
Chapter 462 Silencing

There are no bunkers on the highway, and the only ones that can serve as bunkers are a total of five vehicles.

Three are bulletproof and two are not.

Normally, the party that occupies the bulletproof bunker will have a unique advantage. If the number of people is equal, it can even directly suppress the party without bulletproof bunker.

However, the Dongfeng Corps had a first-mover advantage.

Before the passengers in the three bulletproof vehicles got out of the car, the 11 people had already formed a combat formation and surrounded the No. 1 and No. 2 vehicles, suppressing the passengers in the vehicles and restricting their activities. space.

Although the remaining passengers on Car No. 3 got off smoothly, Chen Chen, Li Bang and Yang Shu were no slower than them. After two grenades and two shock bombs were thrown, the two sides also entered a stalemate.

Bullets kept flying across the road, and the armor of the bulletproof vehicle was crackling. Chen Chen knew that under the current situation, every second of stalemate continued, the greater the danger to his side.

Therefore, he did not hesitate, but directly ordered the smoke to be suppressed. Then he put on the barrage thermal imager produced by Pulsar and began to try to advance in the direction of the No. 3 vehicle.

The reason why they did not choose to support other team members who surrounded Cars 1 and 2 was because they took into account the fighting positions of both sides.

Now the two sides have formed a "sandwich biscuit" layout, and the Dongfeng Corps is sandwiched in the middle.

If you want to break the balance of power, you must start with the opponent's weakest No. 3 car and completely defeat them!

"Throw all the grenades!"

Chen Chen gave an order loudly, and then, three Maozi cannons were shot almost simultaneously, throwing them in the direction of the bulletproof vehicle.

Without giving the people in the car any time to react, three grenades directly hit the car body and exploded. The huge impact shattered the car window glass, but because of the special bulletproof design, the car doors and windows were not blown open.

The co-pilot who got out of the car first had been knocked down by a grenade. Chen Chen quickly stepped forward to seize the door position, but what he didn't expect was that at the last moment of his life, the agent did not choose to fight back with a gun. He slammed the car door hard!

This action caused him to completely lose the chance to fight back. Chen Chen's two bullets accurately hit his head, sending him to where he should go.

But the closed car door also hindered Chen Chen's further attack. Within two seconds of his pause, a grenade suddenly fell from the crack of the car window.


Chen Chen turned over and fell backwards. The moment he landed, the grenade exploded.

The slanted car body blocked most of the fragments, and Chen Chen was not directly injured. But the problem was that the moment he retreated, the car door was already wide open, and the muzzle of the loaded gun was quickly pointed in his direction!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

A series of gunshots rang out, but it was not Chen Chen who was shot.

Li Bang, who was following behind, was completely unmoved when Chen Chen called for cover. His muzzle was always pointed at the car door. The moment the opponent made a move, he immediately fired a series of short bursts to push the opponent back again. !

Chen Chen struggled to turn over and shot continuously at the car window from a lying position.

At this time, if the opponent takes the risk of getting out of the car, he will be knocked down directly by the oncoming bullets!

However, the CIA is not stupid.

After confirming and losing their advantage, they gave up getting out of the car to resist. Instead, the driver stepped on the accelerator and made a U-turn, running straight towards Chen Chen!

Chen Chen rolled to avoid it, and the wheel narrowly missed him by less than 5 centimeters outside his thigh. Then, the car quickly retreated and hit Chen Chen again, who had just stood up.

This time, he couldn't avoid it.


After a loud noise, Chen Chen lay down on the trunk of the bulletproof car.

At the last second before the impact, he instinctively jumped up and raised the gun, thus avoiding being directly crushed under the car.

The car was still retreating at high speed, and Li Gang and Yang Shu had no chance to shoot.

Chen Chen tried his best to climb up, but before he could find a point of support that he could use his strength to support, he suddenly stopped and was thrown violently out!


A dull impact sounded, and Chen Chen's helmet hit the ground hard.

This time, even if you are the God of War descending to earth, it is impossible for you to not react at all.

Huge dizziness hit, and Chen Chen's vision went dark.

At this time, he had completely lost the ability to think independently. He felt that a long time had passed, as if he had slept for a long time. But when his vision returned, what he saw was a car reversing towards him at high speed. Car taillights.

where am I?

What are you doing?

Chen Chen subconsciously rolled to the right to avoid the car, but he seemed to have lost all memory.

Why is there a gun in your hand?

Why are there gunshots around me?

