this point. After all, he had just come to Gaem World for three months, and many concepts have not yet been reversed; Minerva's ability will inevitably become a force coveted by many forces, if not People as shelter can only be wedding dresses.

However, he thought of Su Yutong in the next second. Although their family was not very good, her father...Shen Chen suddenly remembered that Su Yutong told him that Su Qin's career and strength were progressing. Because of the atmosphere, I ignored the past, but now I think of it:

"Isn't Su Qin the pinnacle of the master before? The strength has improved again? That is not a legend! A good idea!" Shen Chen quietly praised his thoughts.

Not only that, but Shen Chen didn't even know that the old man in the stargazing tower once again cast his eyes on him, as if knocking on the chair, and instructed the waiting subordinates, "Improve Shen Chen's security level. Well, the emergence of the game world has intensified, and it's time for the game world to enter an eventful season again!"

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