Who are those voices in the headphones coming from?

Chen Chen's brain seemed to be frozen. He had no idea what state he was in now or what he was going to do.

He actually remembered that he had traveled through time, and that he had built a huge family fortune in Pubei.

But shouldn’t I still be in Myitkyina?

At this time, a sharp brake sound sounded, and the car that tried to run over him stopped beside Chen Chen.

The car body separated the approaching Li Bang and Yang Shu on the other side, and the car door facing Chen Chen was violently pushed open!

Time seemed to pass very slowly. At this moment, Chen Chen's mind was completely blank.

However, the speed of his thinking seemed to have accelerated unprecedentedly.

He somehow guessed the enemy's intentions.

The moment the brakes sounded, he had already transformed into a prone posture and pointed the gun at the car door.

The moment the door opened, his bullets entered the car faster than the enemy.

The enemy's right hand trying to throw the grenade was hit by a bullet, and the grenade that had not been released fell into the car.

Chen Chen rushed forward, slammed into the car door with all his strength, and held on tightly.


The huge impact knocked Chen Chen over again through the car door. Thick smoke billowed out of the car. Chen Chen struggled to raise the gun again, but fortunately, there was no movement in the car.

Only then did Chen Chen feel the severe pain in his arms and head.

He reached out subconsciously and found that a large gash had been cut on his forehead.

And his helmet had been torn off, and a glass fragment exploded by the grenade shock wave was shallowly inserted into the top of his head at a rather funny angle.


The helmet fell loose, and the glass fragments got into the gap under the helmet, hit the inner wall and tore off the helmet buckle, and then rebounded and penetrated into my scalp before the remaining kinetic energy was consumed.

Fortunately, the wound was not too deep.

But his left arm was seriously broken.

At this time, Li Gang and Yang Shu had rushed to cover nearby. Yang Shu fired at the enemy in the car, while Li Bang quickly checked Chen Chen's injuries and loudly asked about his status.

But Chen Chen suddenly realized that he didn't recognize the two people in front of him at all.


Chen Chen finally understood his situation, and he immediately said:

"The memory card fell loose."

"Temporary amnesia!"

"I don't know what the situation is now, and I can't remember who you are at all."

"But no matter who you are, you take over the command!"


Li Bang nodded without hesitation, then stretched out his hand to try to lift Chen Chen up.

"Don't worry about me, my left arm is broken, it doesn't affect my movement!"

As he spoke, Chen Chen squatted down, then pointed the muzzle of the gun to his right foot, knelt down, sandwiched the handguard between his thighs, quickly removed the magazine, replaced the new magazine with the bolt, and loaded the gun, all in one movement.

By the time Li Bang stood up again, Chen Chen had already stood up simultaneously and raised the muzzle of his gun.

"Indicate the target!"

"Suppress the enemies in two black bulletproof cars!"

In a very simple sentence, the current combat goal is accurately expressed.

Chen Chen nodded immediately and then asked:

"Understood! Kill or capture?"

"Kill to death!"

"Put the car on top, blow up the gas tank and burn them! Did you penetrate the incendiary bomb?"

"There is no incendiary bomb, you can ignite it manually!"

As he spoke, Li Bang made quick gestures.

After seeing his actions, the driver who was on standby quickly backed the car back to the three of them. Immediately afterwards, Li Gang relayed Chen Chen's order, then tore off a large piece of cloth from Chen Chen's damaged sleeve and twisted it. Opened the fuel tank and stuffed it right in!

The cloth strip was quickly soaked with gasoline. Li Gang lit it and said:

"Suppress and cover with all your strength! Get on the boat!"

The team member who called Xiaozhou stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward without even the slightest hesitation.

The pickup truck slammed into one of the bulletproof cars that had lost mobility and was parked on the road. Xiaozhou opened the door and jumped out of the car, leaving behind an open grenade.


He ran less than 20 meters when the grenade exploded violently at the bottom of the car.

However, the power of a grenade is still too weak compared to a car with fully thickened armor.

The car body was only slightly shaken, and the occupants inside were not even substantially injured.


But then, a more "slight" explosion sounded.

Then, the already ignited pickup truck exploded into a ball of fire!

The burning heat burned the passengers in the car in the direction of the wind, and they were finally forced to a corner.

The passenger and rear seat doors of the car are opened at the same time, and the trunk is also opened by remote control operation.

Then, violent firing sounded inside the car. At that moment, the agents at the door launched a ferocious counterattack against the suppressive firepower of the Dongfeng Corps.

Fired in three directions at the same time, and someone from the Dongfeng Corps immediately fell to the ground.

The team members around him dragged the wounded into the bunker again, while Li Bang, Yang Shu and Chen Chen arrived to fill in the vacant firepower.

Both sides have no room to retreat. The only thing they can do is to shoot all the bullets in their hands at the enemy in the shortest possible time!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

The gunfire was so intense that three enemies immediately fell to the ground, and two members of the Dongfeng Corps also fell.

At the same time, the door of the last car also opened.

Two dark gun barrels protruded from the gap in the bulletproof car door, and then, dazzling sparks were sprayed from the muzzles.



After two rounds of bullets, Banqiao, who was hiding behind the remaining pickup truck, fell to the ground instantly.

"Fuck! Armor-piercing bullets!"

A shout came from Chen Chen's earphones. He immediately looked at the position of the enemy's gun. What he saw was a rifle with a sci-fi feel.


No, not a rifle.

It's a shotgun.

UTS-15 shotgun.

The bullet penetrated directly through the pickup truck and hit the team members behind it.

This kind of armor-piercing capability can only be achieved by tungsten steel sabot single-head bullets!

"What level of body armor do we have?!"

Chen Chen asked loudly.

"Level 4!"

Li Bang answered immediately, and Chen Chen had the idea instantly.

The two guns' head start effect is indeed outstanding, but the problem is that even large-caliber rifle bullets may not be able to penetrate body armor, but your tungsten carbide single-point bullet can penetrate it?

Do not make jokes!

"Get on top! Get on top! Don't be afraid!"

"Grenade first!"


In an instant, all the team members started to move.

While maintaining suppression of the only remaining enemy in another car that was already on fire, several grenades were thrown at the target vehicle almost at the same time.


Continuous explosions sounded, and the enemy closed the car door in a blink of an eye, escaping this wave of explosion damage.

But at the same time, all three remaining members of the Dongfeng Corps who were still capable of action had already pressed forward.

Chen Chen held the gun in one hand, and the muzzle of the gun was unprecedentedly stable.

At this time, the enemies in the car seemed to have realized that they were going to die. When everyone surrounded them, they chose to fight to the death.

The car door flew open.

Immediately afterwards, from a distance of less than 10 meters, the two sides started shooting at each other wildly.

At this moment, the disadvantage of the pump-action shotgun's slow rate of fire was clearly demonstrated. The bullet hit Li Bang, who was at the front. He only shook slightly, then continued to tighten the trigger of the PKM and tilted the bullet into the car.

In just 30 seconds, a drum drum was completely empty.

The muzzles of PKM are directly painted red, and have even changed from dark red to bright red.

There was no more movement in the car. Before Chen Chen could speak, Li Bang shouted:

"Grenade throw!"

Then, a grenade flew into the car through the gap in the door. After an explosion, the entire highway returned to silence.

"Replenish your guns and prepare to retreat."

Li Bang gave the order again. At this time, Chen Chen still had not recovered his memory. He just instinctively followed the instructions and fought instinctively.

All three cars were cleared, and Li helped identify the bodies one by one. After looking at all the cars, his brows suddenly frowned.

"I don't recognize the target."

"Captain, which one is the target?"

"Who is the target?"

Chen Chen asked.

"Andrea, head of the CIA."


Chen Chen pointed to a corpse with a half-broken face and answered without hesitation.


"One hundred percent sure!"

Chen Chen answered decisively.

He knew that he had only temporarily lost his recent memory due to the violent impact. From a medical point of view, this was a temporary disorder caused by the impact on the hippocampal structure, and it would not affect the reading of long-term memory.

So, if you remember this is Andrea, then he must be Andrea.

"Understood. Target eliminated, prepare to evacuate."

"Check the wounded!"


Li Bang gave the order and everyone started to move.

Then, he looked at Chen Chen slightly amusedly and said:

"Captain, you don't remember who I am, but you remember Andrea's face."

Chen Chen himself found it a bit funny. He knew clearly that he was very close to the man in front of him, and he should be the toughest comrade-in-arms, but he really didn't know who he was.

It's not that I can't remember the name, it's that I can't remember anything related to him.

"It's okay, I'll recover, it just takes a few hours."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, the last pickup truck had started.

But just as he got on the pickup truck and prepared to evacuate with the team, the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from the air.

Chen Chen's hair stood on end.

"Get off the car! Take cover to the side of the road!"

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